The Octopus of Davos and The club of right-wing apostles

by Kerstin Chavent and Thomas Schwendener Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023 at 10:33 PM

Decisions affecting all of humanity are being made undemocratically by a wealthy global elite. And yet most of us look the other way, as if the WEF were a charity that wants to make the world a better place - and not an unscrupulous community...

The Octopus of Davos

by Kerstin Chavent

[This article posted on January 18, 2023 is translated from the German on the Internet.]

From Lindner to Habeck to von der Leyen are currently - under the leadership of Big reset pope Klaus Schwab in Davos for the WEF. A courageous book clarifies the monstrous influence of the World Economic Forum. A guest contribution by Kerstin Chavent

With "The Davos Octopus. Attack of the WEF on Democracy" Miryam Muhm has succeeded in writing a masterpiece that leaves no doubt that a small circle of global corporations wants to bring the whole world under its control. For decades, the World Economic Forum and its chairman Klaus Schwab have been working to overturn the economic, political and social world order. Whether they will succeed depends on how many people have the courage to confront the facts and develop an awareness of their possibilities.

We know it: at the latest since the declaration of the corona pandemic in February 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF), its chairman Klaus Schwab and its plans for a Global Redesign and a Great Reset have come into the public eye. We know that the WEF is more than the name of an annual event in Davos, an innocuous gathering of a kind of global chic of representatives from business, politics, media and show business.

Even the monopoly encyclopedia Wikipedia describes the WEF's multistakeholder governance approach, whereby global decisions are no longer made intergovernmentally but in coalition with multinational corporations and civil society organizations. Global crises, it goes on to say, are used specifically to intensively advance the agenda of the elite community of interests. Criticisms such as financial opacity, unclear selection criteria, a burdensome ecological footprint, the appropriation of democratic structures and institutions, and the exclusion of critical media are no secret (1).

We know that a few thousand people are in the process of reshaping the world for their own benefit. It is well known that decisions affecting all of humanity are being made undemocratically by a wealthy global elite. And yet most of us look the other way, as if the Gates, Rockefellers and Buffets of this world were philanthropists giving back to the public what they have received from it, and the WEF a charity that wants to make the world a better place - and not an unscrupulous community of interests that takes everything from us: our freedom, our rights, our dignity, our humanity.

The great illusion

According to the recently published book World Economic Forum: The World Power in the Background (2), Europa Verlag will publish The Octopus of Davos in January 2023, underlining the great importance of revealing the true background of current developments (3). Based on conscientious and detailed research, journalist Miryam Muhm produces a mosaic of the World Economic Forum's sphere of influence that clearly shows the reader where the threads come together.

Point by point, she reveals that the Great Reset is nothing more than the quest for the elimination of democratic structures, the disenfranchisement of citizens, and ultimately, by means of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and biotechnology, total control over life.

What is sold as progress and protective measures is in reality the abolition of the human species, the devaluation of the conscious, responsible and independently thinking and acting individual to a superfluous subject and brainwashed biocomputer.

What sounds like a nightmare come true is a hard reality that is enforced by means we are all already familiar with: Programmable digital identity; the pursuit of a cashless society; the linking of digital currency to services and demands; credit cards that can be blocked if the carbon footprint exceeds a certain limit; accounts that are blocked if the user expresses an opinion that does not conform to the mainstream; alterations to the genome of future generations in order to "optimize" humans and, above all, the veiled subversion and eventual abolition of democracy.


Any form of freedom is an obstacle to the plans of the self-appointed elites. Their greatest enemy is democracy (4). As early as 2010, former Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer outed in an ARD broadcast that those who decide were not elected and those who were elected have nothing to decide. For decades, targeted efforts have been made to extend the power and influence of the global economic elite ever further and to transform democracies into repressive forms of government in which parliaments are bypassed.

The greatest window of opportunity to date for the implementation of these goals has been the so-called corona pandemic. This event, as can be read on the World Economic Forum site, was only a test run for the following controls, a kind of obedience test, which most people passed with flying colors (5). Minor opinions were deliberately discredited and criminalized. A new vocabulary was quickly put into circulation, with which the "lateral thinkers" and "conspiracy theorists" who did not want to bow to the state dictates were stigmatized as "anti-American," "anti-Semitic," "populist," "anti-social," and "right-wing extremists," confused spirits who must be brought back to the path of virtue by all means.

