Lay down your arms!

by H Frei, C Lovenich, JF Rodrian & L Rodrian Monday, Apr. 04, 2022 at 3:25 PM

There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

Lay down your arms!

The logic of war knows only surrender or counterviolence - civil resistance can be a viable alternative to this.

by Heinrich Frei

[This article published on 3/29/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

Russia's attack is widely condemned, but Ukraine's military resistance is seen as having no alternative. Likewise, the arms supplies of Western countries are hardly questioned. In this way, the war drags on, with thousands still dying on both sides. But what else should the Ukrainians do - let themselves be overrun by Russian soldiers without resistance? The alternative between brutal, military defense and "cowardly" resignation is firmly anchored in our minds. We do not know of any other option because we have never been informed of any. The basic fallacy is the assumption that occupiers must either be killed or obeyed unconditionally. But in doing so, the country being invaded is in a sense conforming to the level of the invaders. An eye for an eye. There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

"Lay down your arms," Bertha von Suttner would say about the war in Ukraine: "No weapons, no mercenaries, and send young men to Ukraine." Bertha von Suttner lived from 1843 to 1914, and she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905 (1).

On the Russian news program Vremya, on March 15, 2022, a woman, Marina Owsiannikova, suddenly appeared with a protest poster: "Stop the war. Do not believe the propaganda. Here you are being lied to. Russians are against war."

Civil resistance - an alternative to the logic of violence.

I was invited to a Zoom conference on March 14 on the topic: "Civil resistance - an alternative to the logic of violence." The man who sent me the invitation said:

"While I personally don't see any alternative to the delivery of armaments (to Ukraine) at the moment. But what is needed now is simply to stop immediately the aggression that is causing so much endless suffering and tears of innocent people - and, as a consequence, hatred!"

The invitation to the Zoom conference said:

"It's war. The (German) federal government has fundamentally changed its arms policy. Armaments are being supplied to Ukraine and the arms budget has been increased by 100 billion euros. This seems to be without alternative and reasonable. Is it?"

Ukraine is on fire.

"Should we extinguish this house that is on fire with gasoline, with the delivery of weapons? Should Ukrainians defend themselves to death, together with mercenaries and young men from abroad prolong the bloodshed?"

In the news coverage, foreign interference before the war in Ukraine is rather rarely commented critically. After all, the following was recently written in the Zurich Tagesanzeiger:

"It is known that the CIA has a base in the American state of North Carolina, where it trains its officers. Since 2015, the CIA has also been training small groups of Ukrainians there for paramilitary operations" (2).

Also on the Internet platform InfoSperber, the former journalist of Swiss television, Helmut Scheben, was able to critically comment on the prehistory of the war in Ukraine. He published on InfoSperber on March 16, 2022 on the coverage of this war the following text: "The media and Ukraine: Simplify as a business model" (3).

It would be very important to take note of what Jacques Baud has to say about the background of the war in Ukraine. On March 15, 2022, Zeitgeschehen im Fokus published an interview with Jacques Baud on the historical, political, and economic background of the Ukraine war: "U.S. policy has always been to prevent Germany and Russia from working more closely together." Jacques Baud also speaks Russian (4).

Jacques Baud was a colonel in the Swiss Army, working for the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service. He also headed the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York and served as Switzerland's delegate to NATO. Baud authored the 2016 book Terrorisme, mensonges politiques et stratégies fatales de l'occident (Terrorism, political lies and the fatal strategy of the West) (5).


1956 Hungary, 1968 Czechoslovakia, 2022 Ukraine

By March 16, 2022, over 3 million people are already expected to have fled Ukraine. In 1956, after the Soviet Union invaded Hungary, 200,000 people left the country. In 1956, the popular uprising in Hungary claimed 2500 to 3000 lives. In 1968, after the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops in Czechoslovakia, about 200,000 people also left the country.

