by La Santa Bertha Sunday, Jan. 21, 2024 at 11:11 PM
xeledoll@yahoo.com +525547838371 Calle 2 Privada Porfirio Diaz # 16 Colonia Pantitlan

I answered that if they dared to sell a child because that is what it means to me if I granted them the copy rights of that musical work, but that I would do it because I no longer wanted to continue living under the shadows of anonymity and with respect to music the movies, I told them, just play the tape on the big screen, but without sound so that the images resonate in my brain and compose everything you want with the piano in front of the chair where I was going to enjoy the movie with a acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, the recorders and the music theory teacher to write the scores.

I AM, I SAID....
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And we journalists who investigate the talented people of the world, at least those who are still alive because most of them have already jumped ahead of us by jumping into the mass grave, but thank God that before leaving for the other neighborhood we managed to discover to the greatest genius that the solar system has ever produced and let's see how he explains to us all his traumas of failures with his battered vocabulary. El Robert M. Sánchez.


LET'S LISTEN TO HIM, and what a bad start the week is for those who hang on mondays because after I went downtown to buy electrical equipment, I arrived at my motor winding workshop and found my brother El San in the middle of the street waving both hands in despair everything loudly telling me that something serious was happening and when I approached Elías, he immediately told me that somebody had spoken to me on the phone about La Warner Brother.


And the secretary had done it by telling him in english that Mr. Haward, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. González and Mr. Ríos urged them to talk to me although my brother only understood with smoke signals because he did not want to learn english lenguaje until we were famous.


the thing was that around 8 at night the phone call came from Burbank, California, Mexico to tell me if I wanted to do a rock concert tour of The United Mexican States of The North with EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band starting in Los Angeles. California Mexico and ending in New York Mexico, plus two recordings of albums with 12 songs each, scoring about 20 films that they couldn't broadcast for that reason and selling them my last professional recording called FRIGHTFUL.


I answered that if they dared to sell a child because that is what it means to me if I granted them the copy rights of that musical work, but that I would do it because I no longer wanted to continue living under the shadows of anonymity and with respect to music the movies, I told them, just play the tape on the big screen, but without sound so that the images resonate in my brain and compose everything you want with the piano in front of the chair where I was going to enjoy the movie with a acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, the recorders and the music theory teacher to write the scores.




and when my family found out, everything in the house was happiness and joy because we knew that with my work we were going to change the world just like The Beatles did far away in the last century in the year 1964, but after 3 months these 5 people made fun of me by backing away and magically disappearing from the planet to never be found again by sky, sea and land.



The Robert M. Sánchez.



La Santa Bertha

your lying little ass.

Original: I AM, I SAID.