We address this call to collectives and individuals all around the world – in the frame of the solidarity campaign to our project – to join with any means they are capable of to our efforts!
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The building complex of Prosfygika was built in 1933 in order to house the refugees of Minor Asia. Due to these conditions, an alive working class neighborhood with communal characteristics arose. The antifascist partisans of 1944 used Prosfygika as a shelter against the British and Greek state-armies, the gunshots are still visible on the facades of the buildings while the monument of the guerillas located in the forefront of the neighborhood is reminding it to us everyday. Today, Prosfygika is one of the biggest building complexes in the center of Athens which is still not gentrified and exploited by the big funds or the state. It’s a place with a strategical significance because is located in-between the two 'pillars' of authority - the Supreme Court on one hand and the Police Headquarters on the other hand.
Within this social-spatial frame, some militants who were already living in the neighborhood, as squatters, decided to organize themselves. In 2010, they initiated the Community of Squatted Prosfygika, having as a central decisional political organ SY.KA.PRO, the Assembly of Squatted Prosfygika. A communal body for everyday life and political struggle.
10 years later, the project has as a result a politically unified neighborhood, numerous squatted apartments, autonomous communal structures covering the needs of dozens of people, a constant participation to local and international struggles and a great revolutionary perspective.
We are launching this crowdfunding campaign for all the needs such a project has.
Read more about us and how to support the struggle here: https://www.firefund.net/prosfygika