Despite all the revelations and disclosures, a large part of the population still believes today that it is really a matter of fighting a virus. Due to the credulity of these people, laws could be passed that lead to more and more loss of freedom and rights. When it comes to our alleged protection, we let everything happen to us. In 2021, for example, a law was passed that allows the intelligence services to install state Trojans on our smartphones and in our social networks and to spy on us.

Step by step

The central concern of the WEF is redistribution from the bottom to the top, from the South to the North, and from the public to the private sector. Nodes for the transformation lie in the financial industry and a number of predominantly U.S.-based economic complexes - including Silicon Valley - that are closely intertwined with intelligence agencies, the surveillance and security industry, the military sector, private media and Internet corporations, and a gigantic network of think tanks and NGOs. Like a gigantic octopus whose tentacles encompass the entire planet, the WEF realizes what is already laid out in Genesis: subdue the earth.

The issues WEF addresses leave no area of life untouched and affect everything we do and everything that concerns us: AI, cybersecurity, metaverse, climate change, education, workforce, agriculture, food, water, urbanization, diversity, inclusion, economic progress, innovation, energy, financial and monetary systems, health, mobility, action and investment.

With an annual turnover of 200 million euros, the WEF is a real money machine. 600,000 euros are paid by strategic partners. Companies such as Amazon, Alibaba, Allianz, AstraZeneca, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BlackRock, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Post, Ericsson, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hubert Burda Media, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, McKinsey & Company, Meta (Facebook), Microsoft, Nestlé, Paypal, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Siemens, The Coca-Cola Company, Uber Technologies, Unilever, Visa, Volkswagen Group, Volvo Group are the driving forces behind the Forum's programs.

One of the most important programs is the Forum of Young Global Leaders, a kind of cadre school that allows the WEF to funnel its people into governments around the world.

But the WEF's tentacles don't just snake through politics and into government cabinets; with the help of the Global University Leaders Forum, they also reach out to universities - including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, Princeton, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, and the universities of Tokyo, Beijing, Cambridge, Oxford, and Cape Town - and help determine their learning. The WEF also exerts its influence on the media landscape. In 2021, for example, the world's best-known news agency, Reuters, has signed an exclusive contract.

Everything according to plan

In the public eye, the WEF is always about something good, such as clean water, protecting the environment and the planet for future generations, or narrowing the gap between rich and poor. Just as European colonial powers once hid their plundering tactics behind the pretense of "civilizing" the world, the WEF hides its ruthless imposition of a new world order behind ostensibly noble goals and noble intentions.

In reality, economic disruption, stakeholder capitalism, Great Reset, digital surveillance, transhumanism, human genome modification, concentration of food production, table reset with insects and stem cell meat, financial reset, the creation of a technocratic plutocracy and the empowerment of supranational organizations at the expense of the sovereignty of individual states and fundamental rights are in the process of downright enslaving humanity.

Every means is being used to give corporations more power and democratic institutions less. Through unelected supranational bodies such as the World Health Organization or the EU Commission, measures are pushed through without our consent that benefit the few and harm the many.

Through the creation of problems such as pandemics, climate change, wars, pipeline sabotage, mass unemployment, energy price explosions, and economic stagnation, the population is put into a continuous state of fear that drives them to accept the anti-democratic measures and innovative surveillance mechanisms without protest.

It is private companies that decide what we have to think and say or how much CO2 we are allowed to consume. WEF partner Paypal, for example, has terminated the accounts of people who represent something other than the mainstream opinion. Without us being able to do anything about it, consumer data such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, IP address, bank account information, purchases are shared with hundreds of companies around the world who can decide what conditions and restrictions they impose on us.

Hot iron

The gold of the 21st century is information about our behavior, our preferences and our inclinations. Smart devices and smart cities ensure that we are tracked and monitored at every turn. This is not a vision of the future, but a reality, as is the continuous dismantling of economic sectors and an intensified monopolization of agriculture, seeds and meat production for the benefit of WEF partners Nestlé, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and Unilever. They are preparing us to feed on insects and stem cell meat from bioreactors in the future, or, as WEF partner Condé Nast is already evoking, human flesh.

Miryam Muhm is not afraid to touch all the hot irons. Whether it's the hegemonic position of the dollar, the U.S. profiting from the world's wars and unrest, the scandals surrounding the procurement of "vaccines," the creation of a new, unconscious and uncaring human race, the establishment of digital dictatorships, or the spread of fascism around the world, the reader is presented with all the current dangers. Not to drive him even further into fear, but to give him the opportunity to choose a different path in recognition of what is at stake.

