fix articles 100275, controlled demolition
"Explosive" 9/11 Documentary Premieres in San Diego (tags)
One day before the film's "official" premiere in Beverly Hills, architect Richard Gage and other members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth showed their new film, "9/11: Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out" at the Joyce Beers Community Center in San Diego. Its thesis is that "controlled demolition," not fires caused by the impacts of the planes hitting the buildings, brought down the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.
Zahir Ebrahim's Comment on Judy Wood's 'The New Hiroshima' and 'Where did the towers go?' (tags)
Therefore, for those attempting to study 9/11, it is primarily a forensic case for a Sherlock Holmes and a Hercule Poirot who can draw on expert opinions as pertinent and set aside other expert opinions as false, rather than some some simplistic noble minded (and Nobel minded) scientists and self-ascribed scholars of truth assuming that the only thing false about 9/11 was the false-flag operation of demolishing the towers, but everything else is straightforward including the “evidence”. Nothing is straightforward. A criminal mind that can plan and execute the 9/11 as 'Operation Canned Goods' for creating the pretext for “imperial mobilization” is certainly also diabolically smart enough to realize that it also would require cover stories and the subsequent spins, including leaving a trail of enticing red herrings right at the crime scene. If an overzealous detective picks up one or more of these red herrings as if they are real clues, and creates his erudite analysis on this “evidence”, you know where he ends up – in the woods! No pun intended.
9/11 Revisted: 10th Year! Some American Voices (tags)
The irreversible power of fait accompli - Where Did the Towers Go? Does it matter? Ten years later, the world still awaits an effective political-judicial-legislative-accountability-enforcement path from demonstrating 9/11 Truth being an Operation Canned Goods to derailing Imperial Mobilization!
Rt Mjr Gen Stubblebine Blows Whistle on 9/11 Inside Job (tags)
For those of you who have been waiting for someone from the establishment to speak out, here it is on video: Rt. Army Major General Albert Stubblebine says a plane did not hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers & Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. A second video provides the scientific evidence of the controlled demolition.
Italian Television the Latest to Enter the “911” Ring (tags)
In late April, Italian Television, Canale 5, aired a segment by that presents many questions to the official story of one of the most tragic events in US History.
9-11: Proof of Controlled Demolition with Richard Gage, (tags)
Architect, Richard Gage explores the flawed conclusions of the 911 Commission report and the conclusions of NIST, in this new presentation on evidence supporting controlled demolition for World Trade 1, 2 and 7.
World Trade Center Destruction Was Controlled Demolition - Now there's PROOF (tags)
The following is an article posted to the Portland IMC on June 17, 2006 (with the addition of his source). It tells of the discovery (proof) that the Trade Center buildings were brought down by a controlled demolition on 9/11. He provides a link to his source at the bottom of this article.
Griffin Seals Case for WTC Demolition, Calls on NY Times to End Coverup (tags)
In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."
Controlled Demolition proof!
Former Bush Team Member-WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition (tags)
author: Greg Szymanski Highly recognized former chief economist in Labor Department now doubts official 9/11 story, claiming suspicious facts and evidence cover-up indicate government foul play and possible criminal implications.
'Dude, Where's the 9/11 Beef?' (tags)
The difference between Michael Moore and Alex Jones comes down to this: Moore profits from 9/11 --with 20/10 hindsight-- after the event. Whereas, Jones predicted 9/11 --on air in July, 2001; made a better movie: '9/11: Road to Tyranny'; and virtually gives it away.
Anomalies involving the collapse of WTC buildings on 9-11 are discussed from the perspective of possible controlled demolition implosion rather than of aircraft impact and fuel-fire damage. Considered is the possible use of thermite to melt sections of the columns of the WTC towers inner cores, thus aiding in their collapse.