The health care system keeps people sick because it does not view them holistically... When it comes to chronic illnesses, conventional medicine fails because it sees the human being as a machine. A new biopsychosocial medicine sees the human being as a whole.
The defective patient
The health care system keeps people sick because it does not view them holistically.
By Michael Hüter and Christian Schubert
[This article published on Dec 9, 2021 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
Humans are beings made up of body, soul and spirit. Conventional medicine fights symptoms and repairs damaged parts without exploring the cause of disease. In a conversation between Michael Hüter and Professor Dr. Dr. Christian Schubert on October 13, 2021, two experts discuss holistic health and the lot of children. The conversation was conducted by Ingrid Obad, editor at Kirchbacher Reports.
Ingrid Obad: Mr. Schubert, the first edition of your book "What makes us sick, what heals us" was published back in 2016. What distinguishes the "new medicine" you advocate from the old one, whose advances were and are a blessing for many people?
Christian Schubert: Orthodox medicine focuses on the body and its building blocks, which is why it is successful in acute medicine or in the case of accidents. But when it comes to chronic illnesses, conventional medicine fails because it sees the human being as a machine. A new biopsychosocial medicine sees the human being as a whole, it takes into account more complex, psychosocial and cultural factors in diagnosis and treatment. If a symptom is eliminated purely by technical means, it may disappear, but it will come back in another place, because the basic problem, which is not visible and often unconscious, has not been solved and the person is again looking for an outlet where it can be seen. The symptom or the illness is precisely what is visible.
Michael Hüter: This is exactly the structure we have in the areas of childhood and education. We separate children from the family at a very early age. The education system separates mathematics, physics, languages et cetera. In the past, one teacher taught all subjects. The Hungarian philosopher of science Ervin László once said, "The illusion of separateness is one of the most negative myths of our time." Children are supposed to function, to carry out what we tell them to do. Machine-like approach, from an early age.
We find the machine paradigm in all areas of our existence - in work processes, in competitive sports or quite currently in COVID-19: The immune system is unimportant, only the vaccination counts. I see the immune system not only biologically, but also psychologically and socially. For example, if you try to live healthy, that is also part of the immune system. So if you don't take the biopsychosocial immune system into account, you deprive people of their greatest power to take responsibility for their own health and to get well again in the event of an illness. Patients hand over their instruments for getting well at the door of the clinic.
At school, the child also hands over his needs at the door: feelings, talents, his personality. This is dangerous and causes much illness and suffering.
I believe that this corona crisis is a great cultural crisis. Machine culture and industrial culture have increasingly alienated people. Many people want to get out of it, the split is coming to a head, both sides, those who still hold on to the old and those who want something new, feel threatened.
This division can also become dangerous. Keeping a society in fear-panic mode serves to maintain power, but dehumanizes it. The way this failure manifests itself in children and young people is unprecedented in human history. Even before Corona, every second child in Europe had a chronic disease. Cancer and asthma have been increasing in children and adolescents for years. Children are not small adults. In the documentary "Old Friends, New Enemies" you can see which chronic diseases are massively increasing in children and why. As I have already made visible in my book "Childhood 6.7": Even before "Corona," we had the worst findings in decades as far as the physique and psyche of our children are concerned. And now the unjustified, not evidence-based "Corona protection measures" are put on top of this terrible previous finding. This is simply a crime against humanity!
On that, I would like to put forward the thesis that a machine-paradigmatic society is now showing its anti-child face in the COVID crisis. What has happened to children in the past two years - deliberately frightening them and imposing masks on them, tormenting them with social distance - can only be explained by a hostility to children that is deeply rooted in society. Children have little value in large parts of machine-ideological neoliberalism. For only those who perform for the gain of material profit are worth more.
A child, however, first and foremost means relationship work, which a neoliberal society geared to profit optimization likes to avoid by separating children from their attachment figures at a very early age and making it impossible for them to grow up in a way that is appropriate for children and secure in their attachments. Working with children is incredibly rewarding emotionally and humanly, but has little value in a world of power and narcissism. COVID exposes this in an even more dramatic, even more cynical, even more misanthropic way.
Machine medicine treats symptoms, the school system is standardized, special talents of children are hardly taken into account. Are Waldorf or Montessori still different in this respect?
