People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, suffer from "mental constipation" according to Wilhelm Reich, With consumer freedom, the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased:
I consume, therefore I am
The silent majority of our days prefers to bury its head in the sand instead of using it.
by Hans-Jürgen Mülln
[This article published on Sept 2, 2021 is translated from the German on the Internet,]
For many months now, not a few critical contemporaries have been despairing of the collective Corona psychosis that the ruling enemies of the constitution and the state-supporting media have triggered in numerous people for a year and a half now. They despair even more at the indifference with which a large part of the population - far into the left-wing camp - accepts the deprivation of their liberties and fundamental rights for an indefinite period. The reasons for this seem to be mysterious. Perhaps the old leftist Pier Paolo Pasolini can help us out a bit.
"There (is) no worse crime (...) than indifference (...). To be indifferent is to murder incessantly," Karlheinz Deschner said in 1986 (1).
"Why," asks NachDenkSeiten editor Jens Berger in an article on Corona politics, "does a large part of our fellow citizens accept the measures (...) in a form that ranges from stoic obedient indifference to sentimental larmoyanz to already almost militant support?" (2). Like others, Berger answers his self-posed question in this way: "(...) above all stands fear, (...) the probably best conceivable motive" of wanting to become "part of a large national community" (3) that seemingly offers security and orientation. Critical questions are hardly asked in such a context.
If one reviews the initial phase of the Corona pandemic staging, some of this thesis is certainly correct. From the beginning, a criminal government deliberately and well-calculated relied on behavioral-psychological methods and with the help of a drumfire propaganda of like-minded media on an intensive scaremongering. For this alone, it would have to be replaced and its anti-constitutional members would have to be held accountable. The statist media did not shy away from even using fake footage to portray the situations in Bergamo and New York as apocalyptic in order to achieve the desired shock effect (4) and to keep the population in check across classes and to deliver them to the pharmaceutical companies in the long run.
Fear, fear and fear again
In addition to the fear of the virus and the associated fear of becoming infected, other fears are currently holding people captive: Fear of impending unemployment after short-time work, fear of livelihood destruction, fear of the Corona measures, fear of the possible side effects of vaccination, fear of the complete collapse of the economy and so on - fear, fear, fear. But against the backdrop of an endlessly dragging out "pandemic," can fear alone serve as an argument to explain the paralytic state of a large part of the population?
Despite massive repression against critics of the Corona measures, the likes of which the Federal Republic of Germany has never seen before - liquidation of fundamental rights, censorship of alternative media, character assassination campaigns, account blocking and the politically intended destruction of professional livelihoods -, In recent months, however, one or two things worth thinking about have leaked out, and not just from outside the opinion-forming media, which could have roused at least large sections of what Willy Wimmer called "sedated Germans" (5) from their deep sleep.
The outrageous corruption cases of the Union around the masks, the scandal around the intensive care bed capacities, the dark business with the pharmaceutical industry at the expense of the taxpayers, which Brussels and Berlin operated under the aegis of Union politicians, or the substantial health risks, which are connected with the new, only rudimentarily developed vaccines and/or gene therapies and which are accepted by the governing, should have let nevertheless clearly more contemporaries become more thoughtful.
Psychological terror planned by the general staff
The fact that only a minority reacts rationally to the Corona coercive measures, i.e. critically on the basis of data and facts, shows on the one hand how manipulable the masses are across classes when they are made headless and frightened with the help of a PR and propaganda campaign planned on a general staff basis - i.e. psycho terror. Especially when, in addition to the lack of critical journalistic reporting, the much vaunted separation of powers does not function at all in an emergency and there is no influential political corrective that could question the narrative of rule and offer an alternative orientation. This is a role that the left used to play. Today, however, there is no sign of it. On the other hand, the manipulability does not explain why the indolence of the so-called silent majority has spread so quickly.
No, in addition to the fears that hold the indifferent majority captive, a good deal of ignorance, thoughtlessness, convenience, opportunism and political naiveté also determine their behavior.
And certainly there are also a large number of intellectual low-flyers among them, on whom even before Corona every problem dripped like on the famous Teflon pan, and who are convinced that everything good always comes from above - the classically German vice of obedience to authority. From my own experience, well-off people from the middle classes - especially those with an academic background - once again excel here.
