The Danger in the Shadows

by Rubikon editors Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021 at 11:47 AM

While everyone is distracted with Corona measures and coverage, the danger of nuclear war is increasing. The new "Krefeld Appeal" for Peace of November 2021 wants to draw attention to this danger and at the same time put public pressure on the government to stop the path it is on.

The Danger in the Shadows

While the world stares transfixed at Corona, a great war is being prepared in the background - an appeal is now trying to put a stop to it.

by Rubicon's Encourage editorial team

[This article published on Dec 16, 2021 is translated from the German on the Internet, Die Gefahr im Schatten | Rubikon.]

The doings of those who endanger life on our planet and have already destroyed it on a significant scale are coming to light more and more. Not only through policies of sanctions, embargoes, and starvation blockades, but also through warfare against their own populations with the hypocritical justification of fighting pandemics. While everyone is distracted with Corona measures and coverage, the danger of nuclear war is increasing. The new "Krefeld Appeal" for Peace of November 2021 wants to draw attention to this danger and at the same time put public pressure on the government to stop the path it is on. The more people sign this appeal online, the greater the chance of success.

New "Krefeld Appeal," November 2021

More and more obvious are the doings of those who endanger life on our planet and have already destroyed it to a considerable extent. Worldwide, wars, strangulating sanctions, embargoes, and starvation blockades have been and continue to be part of the actions of the U.S. power complex. The U.S. has abrogated key disarmament treaties such as ABM, INF, and OpenSkies. Maneuvers directed against Russia and China are becoming increasingly aggressive. The threat of nuclear war is growing ominously.

But the world's rulers are also waging wars on new, different fronts. Under the guise of fighting pandemics, the lives of billions of people are being endangered. This mainly affects countries in the so-called Third World. In India alone, the lockdown has cost millions of lives, according to the World Doctors Alliance. An even greater danger emanates from the "vaccination" campaign - for billions of people.

Behind it is the "Great Reset" strategy of the forum of the super-rich called the World Economic Forum, which seeks to raise capitalism to an even more perverse level via a targeted collapse and reboot - with further violations of civil liberties, human rights and international law - that is, with fewer rights and more surveillance for the vast majority of humanity.

It is the same forces that are behind the various forms of war. One example: one of the masterminds of Operation 9/11 and the subsequent "war on terror," ex-U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, was chairman of the board and shareholder of the pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, which made its profit from the fear of bird flu in 2005 with Tamiflu. Another example: The Washington-based Carlyle Group is active in both the defense and pharmaceutical businesses.

It is essential to confront war in all its forms - military as well as those waged by economic, biological and psychological means.

The signatories of this declaration therefore demand - especially from the German government - to turn away from a policy of wars. It is a matter of falling into the arms of the warmongers. All fellow citizens are called upon to support this appeal in order to bring about a policy through incessant and growing pressure of public opinion,

that does not allow the U.S. Empire, together with Germany and the other NATO countries, to continue to cover the world with wars,

that leads to peace and friendship with all states or peoples of the world,

banishing U.S. and NATO troops - from Germany with two years' notice by terminating the Troop Stationing Treaty,

which leads to withdrawal from NATO - from all NATO countries with one year's notice by denouncing the NATO treaty,

which refuses to endanger billions of human lives under the guise of pandemic control and to subject the survivors to total control,

following the maxim: "Not limiting, but safeguarding and expanding basic democratic rights is the order of the day."

We, who call for support of this appeal, come from all parts of society - especially from the peace movement and the movement for the recovery of our fundamental and human rights. In this sense, we also call for overcoming the social division that has been systematically created in many countries over the past 18 months. We only have a chance if we face the threats together.

This appeal is initiated by members of the campaign "NATO out - get out of NATO", inspired by the "Krefeld Appeal" of November 16, 1980.

You can sign the appeal online at the following website:

Original: The Danger in the Shadows