In Czechoslovakia there was mainly civil resistance against the occupiers, which caused fewer victims than in Hungary. In the period from August to December 1968, 137 Czechoslovak citizens lost their lives due to the military intervention. How many victims would "Hungary 1956" and "Czechoslovakia 1968" have claimed if - as now in the war in Ukraine - huge quantities of weapons had been supplied from abroad and foreign fighters and mercenaries had been involved?

Is there an alternative to military solutions?

Should Ukraine continue to defend itself militarily against Russia's invasion if the initiated negotiations fail?

Is there really no alternative but to fight occupiers at gunpoint? Is it right that now many countries are supplying arms to Ukraine for this war and some are even allowing their citizens to participate in the war?

"The Catholic bishops in Germany consider arms deliveries to Ukraine to be ethically justifiable." They also say that the planned strengthening of the Bundeswehr is "fundamentally plausible" in a statement on the Ukraine war (6).

Rainer Schmid: non-violent alternative of civil resistance

Rainer Schmid, pastor in Aalen, introduced the Zoom conference on March 14 with a presentation on the nonviolent alternative of a civil resistance, on the strategies and also the prospects of success of such actions.

Rainer Schmid used to be a pastor in Friedrichshafen. He was no longer "acceptable" there, because he opposed the arms production in this city at Lake Constance, see the documentation "Waffen vom Bodensee" (7).

Why civil resistance works

Rainer Schmid documented in the Zoom conference:

"Security can be better established with non-violent actions than with military. After militarily led wars of liberation, there is also a great danger that democratic conditions cannot be achieved. Pacifists are better realists."

Erica Chenoweth showed this in her 2011 study, Why Civil Resistance works.

Since war begins in the minds of men ...

The preamble to the UNESCO Charter states, "Since war begins in the minds of men, provision for peace must be made in the minds of men." But especially through our education to obedience, through our school education and influence by the media, unfortunately, "provision for peace" is not created.

"For defense against the external and internal enemy, there is only the army," we think. Alternatives, such as non-violent resistance, are largely unknown. - Depending on where we grew up and how we were informed, we just have our ideas.

Today, there are alternatives to proceeding with violence that can be quite successful, as was seen in 1990, for example, in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in the Baltic States, as was seen in the Philippines. The dictator Ferdinand Marcos was deposed by the nonviolent People Power Revolution (8).

"Nonviolent uprising - alternative to civil war".

In 1972, Theodor Ebert, a peace researcher from Berlin, wrote a study entitled "Nonviolent Insurrection - Alternative to Civil War." Ebert was active in the Baltic States as an advisor for a nonviolent approach. This was successful in the Baltics: in 1990 in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The struggle for the liberation and independence of the Baltic states was conducted nonviolently. In the course of the dissolution of the Soviet empire, using the favor of the hour under Gorbachev, the Baltic states achieved independence without war and the withdrawal of the Red Army.

After 50 years of dictatorship, they succeeded in ending the Russian occupation without violence. A violent action of the Estonians, Lithuanians and Latvians against the Russian occupiers, with bombs and assassinations, would certainly have triggered a bloody reaction of the Red Army, as in 1999 in Chechnya. The view that overcoming a regime of dictatorship and oppression is only possible by force is also challenged by the peaceful upheaval in Eastern Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The Berlin peace researcher Theodor Ebert saw social defense as a cautious survival strategy in a world increasingly threatened by nuclear weapons, among other things, and one that could be quite successful.

Successes of nonviolent actions under the Nazi regime

Even under extreme dictatorships, in Norway and Denmark even under the Nazi regime, nonviolent actions were often more successful than operations of the armed resistance in France or Yugoslavia. There is an extensive literature on this subject, for example the book "Die gewaltfreie Aktion" by Gernot Jochheim from 1984. These studies would be especially relevant today in our so violent times of war in Ukraine and the so-called global war on terror.

International of Opponents of War on the war in Ukraine.