Indeed, among low-income earners, the proportion of those who do not want to be vaccinated, for example, seems to be significantly higher than among higher-income earners (6). It would be interesting to investigate whether these differences are based on a healthy class-related mistrust among "ordinary" people rather than on ignorance or inertia. They are also the ones whom the bourgeois politicians have targeted with new draconian measures in order to bring them to the vaccination räson in the fall of 2021 at the latest: If you don't get vaccinated, don't eat!
But it was not only me who was most affected by the fact that fundamental rights and the freedoms associated with them, which have hitherto been taken for granted and should actually be indispensable for an enlightened citoyen, i.e. a mature citizen, are obviously of no value to many members of the middle classes and have quite obviously not been internalized. And that they have developed just as little awareness, a feeling for these values as for their personal self-determination and independence.
Instead, the bourgeois majority has adapted, settled in, willingly submitted to the measures, incorporated them into their everyday lives - even people who actually have nothing to do with Merkel, Spahn and their ilk politically. They go to the vaccination like to a church service and come out of the vaccination temple awakened with a hosanna on their lips. Junkies have never been as popular as they are today.
It gets hearty: vaccination between bratwurst and brass band music
The carelessness with which they are now vaccinating to the beat of brass band music at the sausage stand in the IKEA parking lot in supposedly left-wing-ruled Thuringia, for example, is astounding. The Bavarian would-be dictator Markus Söder calls this "vaccination to go" (7). Before the hot shot, they are willing to sign a pamphlet listing any side effects, which they of course voluntarily ignore just as they absolve Big Pharma of any liability with their signature.
In the process, they allow themselves to be pumped full of serums that are still in the experimental stage - and many of these guinea pigs are well aware of this! But they would never drive a Mercedes that has not yet been developed and tested ready for series production. Well-heeled people who reject genetically modified foods on principle can hardly wait to undergo gene therapy with Biontech and grumble if they don't get an appointment right away. So what is this fear?
They all accept a situation that Henry David Thoreau aptly summed up in the mid-19th century: "Lies and deceit are regarded as unshakable truths, while reality is a fable" (8). This attitude is actually nothing new. Moses I. Finley, at the time one of the leading social historians on antiquity, opened his 1973 book Antiquity and Modern Democracy with a finding of "modern opinion research" that even then lamented "the indifference, apathy, and widespread ignorance of a majority of eligible voters in Western democracies":
"They are not capable of adequately reflecting the problems of political life that are up for decision at any given time, and do not care about the greater part of the same in any way. Many do not know, for example, what the Common Market is or what the UN is; just as many cannot give information about who represents their constituency in parliament or who is running for which office" (9).
Has it always been like this: a silent majority?
This is a phenomenon that has been observed not only since the Corona farce. Ullrich Mies traces this and the "psychology of the masses" in his preface to Flo Osrainik's Corona dossier (10) by compiling judgments of some historical personalities about the inertia of the masses. In fact, it seems to have been like this throughout the ages: The vast majority remains silent and complies, come what may. However, the "silence of the lambs" should not be compared with that in today's Western-style bourgeois democracies, neither under the centuries-long tyranny of feudalism nor under early capitalism, and certainly not from 1933 to 1945.
The exercise of power then was openly repressive and the repression brutal, whereas today's in the "value West" is much more subtle, less obvious, as long as it itself does not seem threatened.
After 1945, however, the West German bourgeois state was and is openly repressive toward unpopular citizens and their political organizations, such as the KPD and the DKP, whose members and sympathizers have felt and continue to feel the wrath of the seemingly liberal constitutional state (11).
In contrast, the majority of the population is preemptively kept in check and put to sleep with "gentler" methods. In doing so, the bourgeois state apparatus relies directly and indirectly on industries that are superficially hardly suspected of being supportive of the state, but which make an elementary contribution to sedation with sophisticated methods of mass manipulation.