The book ends with a few rays of hope, such as the growing awareness that we no longer live in a democracy, the sporadic protest stirring within governments, or the formation of independent communities. Miryam Muhm has done her job. Now it is up to us readers to see where the threads actually come together. From the outside, she has the WEF in the palm of her hand. From here, it seems all but impossible to escape the tentacles of the octopus.


But we can strip off the poisoned garment that they are trying to throw over us. The straitjackets have not yet been tightened.

We can still free ourselves from them if we have the courage to look and look the octopus in the eye: I see you. I see what you are up to. But you do not get me. I am not your food. I am not a resource. I am not some thing, not a superfluous subject, not a biocomputer that you can program at will. I am a human being.

Human beings, if they are aware of it, have free will. We can choose. We can choose whether we feed a deadly octopus or a network through which we are connected to all living things. This network is infinitely more ramified and much more powerful than a few thousand egomaniacs and their companies. For it includes everything: People, animals, plants, minerals, the visible and the invisible beings on earth and beyond. All together we now have the possibility to feel this connection and to let it work.

In this way, what seems like a miracle can succeed: we grow beyond ourselves, become big and bigger and bigger. We become aware that we are much more than bodies in the clutches of an octopus, more than a piece of matter, more than a nervous system that can be hacked and programmed. When we remember this, no power in this world can touch us. We stand up, rise to our full height, and go our way without anyone being able to stop us.

Sources and notes:


(2) Ernst Wolff: World Economic Forum: The World Power in the Background, Klarsicht Verlag 2022.

(3) Miryam Muhm: Die Krake von Davos. Attack of the WEF on Democracy, Europa Verlag 2023.

(4) Rainer Mausfeld: Warum schweigen die Lämmer? How elite democracy and neoliberalism are destroying our society and our livelihoods, Westend Verlag 2019.


Kerstin Chavent is an author and language teacher living in the South of France. Published in German so far are "Lay down your arms", "The light flows where it is dark", "Illness heals" and "What wants to grow must shed shells". It was her experience with cancer that brought her to writing. Her themes are dealing with illness, raising awareness of creative potential, and awakening consciousness in a changing world. Read more at her blog, "Conscious: Being in Transition." Her post first appeared on "rubikon" (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).


Right-wing liberal experiments : the club of right-wing apostles

Two chief advisers to Donald Trump have launched a think tank for "global freedom" in Zug. At the founding event, the Swiss U.S. ambassador spoke about the "woke inquisition."

By Thomas Schwendener

[This article posted on 1/18/2023 is translated from the German on the Internet,!M4EQXWTQ8R36.]

Photomontage: the logo of the Global Liberty Institute at a sunset near the city of Zug

"This is not a cocktail party, tonight the work begins," Scott W. Atlas implores the audience in the large hall of Zurich's Metropol restaurant. Under Donald Trump, Atlas was head of the pandemic task force; last spring, the radiologist traveled to the Limmat City to inaugurate his Swiss think tank: the Global Liberty Institute. Atlas has seen his liberty threatened by the "cancel culture" ever since he was publicly criticized by nearly a hundred professor:ins for his Corona trivialization.

Joshua Rauh, formerly Trump's senior economic adviser and the think tank's second co-founder, outlines the initiative's grand narrative at the Metropol, records of the event show: After the financial crash of 2008, both government spending and government powers would have increased - only to eventually get completely out of hand in the pandemic. In a "Great Reset," the state's claims to power are being pushed by elites from the cadre of the World Economic Forum (Wef). At the same time, the OECD is establishing a "tax cartel," while the International Monetary Fund is pushing for higher government spending, Rauh told the 150 or so visitors to the founding event.

The specter of socialism

The "Great Reset" - a crisis initiative of the Wef - has long been part of international conspiracy myths: the pandemic, he said, was orchestrated by a global elite to gain even more political and economic power in a new world order. The Global Liberty Institute's flagship paper does not go quite that far, but it too conjures up the specter of socialism: under emergency laws, the state has taken over large parts of the private sector, and it has no intention of relinquishing power even after the crisis.

The narrative is right in line with the Hoover Institution, where Atlas and Rauh conduct research. The influential conservative think tank at California's Stanford University was founded in 1919 by future U.S. President Herbert Hoover. Its purpose: "protection of the American way of life." This included, in particular, the "fight against socialism," which was to take a back seat after the Cold War. The think tank is financed by right-wing and libertarian billionaires, but also by the oil and chemical industries.

