by La Santa Bertha Friday, Mar. 22, 2024 at 9:53 AM 5547838371 Calle 2 Privada Porfirio Diaz # 16 Colonia Pantitlan

in the 70's I had a fantastic dream where I was a millionaire and I wanted to form The Beethoven's rock band, but the problem I had was that each element of EL BEETHO should not repeat an element of other rock bands because if I did it would no longer be possible. It would be no joke to do it because I would have to take all the members of LED ZEPPELIN from all sides and that would be the end of my problems.

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Rock Band


in the 70's I had a fantastic dream where I was a millionaire and I wanted to form The Beethoven's rock band, but the problem I had was that each element of EL BEETHO should not repeat an element of other rock bands because if I did it would no longer be possible. It would be no joke to do it because I would have to take all the members of LED ZEPPELIN from all sides and that would be the end of my problems.


that's why we all already knew that since I couldn't choose El Robert Plant who today and always continues to be the best singer of all the rock bands ever and that's why the winner to be the singer of EL BEETHO was ERIC BURDON.


And when we went to the guitar we knew that we were going to have problems to overcome because we had Jimmy Hendrix and Eric Clapton ahead of us, but we got rid of the problem because we had previously selected the best creative musician who told him in each work of art a fantastic story to the children of the town with the magic electric guitar and that is why he was going to face the violinist Antonio Vivaldi to see who of the two turned out to be the winner, and this genius was called, not to mention it in the present time; EL JIMMY PAGE because in his long creative career no one could give him a damn shadow to protect himself from music critics.


On the bass (4-string bass guitar) we couldn't choose John Paul Jones either because he belonged to Led Zeppelin, so ROGER GLOVER secured his place, although we know of many good bassists like Mel Schacher, Ric Grech, John Deacon and many others. further.


On the piano we have many candidates to select, such as Ray Manzarek, who we take advantage of to stone The Doors' ranch because how is it possible that there being so many good musicians in the streets begging for alms, this thug from Ray for wanting to show off playing the piano with just one hand and with his left he wiped his tail so as not to hire a bassist and that stone also goes to my idol EL JIMMY PAGE who, due to his universal ability, did not need a bassist because he covered all the silences of the music with the guitar and commanded the John Paul Jones to be pitiful on the keyboards when Led Zeppelin always needs a bass so the stage doesn't look so empty with the four elements and as very owners of their atole if LA SANTA BERTHA had been the manager of the band without a doubt she would have given a job to a helpless bassist, that's why without a doubt KEITH EMERSON is the absolute owner of the piano because he has no competition in that discipline.


And here we go again with the same problems because we know that no one beats John Bonham at playing the drums, that's why we always insist on saying that LED ZEPPELIN will pass the years and will always remain valid and if EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band doesn't arrive to put them on Instead, forget about the other rock bands to appear in El Primer Lugar or perhaps wait for El Siglo 25 if Led Zeppelin lets them work because if they weren't called Led Zeppelin, these London geniuses would easily have been to call THE SOUND MACHINE and how I got to see Los Zeros play at El Manchinnis back in La Canoga Park California and almost certainly EL MISTER INSANE, the band's drummer, almost left out ROGER TAYLOR.


And if the idiots of the readers have not yet realized, we have never named any element of The Rolling Stones because they are as bad as pork and Mick Taylor had already said it in an interview, when I arrived from Los John Mayall's Bluesbreakers to The Rolling Stones I cursed my life because I thought oh my god where did I fall because these semi-musicians, if that's what you can call them, sounded so out of tune that a garage band gave them a coupling chair and when they called me for the first rehearsal, all the musicians of The Rolling Stones dropped their panties with pure envy when they heard me play the guitar and if through the years we always said that El Robert M. Sánchez is the worst guitarist in history, this filthy Mexican teaches Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood how to play the guitar with their paws, who wouldn't even appear on the list of the 100 best guitarists in Rolling Stones Magazine if they could paid the owners, and when it comes to singing Mick Jagger's trumpet he's so bad that compared to El Bob Dylan, Dylan should be called LUCIANO PAVOROTTI.



La Santa Bertha.