The Cultural "Amification" of Western Europe after 1945
The filmmaker and writer Pier Paolo Pasolini was one of the few leftists to draw attention to this in his polemics against bourgeois consumer society - consumerism for short - in the first half of the 1970s. After his assassination, they were published collectively in 1975 under the title Scritti corsari (in German: Freibeuterschriften) (12). If one follows Pasolini's argument, then the modern indifferentism of many people began much earlier, with the political and cultural hegemonization of Western Europe by U.S. imperialism after 1945 (13).
In fact, with the "amification" of Western Europe, the commercial and political mass influence of "American-style" (14) reached a new level and was all-encompassing. The "voluntary German subservience to U.S. cultural imperialism, no matter in what silly form it manifests itself" (15), is particularly striking.
The system-stabilizing methods of public relations, commercial advertising, and mass entertainment, which had been successfully employed and increasingly refined in the United States for decades, fell on fertile ground in Western European countries whose economies were just beginning to recover from the war. With the advent of technological innovations such as television, commercial and political messages dominated by images spread nationwide from the second half of the 1960s onward, characterized by a consumerist "ideology of hedonistic tolerance" (16) "with (which) the real power system has replaced every other moral value of the past" (17) and profoundly changed the cultures of Western Europe, Pasolini recognized.
With the implementation of consumerism and the illusion industry, respectively, a "process of leveling (...) has begun, which destroys everything authentic and special." (18) The result was a "consumer civilization" that Pasolini called "the most repressive totalitarianism ever known". (19). And he continued:
"The new bourgeois rule, in fact, needs consumers with an exclusively pragmatic and hedonistic mentality" who have to function smoothly in the "cycle of production and consumption" (20), and "whose lives are confirmed only through consumer goods" (21).
And there "real needs" (22) only interfere, the self-determination of individuals, humanistic values, solidarity, living traditions or spirituality and the ability for self-reflection. Another Marxist critic, the German Wolfgang Fritz Haug, at the same time as his colleague from Italy, critically examined, among other things, the aesthetic manifestations of product advertising and confirmed the process of reification observed by Pasolini:
"Precisely because for capital in the sphere of circulation only the money in the pockets of the customers counts, regardless of their class membership, the appearance through which a specific class culture prepares to take over the workers prevails in the aesthetics of commodities: into the capitalist distorted image of a classless culture. The vaporous edifice that vaults it is less than ever determined by heaven - unless by the vacation sky -, eternal ideas and rights, art and fatherland. It is a single supermarket into which (...) the social world of this capitalism is transformed" (23).
Good for sales: the infantilization of adults
The renowned U.S. political scientist Benjamin Barber pointed out this transformation and simultaneous reduction of people into consumers as follows: "We believe that we are what we buy. We are what we wear. This is a new identity politics, actually: identity shopping. That's what branding is all about: that products are not associated with their utility value or quality, but with a lifestyle. (...) The brand is the substitute for authentic behavior (italics by H.J.M. 24). This transformation demanded and demands its price:
"To get people to buy things they don't need, they have to be infantilized. Adult people capable of making rational decisions must be turned into mindless children" (25).
That is, they must be robbed of their critical minds.
This was and is the task of the image-heavy illusion industry, with its now interlocking fields of entertainment, advertising, PR, and the state-supporting media increasingly moving into the final stage of propaganda. It represents a totalitarian conspiracy against the supposedly willing, responsible citizen, pursuing the single goal - let me put it quite drastically - of turning shit into chocolate.
That is, they continuously produce lacquered backdrops, numbing illusory worlds, mind-numbing "tittytainment" (26), products of distraction, diversion, disinformation, suggesting harmony and happy endings, behind which the political and social abysses of capitalist class society in its final stage are revealed. These are to be hidden at all costs. The ability to concentrate, to self-reflect and to think for oneself are completely out of place there.
Television as an instrument of domination
Technology played and still plays an important role in this. It is not for nothing that Pasolini polemicized so radically against television. Today, his polemics would certainly also be directed against the Internet and especially against the smartphone and the tablet, which, taken together as the "digital crack" (27), have given consumerism a new boost and are continuously extremizing it: Keyword Internet of Things. Pasolini not only found the all-pervasive reach of television alarming. Moreover, he was downright frightened by what it was doing to minds.
