An Open Letter of Conscience and Choice

ahamed muhaiyaddeen, amy kahn, author, but howard dean, carolina eastwood, chetan parkyn, choice  spiritual, consciousness, dan millman, debbie milam, dick cheney, edwards, elizabeth ann bloom, founder, george w. bush, gina rabbin, here there, inner, j. davis, j. krishnamurti, john, john edwards, john friend, john kerry, jonathan granoff, journey, judith whitson, kanu kogod, larry robinson, laura r. davis, lee skutch, mary alice, meditation communities, not just, not just for, ourselves, pamela miles, rabbi michael lerner, rabbin, radical spirit, riane eisler, robert, robert rabbin, robert skutch, sandra sedgbeer, sharon steffensen, sister mary jude jun, speaker, spiritual, stephen dinan, stephen mitchell, supreme court, tami coyne, teacher, tom hayden, ursuline sister, vote, waking down, we have, wellness expo, william w. whitson, world, writer, yoga