fix articles 100007, after lincoln
100 Years of Financial Terrorism (tags)
This is the heritage of the Democratic Party (tags)
This is the heritage of the Democratic Party
a collective response to a collective injustice (tags)
a collective response to a collective injustice
Ignoring and Distorting the truth (tags)
Ignoring and Distorting the truth
Reagan Replace Hamilton on the Ten-Spot? Not! (tags)
A move is afoot to supplant Alexander Hamilton’s image on the very currency he helped strengthen with that of a recently-departed president whose main political achievement was establishing style over substance. Should we put Ronald Reagan’s mouth (and the rest of his face, and for that matter, his hair) where our money is? For the answer, read on.
COUPWATCH: The Court Packs Itself (tags)
No Justice, No Justices--it's not just a wild-eyed idea from the fringe. After Lincoln's assassination the Congress blocked Andrew Johnson's threat to consolidate the conservative wing of the Court, preventing the replacement of retiring justices by the man made President by John Wilkes Booth. A similar logic applies today, argues distinguished political philosopher and constitutional scholar Bruce Ackerman (author of "Social Justice in the Liberal State") in an article published in The American Prospect.