"The Ukrainian pacifist movement condemns all military actions on the part of Russia and Ukraine in the context of the current conflict. We call on the leadership of both states and armed forces to take a step back and sit down at the negotiating table. Peace in Ukraine and around the world can only be achieved through non-violent means.

War is a crime against humanity. Therefore, we are determined not to support any kind of war and to work to eliminate all causes of war."

IDK supports every:n conscientious objector:in and deserter in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, quotes from February 24, 2022 (9).

Sources and Notes:


(2) Interview with intelligence expert - "If I were Putin, I would ask myself who betrayed me" | Tages-Anzeiger (


(4) - "The policy of the U.S. has always been to prevent Germany and Russia from working more closely together"

(5) Jacques Baud: Osama Bin Laden and 9/11? Prof. Marc Chesney: 9/11 Insider Deals? Architects and Engineers: Civil Engineering on 9/11 - IFOR Switzerland - MIR Suisse (




(9) Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen e.V.,

See also the text of October 23, 2013 in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung: "Syria and Chechnya show: Military conflict solutions are disastrous. Non-violent alternatives would be topical," by Heinrich Frei.

Heinrich Frei, born in 1941, is an architect and is involved in various peace policy initiatives in Switzerland. He also collaborates with Swisso Kalmo.


In the stranglehold of the kleptocrats

Whether with zero interest rates, corona transformation or through dubious payments abroad, the state is increasingly acting as a plunderer.

by Christoph Lövenich

[This article published on 3/23/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

In the past, governments strove to provide financial benefits to their own country and their own citizens - even at the expense of "competitors" if necessary. Today, it seems to be the other way around. German politicians have nothing more urgent to do than to plunder the population and to give the money mostly to international corporations. Taxpayers' money is donated for all it's worth, and the big IT and pharmaceutical companies are sponsored. Corona policy gobbles up hundreds of billions of taxpayers' money in Germany alone. Now 100 billion are to flow into armaments, and no war in the world can apparently be waged any longer without German money flowing in one way or another to the trouble spots ... Taxpayers are being asked to pay more and more unrestrainedly, and small savers are being gradually expropriated by a zero-interest policy coupled with rising inflation. Various profiteers at home and abroad hold out their hand. With the incumbent generation of the governing, the robbery of the working people became the guideline of the policy.

"Thank you, brother @jensspahn," wrote World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom on Twitter in October - and in German. The Ethiopian politician with a top global post by China's grace praised the German government for its support since the outbreak of the coronatransformation. "Germany is now WHO's number one donor." Fraternal generosity at the expense of a third party, namely the German taxpayer. To become top donors, the brother and mommy rounded up WHO's million membership fee to a whopping 500 million euros in 2020, as the U.S. under Donald Trump had just withdrawn from the World Health Organization and Germany was happy to step into the breach.

Similarly, in 2018, when the same U.S. government had stopped its payments to the so-called United Nations Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) for good reasons, then-Foreign Minister Heiko Maas stepped in with 145 million euros to give the dubious, corrupt organization a hand. The agency is close to Hamas and spreads anti-Semitism. In 2020, the German Michel had to shake 91 million euros out of his nightcap for this, showing himself to be more generous than all the Arab countries put together. This does not even include the indirect money flows via the European Union (EU).

The German commitment to the WHO, the questionable marketing agency of pharmaceutical companies and Bill Gates, is not much different. In addition to the half billion from last year, German pharmaceutical lobbyist Jens Spahn did not let his hair down in 2021 and donated a further 260 million euros "for the international vaccination campaign" of the organization. Of course, this does not mean a normal vaccination, but the Corona large-scale trial. Until now, Bill Gates has been the main donor to the WHO through his foundation and through Gavi, the vaccination lobby he co-founded. Now he should be pleased that even more taxpayers' money is being used to promote global vaccination, from which he profits enormously as a major shareholder in BioNTech, for example.

