fix articles 100260, evangelical
A great experience for Mr Obama and the Congress (tags)
A successful example of SUS
The Michael Slate Show on KPFK 90.7 FM, broadcast January 29, 2010.
Holy Scripture is the Standard, not Capitalism (tags)
Describing the dominant system as a social market economy is a deception. Social justice should be the integrating element of our economic order. Justice is not something additional to faith in God. Trust in the invisible hand is the core of the religion of the market.
The Forgotten Priority of Labor Over Capital (tags)
Politics is responsible for a social market economy and its rules and structures. When the state is reduced to only setting the framework for competition and then appeals to the responsibility of individual entrepreneurs, one falls at once in a neoliberal trap.
Without Ethics the Economy Runs into the Wall (tags)
Only 27% of Germans think the population benefits when business does well. Only 40% believe the economy and the population sit in the same boat. With tendencies to screen itself socially and give priority to its own goals, the economy loses the important capital of trust.
Prisons Purging Books on Faith From Libraries (tags)
The lists “show a bias toward evangelical popularism and Calvinism,” he said, and lacked materials from early church fathers, liberal theologians and major Protestant denominations.
New Film Exposes evangelical Hypocrisy/ Bush War Crimes (tags)
Real Christians Don't Choose War
Christmas Sermon - Understanding Faith (tags)
No one is excluded from the Christmas prophet in the prophet Isaiah: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Biblical faith in its core is trust in God, not in ourselves.
Leader of evangelical group quits amid gay-sex allegations (tags)
This Christian hypocrite who has been pushing the hate gays christian line turns out to be gay.
Armageddon and the Apocalyptic "Holocaust" (tags)
Originally Chriistianity was community opposing the idols of war and wealth. In the 20th century, Chrisitanity in the US was corrupted to a prosperity religion. To end-time fundamentalists, the worse it becomes the better.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer,t he highest name in Germany, was put to death in the Flossen-berg concentration camp on April 9, 1945. In extreme situations, the question how a future generation can live is primary, not how one can come out the affair blamelessly.
Christian Fascists At Air Force Academy Threaten Humanity (tags)
Christian fascists are making the publicly-funded science college, the Air Force Academy, a bastion of superstitition and fascism, putting the military in the position of endangering all of humanity with their belief in the "second coming" and "end time" and their access to nuclear weapons. It was the US Air Force that made possible the 9/11 Inside Job.