by La Santa Bertha Friday, Dec. 29, 2023 at 5:25 PM 5547838371 Calle 2 Privada Porfirio Diaz # 16 Colonia Pantitlan

NOTE All religious people are waiting for The Antichrist because they think he is going to make a disaster on earth to destroy it, but if we apply the teachings of the same contradictory Bible where it says that this THIN, TALL and HANDSOME guy is going to do the complete opposite of what did Jesus Christ, we see that the Holy Inquisition for 2 thousand years has killed, robbed and hurt innocent beings in his name, so The Antichrist will do the opposite of Jesus Christ, it will be positive for people to live like people.

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And if we talk about truths and realities, The Anunnaki visit us every 3600 years when their planet Nibiru returns from its trip through the cosmos to go around the sun and return to the depths of the universe and that totally destroys The Christian Bible that copied all the teaching of La Mesopotamia.


And why is all this so, because The Christian Bible tells us about purely fictitious personalities that no one has been able to see, while The Anunnaki physically left the cuneiform clay tablets where they tell us about the history of their entire culture, their scientific advances and their great gods who turn out to be flying snakes and not gods, but much more intelligent than us.


And this leads us to define that there is no GOD in any of his DIVINE aspects, it is only a well-elaborated farce that some vivales use to subdue and rob humanity that allows itself to be carried away like perfect sheep, which is why we point out the position of the fakes as people see it...


JEHOVAH = Enlil = The Devil.

JESUS CHRIST = Thoth = Quetzalcoatl.

LUCIFER = The Antichrist = The Angel of Light.


And this is how we see it...


ENLIL = The Devil = Jehovah.

QUETZALCOATL = Thoth = Jesus Christ.

THE ANGEL OF LIGHT = Lucifer = The Antichrist.



All religious people are waiting for The Antichrist because they think he is going to make a disaster on earth to destroy it, but if we apply the teachings of the same contradictory Bible where it says that this THIN, TALL and HANDSOME guy is going to do the complete opposite of what did Jesus Christ, we see that the Holy Inquisition for 2 thousand years has killed, robbed and hurt innocent beings in his name, so The Antichrist will do the opposite of Jesus Christ, it will be positive for people to live like people.



La Santa Bertha

your rapist ass.