"One of the most powerful instruments of the new domination is television," which, with advertising, "on the one hand launched products and on the other, and above all, developed the new model of man as consumer" (28). To this end, television, as an expression of the totalitarian consumer society, "has remodeled, deformed, and driven the consciousness of the Italian people to a degradation (...) from which there is no return" (29).
The same applies, by the way, to politics, in which bourgeois politicians are "sold" like a commodity by using the methods of advertising and PR to polish up mostly incompetent, corrupt puppets of capital - alleged clean men and women with whom the electorate is supposed to identify, and who are brought to the man, to the woman, like products. Here, too, shit is continuously turned into chocolate.
"On television, the politician doesn't so much offer the audience an image of himself, he makes himself into an image that the audience likes to see. And therein lies one of the most powerful influences that television advertising exerts on political discourse" (30).
Politicians and politicians are art figures staged by the media, productions designed to appeal exclusively to the emotions and to eliminate the reflective mind, the critical political debate.
The powerful depend on the illusion industry; without it, they are nothing. Crucially, all areas of the illusion industry are concentrated in television: Entertainment, advertising, PR, and the statist media propaganda, which at first gently but firmly and mercilessly lull and indoctrinate viewers with illusory worlds.
Lure and lure away
Ten years after Pasolini, U.S. media scholar Neil Postman characterized the medium in his popular bestseller We're Amusing Ourselves to Death in equally unflattering terms:
"Television is a medium that presents us with information in a form that slanders it, that renders it insubstantial and unhistorical and deprives it of its context, a medium that trims information down to the format of entertainment" (31).
In doing so, it has "changed the meaning of 'being informed.'"
Rather, its business is a different one, that of disinformation:
"Disinformation means misleading information-inappropriate, irrelevant, fragmentary, or superficial information-information that pretends you know something, when in fact it lures you away from knowledge" (italics by H.J.M., 32).
Luring and luring away - this is the task of the fields of entertainment, PR, advertising and the state-supporting media propaganda working together in a "concerted action". The first three areas create the sales-promoting appearance in more or less "beautiful" images, which, however, not only stimulates sales, but in its overpowering continuity in the media is at the same time socially relevant: it simultaneously conceals the dystopian conditions in bourgeois-capitalist "democracy," for it is in truth a sham democracy in which the subservient citizens - nothing more than that - have nothing to say or decide (33).
And those who still try to use their brains and put two and two together are lured onto false tracks by the state-supporting media propaganda roller in order to keep up appearances - through disinformation, i.e. deception or confusion, the implementation of one-sided narratives of rule and the omission of necessary information that could provide a complete picture. Brainwashing in perfection.
Destruction of human cognition
Postman finally goes so far as to claim, using the example of television news, that they are "based on a theory of anti-communication that propagates a type of discourse that has abandoned logic, reason, consistency (...)" (34). A statement, incidentally, that can be applied to "concerted action" as a whole. Its destructive long-term effect on human cognition is obvious.
Its goal is the intellectual emptying of people - with the positive side effect for the rulers of their depoliticization.
They are reduced to being revenue-generating consumers and politically undemanding, aerodynamically shaped, disoriented citizens - not, according to the former illusion of the Enlightenment, enlightened, responsible citoyens across all classes who actively claim their self-determination as individuals. In contrast, consumption is a passive attitude that feigns activity.
It is interesting that the emptying corresponds to the complete implosion of bourgeois values, which has gained momentum in recent decades with the "neoliberal counterrevolution" (35) and the radical economization of all areas of life. In the process, the maelstrom of illusionism has also dragged the bourgeois canon of values down with it.
This was foreseeable if one is familiar with the Communist Manifesto. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels spectacularly described capitalism in its historically revolutionary phase, in which it overcame feudalism: the once revolutionary bourgeoisie "has destroyed all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has ruthlessly torn apart the motley feudal bonds (...) and left no other bond between man and man than naked interest, than unfeeling 'bare payment'" (36).