Spahn, who has amassed a nice amount of private wealth for himself by combining political and economic activities, is squandering the money of others. As if the Corona transformation were not expensive enough on the inside! Taxpayers and contributors finance tests, contact tracing, empty beds, vaccines (including production facilities and vaccination damages), vaccination certificates, doctors, pharmacists, "aids" and much more - half a trillion will probably not be enough for the estimated costs of the political epidemic in the long run.

Add to that economic damage to businesses negatively affected by the Corona policy - lockdowns, customer count restrictions, event bans, 2G and so on - rising prices from disrupted supply chains or from control efforts for access restrictions. When Chancellor Scholz announces the biggest economic upheaval in 100 years, this threat has long since become reality.

Ever deeper into the wallet

As is currently the case at other levels, the German state is also crossing red lines when it comes to spending money. It is true that the authorities have long been operating increasingly as a tax and redistribution state, and political rule is maintained through the finances wrested from the citizens under duress. However, the now dominant lack of restraint, with which not only hundreds of millions but hundreds of billions are thrown around, has reached a new quality. The bailouts of 2008 already revealed a new level of unscrupulousness in dealing with what has been earned by hardworking hands.

What is, a postmodern Bertolt Brecht might ask, breaking into a bank versus bailing out a bank?

Then came the euro bailout, not to mention the enormous redistribution caused by energy policy in this country. During the swine flu "pandemic" a good ten years ago, there was a "gigantic raid on vaccines" when, as Left Party member of the Bundestag Andrej Hunko criticizes, "some 40 billion euros flowed into the coffers of vaccine manufacturers, even though swine flu was a particularly mild form of annual influenza."

Quite abruptly, interest in massive rearmament has now awakened - under the pretext of the Ukraine war. No less than 100 billion euros are to flow to the military-industrial complex. Terminologically camouflaged as "special assets," an Orwellian distortion of terms, because in the end one is by no means wealthier, but has less money in one's pocket as a citizen. In the meantime, we have to ask ourselves whether we have not arrived at a kleptocracy.

When we hear this term, we usually think of Mobutu with his leopard-skin cap or Imelda Marcos' shoe collection. In 1988, U.S. politician John Kerry brought up a special variant, namely "narco-kleptocracy," then in reference to Panama. Mobutu needed more than 30 years of dictatorship to rob together a private fortune of five billion U.S. dollars. This happens faster in today's pharmaceutical kleptocracy: official fear propaganda, politically induced rush approvals, and massive government pressure to vaccinate in many countries have Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci of BioNTech largely to thank for their current private fortune of 14 billion euros. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel is in a similar position; and the sponsor of both companies, Gates, is also profiting handsomely, not only through the vaccines, but also as a shareholder through Amazon orders and via Microsoft in online teaching. As is so often the case, the money isn't gone, it's just gone to others.

Where does the money go?

Although some money remains in Germany in the case of vaccinations by BioNTech (and in the case of PCR tests), the postmodern kleptocratic system as a whole shows that a lot of money earned here is pumped abroad: Not only with Big Pharma and Big Tech as beneficiaries of the Corona transformation, but also with the above-mentioned examples WHO, including millions of AstraZeneca vaccine doses as a mild gift from Germany to various countries, and UNRWA, but also, for example, with the recent Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, which is rewarded with international transfer payments. Declared as humanitarian aid, but ultimately serving to stabilize the new regime. The German taxpayer is being asked to pay 600 million euros plus a share of one billion euros in EU money.

By way of comparison, the federal and state governments have promised 400 million euros in emergency aid following the domestic flood disaster in July 2021 - especially along the Ahr and Erft rivers.

In contrast to the Third Reich, which exploited other countries during World War II and shipped resources to Germany, the opposite approach is now being taken.

This brings to mind a quote attributed to Joschka Fischer, but probably not from him:

"Germany is a problem because Germans are more industrious, more disciplined and more talented than the rest of Europe (and the world). This will always lead to 'imbalances'. But this can be counteracted by channeling as much money out of Germany as possible. It doesn't matter what it is used for, it can also be radically wasted - the main thing is that the Germans don't have it. Already the world is saved."

