18 Ways US Chickens Are Murdered

by Chicken Rights Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2022 at 11:53 PM

They are run into chippers, dropped into eviscerators, crushed into paste, crushed on loading docks, die of thirst, of freezing, of baking, are smashed in tornados, strangled on farms, buried alive by bulldozers, dropped into streets, die of total abandonment neglect

How are Chickens And Baby Chicks Murdered? 18 Of The Ways

It is the baby boy chicks who are born into a world which does not want 99.9999% of them.

1. In San Diego baby males were sent alive through a wood chipper.

2. In Iowa on a conveyor belt they are sent alive into a crusher

and come out as paste. hatchery.mercyforanimals.org

3. On many farms they are strangled to death. Michael Ross

as a six year old boy was told by his father to strangle baby chicks to death on their Connecticut poultry farm. He grew up

to strangle several women to death. Many serial killers began as innocent boys who were ordered to kill in their parents' farms.

4. In many places they are dropped into eviscerators,

metal tubs full of swirling knives.

5. At one major fast food chain, some chickens died

of scalding while alive.

6. On loading docks at many USPS and other places

the chicks are crushed in flimsy cardboard boxes, Republican

senators led by Iowa's Chuck Grassley who in 2022 ran for reelection having removed all humane protections and having classified these chick males

as commercial mail.

7. Some die of thirst

8. Others in factory farm electric outages

die of freezing or of baking.

9. Some die in ritual religious sacrifices.

10. Some as in Salisbury Maryland at the state's biggest

chicken killing plant are dropped into the street as boxes

slip from cranes. These are run over by cars bikes

buses and trucks.

11. Others are mangled in cases in truck accidents.

12. On some farms they are decapitated by ax wielding human beings.

13. Some chickens molt too soon. Their feathers drop away and they freeze

to death.

14. On farms, helpless chickens caged and captive, are prey to foxes, coyotes, etc

who kill them.

15. Germany banned a slaughterhouse operator for exposing workers to lethal

nicotinic insecticides and for animal cruelty. An Ohio Republican governor invited him

to start his bloody operation in the state, which the man did. In Newark Ohio and other places, after a tornado many died. In Newark others, in mangled and crushed metal cages were kept

without food or water for 9 days before being bulldozed alive

in their cages into the ground and covered with dirt

16. Some are not murdered but die of total abandonment neglect.

17. Chickens kept on small farms in sheds are often killed by

coyotes, foxes, other mammals. A friend who had such a facility

recalled that Jake his rooster came squawking in a panic up to

the front door trying to warn his human captor that there was

a carnivorous mammal in the chicken shed.

18. At some universities, corporations, and tax supported USDA torture centers they are researched upon. Their eggs are taken to be cultures in the development of vaccines containing as many as 8 or more species of ingredients.

How do chickens suffer?

1 When they are debeaked, their tongues sometimes catch in the debeaker.

2. When they are caged in factory farms, they spend their lives unable in

many instances to spread their wings. Sometimes 9 are crammed into

a one foot by three foot cage.

3. Sometimes their claws grow around the wire mesh on which they stand

and they are unable to move.

Help change the world. Don't eat chickens or eggs. Don't buy chicken meals for others. Don't prepare chicken meals for others.

An animal rights worker recently converted to

a fundamentalist rightwing Christian group. Suddenly

animals no longer had souls and they could not be

murdered. Only human beings, he said, could be murdered.


Original: 18 Ways US Chickens Are Murdered