130 years later, however, what Marx and Engels had still praised as historical progress in the Communist Manifesto in 1848 was to the devil for the Communist Pasolini:
"The perpetual upheaval of production, the uninterrupted shaking of all social conditions, the eternal uncertainty and movement distinguish the bourgeois epoch above all others. All fixed and rusty relations with their entourage of time-honored ideas and views are dissolved, all newly formed ones become obsolete before they can ossify. All that is status and standing evaporates, all that is sacred is desecrated, and men are at last forced to look at their position in life, their mutual relations, with sober eyes" (37).
Polemic against the prose of capitalism
Pasolini polemicized against this "sober gaze," the prose of capitalism of his time, which was accompanied by the complete disenchantment of the world, the desecration of the real, the living. For him, the traditional humanist values of the European Enlightenment and the international workers' movement, age-old traditions, even religion - meaning here the Catholic-influenced popular religion of southern Italy, based on ancient, pagan rituals - were filled with life, that is, they had a profound meaning for the people, for the great mass of impoverished workers, day laborers, agricultural workers and peasants of Italy, and gave them meaning in life and an orientation.
A trivial image may be allowed at this point to illustrate this: He saw in the capitalist consumer society a blood-sucking vampire, in whose foul-smelling environment all flowers - as symbols of life and beauty - instantly wither and die.
The process of overcoming the spiritual mirages of feudalism by the rising bourgeoisie, which Marx and Engels had described in the Communist Manifesto, was also carried out by advanced bourgeois society itself - even more so after 30 years of neoliberal acceleration: The process of alienation and reification, which went beyond the sphere of production and consumption to encompass all social and societal spheres, destroyed its own humanistic canon of values, with which the bourgeoisie had once set out to overcome feudalism. Today, this too is nothing more than superfluous ballast. Only one goal remains: profit maximization.
After 200 years, the promise of the bourgeois revolution - liberty, equality, fraternity - has been replaced by the promises of advertising slogans and mendacious phrases of bourgeois politicians. What remains of the citoyen? Nothing! He has degenerated into a insubstantial, thoughtless and aimless cardboard dummy, into a manipulable consumer, and has been reduced to what he was not originally supposed to be.
Revaluation of all values
This process of the "revaluation of values" (38) thus took place long before Corona, but finds its completion during the Corona plot. An elementary bourgeois value such as freedom has long since been replaced by that of freedom of consumption. "We are told that freedom has to do with choices in the market (...). But that is not the kind of freedom that bourgeois freedom means," Benjamin Barber (39) knows. In fact, the bourgeois concept of freedom was and is class-bound and primarily means the freedom of action of the capitalist.
Ernst Bloch comments on this: "The economic drive in today's business life has reached the point of pure baseness, in the thoroughly crooked, and only the unsparing meanness is all about it. The greed for profit overshadows here all human emotions, it has not even, like the lust for murder, pauses. And it is equally certain: even in earlier, comparatively more honest times of capital, the interest in profit was not exactly composed of the noblest human drives. Under penalty of ruin, powerful selfishness was always active in the economic struggle. If this driving force had diminished, if altruistic motives had taken its place (...), then (...) the whole capitalist gear would have stood still. And yet: would it not often have been at least slowed down (...) if the egoistic drive had given itself as so naked?" (40).
Since "no exploitation may let itself be seen naked" (41), the rising bourgeoisie cloaked its nakedness with ideals that were supposed to apply to everyone.
With the first appearance of the fourth estate-the emerging proletariat-at the end of the French Revolution, these proved peu à peu to be mere mirages that could be maintained à la longue only through manipulation. In other words, bourgeois values have always been more illusory than real, so that the current lack of values in bourgeois society is all-encompassing.
Into this vacuum push those value surrogates and political dogmas of the rulers, which are incessantly implanted into the minds of the people by the "concerted action". After daily brainwashing by the manipulation front of advertising, PR, entertainment and state-supporting media propaganda, it must unfortunately be conceded at this point in time: The bourgeois consumer society has done a great job with its communicative instruments if many people no longer have any concept of real democracy, of participation and self-determination, i.e. of freedom, and do not perceive this as a loss.