So far, there is no evidence that Fischer (or anyone else) ever made this statement seriously. That's why we shouldn't impute it to anyone. Nevertheless, one may have the faint feeling that this could even be a leitmotif for many a decision in German politics in the recent past. In any case, the orientation is more global than to the German nation state: The climate and corona transformations are taking place worldwide, and when, for example, a Sandra Maischberger chats uncritically with Bill Gates about such projects on ZDF, there are two alumni of the World Economic Forum training program sitting there. Maischberger interview guests such as the aforementioned Spahn or Annalena Baerbock are, of course, also Schwab alumni. Where are the loyalties?

While the compulsory fees for state broadcasting are debited immediately, the consequences of other spending excesses are not as directly noticeable as with tax increases. There are also tax increases, such as the current five-fold increase in tobacco tax. A large part, however, goes via the detour of interest rates and inflation, from which the highly indebted state benefits, while small and medium-sized savers are increasingly expropriated. According to one calculation, German savers lost 648 billion euros in the 2010s as a result of the low, zero and negative interest rate policies of the European Central Bank (ECB); from the summer of 2020, private households in Germany suffered a loss of purchasing power of 100 billion euros in just one year.

According to economist Hans-Werner Sinn, inflation in commercial producer prices was higher than it had been for 70 years. Thus, the economic consequences of the Corona transformation - as well as currently those of the Ukraine war in addition - are making themselves felt, and with incessant money printing at the same time, the ECB will be hell-bent on adjusting the artificially low interest rate level, because otherwise its house of cards would collapse.

In essence, we see this kleptocratic development everywhere in the Western world and beyond. But the German Michel has relatively little stock and real estate ownership, so he is hit harder on the wealth side. And what does he do? He continues to toil just as diligently as he allows himself to be plundered.

The jug goes to the well until it breaks. Even if some can not go as much as he would like to break.

Christoph Lövenich, born in 1978, is a political scientist and editor at Novo. He has published the books "Bürger oder Untertan? On the dismantling of our liberties" and "Enjoyment forbidden. On the Regulation of Life's Little Pleasures."


The rebirth of aliveness/ vitality

Jens Fischer Rodrian and his daughter write poetically about human vulnerability in times of political exclusion.

by Jens Fischer Rodrian, Lou Rodrian

[This article published on 4/1/2022 is translated from the German on the Internet,]

What makes a person human? In a poem in the style of "slam poetry," singer-songwriter Jens Fischer Rodrian asks himself deep and fundamental questions. He resists the concept of sole beatific truths and describes human life as radically unsecured, open-ended, free in all directions. With the potential for good as well as for evil, for pleasure as well as for pain. Only one thing must not be allowed to happen under any circumstances: that the heart goes blind. Lou Rodrian, daughter of Jens, is also represented with a slam text in the newly published Rubikon book "Die Armada der Irren" and on the enclosed CD "Protestnoten". She writes empathetically about the wounds inflicted on her by incomprehensible friends during Corona discussions, about wondering about the abrupt drifting away of former companions, but also about the miracle of emerging from fears, sadness and anger unbroken in the core.

In search of the unlived life

Jens Fischer Rodrian

One truth for all is always a lie

When do we become a saint?

When do we become an asshole?

Who are we?

Alpha animal, herd animal or hermit?

What connects people, the gathering, the hunting?

The search for happiness, surviving, questioning?

The common meal, the wild, the desire?

The desire for recognition, the daily frustration?

The thinking, the feeling, the mourning, the pain?

The heart beating wildly for such a short time?

We can only survive together

We can only experience alone

You can only live if you are free

Free from the life we have lived, in search of the life we have not lived.

