by La Santa Bertha Saturday, Mar. 23, 2024 at 10:02 PM
xeledoll@yahoo.com 5547838371 Calle 2 Privada Porfirio Diaz # 16 Colonia Pantitlan

And I repeat to you once again JIMMY PAGE and all this is true because I do not have the bad taste to make other people waste their time or waste the mine, but LED ZEPPELIN with my songs can change the world again, just as The Beatles did it in 1964, but if you don't want to do it, EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock And Band changes it if I don't die first…

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And excuse me, JIMMY PAGE, but many friends have already recommended that I not ask anyone for a nanny because all famous artists like you are plagiarized by clever scroungers who impersonate you to rob fools like me, that's why I'm going to have to commit suicide myself for my daring to believe that I was talking to THE real JIMMY PAGE…


and if it's really you, why don't you help me unconditionally because in return I would give you all the songs of EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band completely free so that LED ZEPPELIN returns to the top of all the rock bands in the world world and because I can do it without having any misgivings, it is because I never got married or had children scattered around to make the world suffer, that is why all my work will remain in The Public Domain and thank you very much for everything. El Robert M. Sánchez ¡!!!


And I repeat to you once again JIMMY PAGE and all this is true because I do not have the bad taste to make other people waste their time or waste the mine, but LED ZEPPELIN with my songs can change the world again, just as The Beatles did it in 1964, but if you don't want to do it, EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock And Band changes it if I don't die first…


because those who knew me in 1970 said that I was way ahead of my time with respect to the books by La Santa Bertha and the songs of El Pheri Sánchez and if this is so, it wouldn't be about me today in 2024 before/because death is already knocking on the door of the house and I'm just telling you that you you lose it, with all my love. El Robert M. Sánchez ¡!!!



La Santa Bertha.