On the way to the totalitarian state
In this respect, Pasolini was right: the bourgeois consumer society is thoroughly tainted, i.e. totalitarian - already a long time before Corona. However, the ruling classes in the "value West" have used the Corona plot to finally and quite openly make tabula rasa: Values, fundamental rights only interfere on the way to the totalitarian state.
The human rights fought for over centuries against the feudal state and the church, which found their way into the constitutions of the bourgeois states as inalienable fundamental rights, are worth nothing today - null and void, erased. This is the starting point of a new stage of bourgeois rule, which I would like to outline here in a few key words: ID2020 law, digital central bank currency, abolition of cash, introduction of a social points system - oriented to the totalitarian delusions of the "masterminds" of the World Economic Forum.
This process is not even noticed by a large part of the population. How could they? In a world without values, without orientation, many people join the apparent majority opinion manufactured by the state-supporting media propaganda. Such people do not question anything. People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, according to Wilhelm Reich, suffer from "mental constipation" because their "character is armored" (42). They finally have a value substitute: consumer freedom, with which the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased: Today it is no longer "I think, therefore I am" but "I consume, therefore I am"!
In order to regain the freedom of consumption, one voluntarily gives up the real, the personal freedom of self-determination and the power of disposal over one's own body. After months of accepted lockdowns, many feel immediately after the vaccination, so my observation, as if liberated, as if reborn. "Now we can go shopping again, go to the inn, and most importantly, finally travel again." Provided one is not one of the 35 million EU citizens who cannot afford a vacation trip (43). This freedom resembles a Pyrrhic victory, as will become clear in the future.
Mass rape by Big Pharma
These people, who think of themselves as liberated, are so naive that they cannot imagine that those politicians who elected them are playing with them, with their lives, with their health, have sold them as lab rats to the pharmaceutical companies and subjected them to a state-organized mass rape by Big Pharma - of course in return for a fat commission for those politically responsible, which will beckon them when they have retired. Persuasion against the prevailing narrative is of little help. For those who are addressed mostly shut themselves off. The keyword is cognitive dissonance.
Even a critical physician with scientific expertise has no chance. He has no chance of using his good arguments to convince a supporter of the Corona measures, who has obtained his information at most from advertising papers, his regional newspaper and the Tagesschau, or worse still from Der Spiegel, of a realistic, fact-based view.
No, he believes to know it better than the studied physician! Who possibly, if it comes badly, still by the Besserwisser is denounced. - A triumph of "concerted action" against which no herb seems to be able to grow. Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone, on the other hand, still optimistically opines:
"The price of leaving compartmentalization behind for a worldview of integrity is the cognitive dissonance and discomfort of building a new framework for reality. But the reward is having a view based on truth rather than lies" (44).
Can cognitive dissonance really be overcome? Pasolini was pessimistic in his time and not convinced. He saw no way to crack concerted action. That's why he sharply criticized the left, especially the Italian Communists, who were still an influential political power factor at the time, for not doing anything about the cognitive dislocations due to consumerism.
They too, he charged, were already statist as was much of today's left in Western and Central Europe, especially in Germany.
Therefore, the indifference of many people is not the crucial problem, but the indifferentism of the left and of the organizations of the labor movement, which support the Corona measures of a stock reactionary government instead of being a factor of democratic mobilization against them like the left CGT in France.
In Germany, at least, many leftists seem to be quite indifferent to basic rights after all.
I don't recall any profound and purposeful debate on the left in the past two to three decades about the illusion industry and how to overcome it, or about the reorganization of the public media. She doesn't seem to understand at all the role of "concerted action" in keeping the masses down. It doesn't even think of throwing a little sand in the gears and initiating a broad public debate - for example, through a well-organized boycott of the compulsory GEZ fee with an accompanying educational campaign. Two to three million people who are fed up with having to pay for the lousy and manipulative programs of the state media would certainly be found and cancel their GEZ standing order. That would be at least times a beginning.
Sources and notes:
(1) Karlheinz Deschner, Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Erster Band (Die Frühzeit), Reinbek bei Hamburg 1986, page 61.
(2) Jens Berger, Angst machen mir die Ja-Sager und Mitläufer, NachDenkSeiten, August 13, 2020,
(3) Ibid.