Working on a future elite

In Zurich, Joshua Rauh explained in libertarian pathos that they want to establish an international organization that stands for free markets and free people. The Global Liberty Institute is also intended to train the next generation of the private and governmental leadership elite, the founding duo said in late November on the conspiracy-savvy program "The Next Revolution" on the right-wing U.S. channel Fox News. In February, the first "rising leaders" are to be trained in a posh Florida hotel to restore "individual and economic freedoms" in the longer term. Zurich is then to be graced with a similar training event in November. The approach is similar to a successful strategy of the Hoover Institution, which provided about thirty staff members for the neoliberal restructuring under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

Scott W. Atlas sees Switzerland, with its strong private sector and limited central government power, as a key partner in an international alliance against "unfreedom," as he explained at the founding event. In Zug and Washington, the two heads of the Global Liberty Institute, together with the founder of the investment firm Riverwood Capital, have registered a tax-exempt foundation. The small town in central Switzerland was chosen because it is a center for business and technology, writes Rauh on request. The foundation was taken over by the trust company Fidura, which belongs to the business empire of the recently deceased Hans Durrer. The latter had built up the SVP of the city of Zug in the nineties.

Atlas and Rauh mobilized prominent support. At the "Metropol," for example, Swiss U.S. Ambassador Jacques Pitteloud provided an official touch. In a video message, the former federal intelligence coordinator touched on the threat posed by totalitarian regimes, but focused on the danger from within. For the first time since the last witch hunt, books would be burned again in the U.S. - by right-wing and left-wing extremists alike. QAnon, but also the "woke inquisition" belong on the dung heap of history, Pitteloud explained, after all, "meaningless discussions about transgenderklos" would corrode the most powerful democracy in the world, while it is heading for a confrontation with totalitarianism. The manhunt for "woken" offenses acts as a cement between conservatives and the radical right.

But how did the Swiss ambassador come to the conference and to his topic? In response to a question, the foreign ministry simply said that Pitteloud had been invited and that it was part of the ambassador's duties to speak about topics such as democracy, dialogue and the search for consensus. The examples mentioned would reflect Pitteloud's personal opinion.

What kind of dialogue the Global Liberty Institute is striving for is shown by the occupation of one of the panels in the evening in the "Metropol". There, right-wing liberal financier Konrad Hummler sat next to economist Reiner Eichenberger, who likes to play SVP terrain in the media. The Fribourg economics professor is a member of the Global Liberty Institute's twelve-member Expert:in Panel. The otherwise camera-happy Eichenberger responds to a question with general remarks about the importance of independent liberal institutes and refers to Rauh. The latter calls the economist a "perfect match."

If Rauh's grand announcements are to be believed, a network is to be created around the Global Liberty Institute that is "ready for the next crisis." At a second event at the Casino Zug in October, according to the program, nuclear power lobbyist Irene Aegerter was joined on stage by Zug SVP government councilor Heinz Tännler.

Second foot in Switzerland

However, the initiative does not seem to be falling on particularly fertile ground in this country. He had already been asked to participate in 2021, says Konrad Hummler, but because of his numerous commitments he declined and took part in the first panel instead. He is currently observing the development of the organization. A fragmentation of "liberal think tanks" would not be expedient, says Hummler. So far, the institute has not been able to recruit any additional staff in Switzerland; apart from Eichenberger, no people have been signed up, says Rauh. Nor have any speakers yet been engaged for the events planned in Switzerland on "Woke Corporatism" and "Defending the Free World.

The Hoover Institution, which towers over the elite Stanford University in a fifteen-story tower, is thus far from having the same charisma. But the conservative think tank from California already has a second foot in Switzerland. The British historian Niall Ferguson, who also conducts research at Stanford and is now also an expert at the Zug Institute, was brought on as an advisor to the Institute for Economic Policy (IWP) at the University of Lucerne last year. This was founded with the help of funds from two tax-shy billionaires from central Switzerland (see WOZ Nos. 51 + 52/21). Ayaan Hirsi Ali also spoke at the IWP in autumn, of course about "Wokeism". The Hoover researcher is now also on the Expert:inside Council of the Global Liberty Institute. However, Rauh assures that there is no cooperation with the IWP. His institute is a private initiative.

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