Cancel reinstatement of face covering requirement.

by Eric Matteson Friday, Jun. 17, 2022 at 6:26 PM

Los Angeles County residents should choose to get vaccinated instead of wearing face coverings.

June 17nth, 2022.

It is unfair for Los Angeles County to

reimpose face covering requirements at

the end of June 2022.

Instead of advocating that people get more

masks it will be much better if Los Angeles

County advocates that the 32% of people who

have not yet gotten their first Coronavirus

shot go ahead and get their first doses.

Many experts on the news have revealed that

the hospitals are full of Coronavirus patients

that have not yet gotten their first dose

of Coronavirus vaccine yet.

Instead of dying while waiting forever for very rare

Johnson and Johnson vaccine unvaccinated people

should go ahead and get their first dose of Moderna

Coronavirus vaccine now without delay.

If the County decides to reimpose face covering

requirements it will be because far too many people

have not yet gotten their first dose of Coronavirus

shot yet including County employees. As soon as the

first supermarket puts its face coverings required

sign back up All unvaccinated Los Angeles County

employees including sheriffs deputies and welfare

office employees will be FIRED!!!

If you are still unvaccinated, Get your first shot


Eric Matteson ( A VOTER !! )

Original: Cancel reinstatement of face covering requirement.