Maria Montessori was originally a doctor, and she would turn over in her grave if she saw what is happening to children right now. The fact that the focus is so much on functioning is unprecedented in human history - in all epochs, cultures and religions. The fact that almost everyone has been playing along for the past year and a half amazes and shocks me. For me as a historian, it feels like we're at war, and for the first time we're sending children to the front.
At a panel discussion in Prague, John Bock, a friend of Václav Havel, was asked how he experienced the current situation, and he said it was worse than it was under communism. At that time, people knew the enemy and showed solidarity among themselves. Today, we neither know the opponent, nor do we have any cohesion within the population; worse still, the population is divided between the supporters of measures and vaccination on the one hand and the opponents on the other.
Whoever benefits from the COVID-19 crisis for whatever reason, for me, conventional medicine is responsible for the COVID-19 crisis because of its deeply alienated, dehumanized basic orientation and its epistemological errors. Medicine and politics, supported by the media, divide society and push the hygienic optimization of humans. This manipulation of the people could end quite badly.
The fact that the supermarket is full, we have electricity, everything works and no blood flows is peace for us. But the absence of war is not yet peace.
We usually associate war with fighter planes, shells, bombs and so on, as it was in the industrial age. Now, however, in the Kondratieff cycles of information and health, war is perfidiously waged psychologically. What is taking place now with incredible media staging is the fear-inducing pandemic, virtually the battlefield, otherwise we have the impression that everything is normal. Vaccination could be a lethal weapon in this war. If I vaccinate now and the vaccine damage occurs much later, it is no longer associated with vaccination. The consequences are nonlinearly related to the causes. That would be a new kind of war.
I see it as information warfare. With the Internet and so forth, information is instantly available; otherwise, this worldwide collective anxiety disorder would have been impossible. Fear has the same effect in every language, in every culture: It makes people compliant. That's why we have so many obedient people. Only by standing together as a society can we prevent further division, psychological attacks, misinformation and confusion.
The gears fit together very well. Highly dangerous, and only a minority is looking and can see that.
Keyword fear. For the past year and a half, fear has been created. Fear of the virus, fear of job loss - for many a reason to get vaccinated. For children, it's fear of exclusion, they just want normal coexistence. We have no idea what the consequences will be. We have had declining birth rates in Western countries for a long time, and in Europe we are no longer even capable of reproduction. And now, for no reason (!), we are inflicting so much suffering on the few children we have. We will bitterly regret this socially and culturally. In the past, children were protected; in rescue operations, the motto was "women and children first". What we should do as soon as possible is to keep children and young people out of it.
The fact that we treat them like little adults doesn't fit either. A lot of things that are standardized in the school system happen under the guise of "quality assurance," for example Pisa.
There we are again with the machine-like, a process of dehumanization.
In terms of misanthropy, we are not far from the terrible times of 80 years ago. It just comes in a different dress. Corona reveals that very deep issues were never really eliminated and also the dehumanized medicine now brings out its cynicism again in a very nasty form. Covered by politics and media, it comes again to an experimental use and discrimination of people, which somehow smells like what we have experienced before. The impression is created that this is not about health, but about something else entirely. Possibly a lot of power and money. The frightening thing is that we are actually back in a cycle, in a wave that is extremely dangerous and that I am more afraid of than a virus.
What is discussed far too little is the abuse of science in general. Abuses have historically been most severe when they have been in the direction of major wars and totalitarianism. Physicists who invented nuclear fission didn't want to build an atomic bomb. Or psychology. This young discipline has learned more from history than medicine, but psychology, few people know, allowed itself to be massively abused by National Socialism. Psychologists knew that anything could be done with traumatized people. With virology, it is again medicine that has allowed itself to be abused. I think a large part of virologists don't see that they are being abused and that in the long run they are also doing tremendous damage to medicine. The loss of trust at the end will be huge.
Within the COVID crisis, in addition to the substance aspect of the virus, there are two other non-substance pathological aspects: Fear and Abuse. There has been an incredible amount of fear stoked over the past two years. That fear has set the stage for abuse. Many people get vaccinated because they are afraid of the virus or because they want their freedom, the old normality back. Medicine, government, and media are just creating victims of abuse, tremendous trauma within our population because some people - coerced by the system - are doing something to their bodies that they really don't want to do.
