by La Santa Bertha Sunday, Jan. 07, 2024 at 5:35 AM +525547838371 Calle 2 Privada Porfirio Diaz # 16 Colonia Pantitlan

ANECDOTE In the very distant past, The Toltec Troops were sent to conflict universes to save the local garrisons, but they fell into corruption because they left their homeland to reach unknown territories to fight for a leader who offered nothing in return and for for this reason they were easily defeated by The Toltec Troops and not only because of their very powerful enemy, but because the poisonous sensitivity that reigned there was enough to wisely retreat immediately.

THE 000'oo UNIVERSE...
la-imagen-mas-hermosa-de-todo-el-universo-observable.jpg, image/jpeg, 615x409


in his former 10th Power


For Sure, Ensures and Perfect…


And not all universes are condemned to be born and die necessarily because not all of them are depending on their structure, their nomenclature or birth because first we have to make sure what energy is being handled by the opposite side to know the vital numbers for their subsistence.


And without bragging too much so as not to be fatuous, we know many universes that do not work like Universe Zero because since it was born it remained like The 620 am Radio Station, which is here to stay because it was born from a real and exquisite family that was gifted by an internal mind that keeps them alive in The 7 Eternities forever and indefinitely, that is why their constellations are rich in minerals, abundant flora and fauna of all kinds, but well controlled so that the animals do not kill each other and we do not kill them to eat them because our motto is…




In a Silver Crib a baby was born, with White Cotton Pillows and Fine Silver Linen Blankets with Black Ribbons, like a rich child from La Lomas de Chapultepec, see.


in a similarity, so it is The Zero Universe and here we are going to abbreviate it to address it by calling it zero or cerontas because the movement will be eternal, just and for all eternity.


And according to The Original Observer, the zero has the perfect numbering and for that reason it does not have any opponent and much less parking problems because it is located high up and looking from the ground its direction would be The Big Dipper, but in the third plane and PUTA MADRE I'm going to have to explain it to you because all of you are very dangerous donkeys when it comes to ignorance...



Outside this universe there is an empty cluster of energy where its gravity does not allow it to get closer or further away from nothing, this would be like The First Plane and The Second Plane manages a series of inter sections that end up being an unconquerable labyrinth of mathematical functions where it is not advisable to approach because if it catches you will never be able to get out of the mess at least alive, but in the vice of confiscations no one is allowed to die and that is a damn curse.


and in The Third Plane of activities The Universes begin where their nomenclature naturally gives them the place that corresponds to them and from then on you will already imagine Los Z's.


And if the distance of Cerontas could be measured with a meter, we would have to count one hundred thousand billion universes, which would be such a chilling sum that to reach the limits of ZERO, but you need to be very peanut-like to reach Elías and, above all, to discover the access key that is multiplied -0x0- to give you the result of…




but as a control guide in The Tibetan Monasteries they have it cataloged as The Suka in The Akashic Records where they explain that Universe Zero is one of the largest bubbles that exist in El Muelle Rusticano de San Valentín and that its energy stabilizes everything the furniture of the resistance in – 10th Power and that sometimes has the luxury of having three-star solar systems and that their combined heat rises beyond 3 Billion Degrees but cooled by a type of pure hydrogen in the desired parts.


And within the perimeter of ZERO there are millions of galaxies, in the center and a little loaded to the left is a galaxy called The Simby Bartley located at 45GGW38-20-14-URF reaching 1480 Degrees in Laining of 8754 in Vortel to 2114 in Crossler.


And among this galaxy is a trisolar system that rotates at 41 Degrees East, 180 Degrees Alt and 180 Degrees Hover, called The Bicentennial for its two Inauguration epochs.


And this solar system has 10 planets named from The Beginning as:


Loketir, Arebastos, Malery, Landy Piters, Rakuda, Elovist, Abulerty, Mosi-on, Rakerly and And to And.


And right in El Centro we have a set of three suns of considerable size called Muneka, Esbirro and Salerosa, that is,

2 old women for a single bato and this triplet of associations are called La Rosenda with an energy that gives an image of light that is 10 times whiter and this advantage makes us see things more clearly no matter how insignificant they may be or how insignificant they may be at a long distance.


And we also know that in Universe Zero there is a variety of very abundant animal life and intelligent life that does not harm nature, but only in the most strategic places because it is so large that The 7 Eternities is -1 for us. Look for a selected area where the beings that live there are so special that they give us the impression of being gifted.


And they are the ones who perfectly rule the destinies of The 000'oo Universe.


without a doubt there Justice is The Honesty of Reason where the inhabitants are not allowed to be above The Law damn word that The Mexican demagogues use to convert it into money, while they rob the country shamelessly and in the light of day and even right now we don't have any other information to break it down, that's why The Vivals take all the cows home to milk them.


That is what bothers us in an angry way when we are seeing all the horrible things that are happening to The Candle's Light Universe or you might call it The Rainbow’s Colors Universe where Planet Earth is located, but we do not find GOD to help it and shake them the scorpions on the back because the hordes surpass us from One to a Thousand Boopers.


This is how The Candle's Light spends it in every corner of this still beautiful universe that is heading straight to its destruction on a journey of no return.


It is nice when you meet people who are truly kind, friendly and trustworthy because they never take care of each other and we are not unaware that we all have negative tendencies to be criminals and we are all tempted to be so but common sense tells us that it is a fatal mistake and then we automatically stop from hurting others when the result hurts us more.


At least that's how people from zero act, because sometimes they are on the verge of failing, but they think quickly so as not to destroy their lives and stop quickly to get back on the right path. And day by day, women and men grow in experience to be better and endure adversity with more aplomb to learn that the best thing about the land is to live in peace and not only with others but with oneself.


Or could it be that when you fall into La Vela you just happen to be???



Murderer- Murderer





And with respect to sexuality at zero it is a flare of invocations, but nevertheless all Living Beings are given a pre-season of conditioning so that they know everything they need to know about sex both as men and as women, because by the time they come of age everyone has already perfectly selected the desired personality and thus live happily for all eternity.


but as El Horno keeps stoking the fire...

Marasgo is Perfect.



In the very distant past, The Toltec Troops were sent to conflict universes to save the local garrisons, but they fell into corruption because they left their homeland to reach unknown territories to fight for a leader who offered nothing in return and for for this reason they were easily defeated by The Toltec Troops and not only because of their very powerful enemy, but because the poisonous sensitivity that reigned there was enough to wisely retreat immediately.


Or you have to be very peanut to give up on time...

Or La Riata to defend yourself.



La Santa Bertha

your slouching ass.

Original: THE 000'oo UNIVERSE