Free from all the knowledge - all the ignorance

Free - not having to think anything

To create imaginatively with the simplest means

Satisfying oneself, no longer deceiving oneself

with that one could begin to submit to life

Each in his own way, each on his own journey

Do not overpower and incorporate

do not skimp on humanity - exaggerate

To hell with the norms, the Christians and the pagans

write the sorrow from the soul

suffer if necessary, dispel expectations

avoid everything predetermined and then drift into deeper waters

And the most important - remain emphatic

When this precious good disappears

when the heart goes blind

sky and sea will fade

then blue turns to gray

For at last, when all have gone away

we sit alone on the merry-go-round and revolve only around ourselves

The ticket stub?

He's long gone, nobody stops the machine for us

We are trapped on our ejector seat

We get scared and frightened

We stumble, fall, get up again

Here we go! The hair pushed out of our faces

the arrogant grin on our faces

we supposedly stumble forward and then topple over again

No matter, nobody can us, we still think, we turn up, make loud, something, somehow

Old habits help to suppress - or not.

Now, when it really comes down to it, to show one's colors.

It's time to be brave, to set a new course

turn the rudder, bark at the moon

Remain unbending, stand up to the storm

Open new doors, never close old ones completely

Do not take friendships and loyalty for granted

They are not things that just sprout from the ground

You have to fight for them, guard them as long as you can

And when it's over, let it go, without grief

Not always easy, at times impossible

But to end with love so bitterly needed

Anger is okay when you realize things

Tenderness is needed when you let it go

Even if it's scary

Because demons from days gone by visit you

we might fail, true

but - we should try

Every morning begins unspent and pure

like an unsprayed tree with plump fruits

The decision, you make all alone

Hard disk reformatted, write your own story


Lou Rodrian

Is it a miracle?

I should not wonder and yet I wonder.

I see the faces, only I don't see them anymore.

Half is covered, the truth is hidden.

Behind their eyes I see fear - they are fighting their own battle,

only they don't leave it with themselves, but hate everyone else for it.

As familiar as they once were to me, as much as I want to understand them, there is a wall between us

and "maybe I don't try enough" but I can't get to them.

Wondering feeds the wound inside me and I don't know how much more I can hold.

I don't know how much I can still carry

and I don't know what else I can ask!?

Neither you nor me. Before me a punishing court.

The sentence is pronounced. You have broken not only yourselves, but also me.

But you promised me - "we will remain friends, we will listen to you".

but as fast as the words were out, so fast they came to rest again.

Because words can fly, spread their miracles.

But in the same way they can get stuck and turn into quarrels.

But it's not just the words, it's the deeds that hurt.

The misdeeds, what they did not do. We reach out but don't understand each other.

Because I don't understand how you don't see what I see.

We look at the same picture, at the same time, and yet what sticks at the end of it couldn't be more different.

Two worlds on a single planet.

They are built on the same feelings, and yet their realities blur.

In my world I scream through a hidden wall

and you are sure - I am lost.

Hoarsely I wait for you to hear me,

but it seems to me that you are disturbed by something.

Our contours break in the cold light.

We are all trapped, but you don't believe it.

And even if you did. Maybe I'm lost,

but at least I'm running and I feel alive.

Can breathe, run, get out, get in - be.

Because I want to live and I don't need excuses not to.

Don't need a social cloak resting on my fears, covering,

what's really behind this scaremongering.

Don't want to constantly pull the handbrake during life

and flee from my inner worries.

Don't want to subordinate myself to escape the responsibility of being,

with the hope that one will survive life even blindly

and simply overlook all that one does not like.

No. I want to confront myself with the painful things,

because I know that they will bring me further.

Want to get in where it really hurts,

to where you can't hold on for fear, shame and anger.

The place where I am at my ugliest.

Because that's the only way I can help my shadow child and take him by the hand.

To break open together and be free.

It is only through one's own acceptance that one finds the way out of fear,

to no longer lose oneself in nothingness and to look one's true self in the face.

In the end we should forgive

and I promise I will try to persuade my heart.

Still, I realize - the wounds are deep - that the pain has been sleeping inside me for a long time.