I've heard of people crying who only get vaccinated because they're coerced, because otherwise they'll lose their job, for example. That's abuse. And abuse is traumatization. People who are traumatized die earlier. That has been scientifically proven. What is being forced now with COVID measures and vaccination coercion to contain the virus is costing billions of years of life in total. This is a tragedy of unimagined proportions.
The majority of these "generation mask" children - wearing masks for over a year, testing, and now vaccinating - will be the first generation in about 100 years not to live to an average age of 80.
Because people have been made to fear and panic over the last two years, indirectly and directly coercing many to vaccinate. This is a cold-hearted and unhealthy approach. Psychoneuroimmunology, on the other hand, shows that warm-hearted social interaction strengthens people's immune systems and makes them live longer. I imagine that humans would easily live to be 150 years old if psychological safeguards were ingrained in the culture to protect against coercion and abuse. Corona reveals that these protective mechanisms do not currently exist.
A large percentage of people don't know they are being abused on a large scale now, don't even see these things. There is no realization process at all that what is happening right now - the robbery of basic rights, the scaremongering and coercion, the division of society - is highly dangerous for our health and that we have to defend ourselves against such tendencies. No, most people do not recognize it or do not defend themselves. If medicine gets closer to people, I could imagine that in 100 or 200 years we will have people who will become 150, because they will have a completely different approach to life, to culture and to society.
Mr. Schubert said that orthodox medicine claims to have saved mankind, to have brought health and an increase in lifespan.
But the merit of medicine in this is small. What we forget: We have brought hunger out in the last 70 years, at least here in Europe. We have experienced social and hygienic revolutions, we have sewage systems, everyone has a certain white-state protection, especially in the case of unemployment, we have created social peace in the last 70 years, but people fought for this 200 years before. The fact that children have been treated lovingly in recent decades has been life-prolonging. Of course, medicine is doing an excellent job in many areas, but a healthy, peaceful, humane society requires a lot of other things as well.
Last question to Mr. Schubert: How do we get our act together?
That is a very difficult question. We have talked today about such complex phenomena, about fear that is now being projected onto this virus and where vaccination is now seen as the cure. In order for people to get away from fear and get to adequate trauma therapy, they have to get away from the pathological focus on the virus. At the moment, I don't have a lot of confidence; processes like this take a long time.
In this year and a half we have been so worn down that we are grateful when we get the old freedom back. This gratitude allows us to generously overlook the trauma. Mr. Hüter, do you have an idea for a nice ending today?
Yes, I think there is a chance: we can protect our children. It's time for parents to remember this most primal task of parenthood. Take the children out of the system when there's no other way; create loving, protective communities with others and let children experience joy and laugh and play again. Eventually, there's a time after.
That is, hope dies last. If everyone makes a small contribution, protects their own child, or perhaps adds a second, friend child, then a lot is already done. Maybe we can do that.
Thank you for the stimulating discussion!
Michael Hüter, born in 1968, studied history, German language and literature, philosophy and art history at the University of Salzburg. From 1996 to 2012 he worked as a freelance pianist and composer. In 2014, the piano solo CD "It's my way to paradise" was released. Nine years of legal custody proceedings and numerous researches on the plight and suffering of separated children led to the book "War on Fathers". This book was revised, updated and published in June 2020 under the title "Ich will zu dir! Separation children, mother poisoning, state terror" republished by Edition Liberi & Mundo. In 2018, "KINDHEIT 6.7. a manifesto" was published. The book and bestseller, which was investigatively researched for years, is a history of childhood and at the same time a critique of civilization. A passionate plea and manifesto for children to grow up again in a humane and "species-appropriate" way, for a new appreciation of family socialization and for complete educational freedom. The author is the father of three children. For more information, visit:
Christian Schubert, born in 1961, is a physician, psychologist and medical psychotherapist. He is Professor of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Medical Psychotherapy at the Medical University of Innsbruck. There he has headed the Laboratory of Psychoneuroimmunology since 1995. His research focus concerns the development of an investigative approach to the analysis of psychosomatic complexity. He is the author of numerous professional publications. In December 2021, the book "Stress Test Corona - Why We Need a New Medicine" will be published as an unsparing reckoning with the current Corona regime (BOD).
Original: The defective patient