Because I don't understand how you don't see what I see.

Lou Rodrian: Wunde(r)n

Jens Fischer Rodrian is one of the few artists who have lost neither their compass nor their voice in the face of global injustice. He continues to stand up for freedom, dignity and humanity and thus shows the way how art can not only survive these dark times, but also give our hearts and souls enough courage and hope to dare to set out together: into a new, more humane era.

With contributions by Wolfgang Wodarg, Gunnar Kaiser, Nina Proll, Roland Rottenfußer, Alexa Rodrian, Nina Adlon, Matthias Burchardt, Sabrina Khalil, Benedikt Schnitzler, Lou Rodrian, Jakob Heymann, Captain Future, Uli Masuth, Laurens Walter, Philine Conrad, Rob T. Strass, Isi Reicht, Brigade Bergamo and Lüül.

Voices about the book

"A media armada is on the move against us. It wants to make fools of us. Its ships bear names like 'Never Again Death,' 'Eternal Health,' and 'Lace Injection.' With blown sails they pretend fresh wind. But the wind comes from the land of lies. The course goes to the islands of subjugation. The captains of the pharmaceutical industry are in command. They were built in the profit shipyards of big capital. But, what luck: Free mutineers are also on the way. Armed with the sabers of poetry, the cannons of music, the grappling hooks of the free word. It is art, are the artists, who block the way of the armada. They displace the emptiness of decreed thoughts, let go the storms of change and make the conditions dance. Their flag is that of freedom and all are the captain. Ahoy! The good land of real people is finally coming into view."

Uli Gellermann, filmmaker

"Jens Fischer Rodrian already understood in the spring of 2020 how necessary humanistic-artistic resistance would become. He suffered all the more when his colleagues, who were otherwise so critical of society and the system, refused to stand up and speak out against the injustice taking place. Despite the serious situation, he remained generous, opened his heart and, together with his wife Alexa, his home to seekers and the desperate, in order to create courage and a future together with them. These struggles add up to his new work. I have him to thank."

Eva Schmidt, journalist

"Jens Fischer Rodrian is one of the few artists who take a stand against the Corona agenda and educate about its background. In doing so, he points the way for art to survive these dark times."

Ernst Wolff, author

"Jens Fischer Rodrian is not only a wonderful human being and artist, but also a sensitive chronicler of the strange times we are passing through. Always bouncing along, thinking and thinking with us, touchingly human and sharply observant."

Jochen Kirchhoff, philosopher

"Jens Fischer Rodrian and his work do not really exist. No one can be so clear-sighted and at the same time positive. I thank him from the bottom of my heart for ingeniously ignoring this rule as well."

Paul Brandenburg, physician

"Without art, we are deprived of the opportunity to get in touch with our deepest emotions. It is an important part of our self-development process. Thanks to Jens Fischer Rodrian for this book."

Jens Lehrich, presenter

Jens Fischer Rodrian is a musician, composer, producer, lyricist, freelance writer and creative director of the Blue Man Group. After four instrumental solo albums, his first poetry collection "Sich kurz fassen - ach" was released in 2017, followed by the spoken word album "Wahn & Sinn" in 2019. For the short film "Stiller Löwe" he received the main prize for best music at the renowned Festival International du Film D'Aubagne. From 2012 to 2019, he performed live as a musician with Konstantin Wecker. Since 2017 he has been touring the German-speaking countries with his concert reading WAHN & SINN. Since 2020 he is a member of the party dieBasis. Jens Fischer Rodrian lives with his family in Berlin. For more information, visit

Lou Rodrian, born in 2000, did a voluntary social year in a facility for people with disabilities in 2019. This confirmed her desire to move in a nursing and medical direction. Currently, she is training to become a nurse. She is also passionate about creative projects and writes lyrics and slam poetry about what she experiences and what moves her, plays guitar and works as a singer/speaker in the studio on and off, including for Katja Riemann and Boundzound.

Original: Lay down your arms!