(4) Interested parties can download the paper How we get Covid-19 under control, posted on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior on April 28, 2020, as a PDF document at the following link:
As a supplement, see the testimony of British investigative journalist Brian Gerrish in the Corona Committee, 54th Session, Part 2. The transcribed form of the hearing can be found here:
In addition to the British, the Austrian government also relied on such "crisis communication" in close cooperation with the state-sponsored media to create a massive shock effect, i.e., fear, among the population:
(6) see:!5784372/
In France it seems to be similar. An article entitled What is our French Nero trying to do by setting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated appeared in Corona Transition on July 29, 2021, in which the author states, "Vaccinated France is the France of the rich." "The higher the standard of living in a city, the more inhabitants are vaccinated.",
(8) Henry David Thoreau, Walden or Life in the Woods, Hamburg 20184, page 148.
(9) Moses I. Finley, Antiquity and Modern Democracy, Stuttgart 1980, page 7.
(10) Ullrich Mies, Foreword. In: Flo Osrainik, The Corona Dossier. Under false flag, against freedom, human rights and democracy. Neuenkirchen 2021, page 15.
(12) Pier Paolo Pasolini, Buccaneer Writings. The Destruction of the Culture of the Individual by the Consumer Society. Ed. by Peter Kammerer, Berlin 1998.
(13) The often rightly lamented indifferentism of a large part of Germans under fascism cannot, in my view, be compared with today's phenomenon. Indifferent to euphoric were first and foremost the bourgeoisie, which also included the petty bourgeoisie and the new stratum of bourgeois employees. The proletarians and their organizations could only be kept in check by open brutal terror. I maintain that they were considerably more class-conscious and enlightened then than they are now. The failure of their organizations is one of the main reasons for the enthronement of the National Socialists. They could have successfully prevented Hitler's regime - despite all their differences - as in Kapp-Pusch. Instead, they preferred to march separately into fascism, but then sat together in the SA torture cellars.
In the past, the left was still anti-fascist; today, the overwhelming majority of the left supports government policies. It is - in contrast to 1933 - a total failure and bears a large share of the blame for the further road to the totalitarian state.
(14) Pier Paolo Pasolini, op. cit., page 48.
(16) Pier Paolo Pasolini, op. cit., page 40.
(17) Ibid, page 38.
(18) Ibid, page 41.
(19) Ibid, page 56.
(20) Ibid, page 31.
(21) Ibid. Page 41.
(22) Benjamin Barber, "I do! I will!",, April 12, 2008 (
(23) Wolfgang Fritz Haug, Critique of Commodity Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main 41973, page 136f.
(24) Benjamin Barber, op. cit.
(25) Ibid.
(26) Hans-Peter Martin, Harald Schumann, Die Globalisierungsfalle. The Attack on Democracy and Prosperity, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2003, page 13.
(28) Pier Paolo Pasolini, op. cit., page 74.
(29) Ibid, page 108.
(30) Neil Postman, We're Amusing Ourselves to Death. Urteilsbildung im Zeitalter der Unterhaltungsindustrie, Frankfurt am Main 1985, page 165.
(31) Ibid, page 173.
(32) Ibid, page 133.
Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone blows the same horn: "The mass media do not exist to share important information about the world. They exist to share important disinformation about the world." From:
(33) Here I agree with Lenin in State and Revolution: "To decide once in several years which member of the ruling class shall hold down and crush the people in parliament - that is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism." From: V. I. Lenin, Selected Works, Volume II, Berlin 81970, page 355.
(34) Neil Postman, op. cit., page 130.
A supplement to this: If one is not encouraged to think for oneself, if one does not acquire the ability to critically question what one has read, seen and heard, and also to consult alternative media and sources of information, one is hopelessly lost in this web that the actors of "concerted action" have spun over the decades. It is no coincidence that the acquisition of these skills does not enjoy special priority in educational curricula of our present day. On the contrary. In educational policy - to hint at this only briefly - everything is being done to train the next generation even at universities through schooling not only to become quickly usable technical idiots, but also to prevent independent thinking. "Competence" ( instead of comprehensive education is the keyword here and can be traced back to the so-called "Bologna Process," which was launched throughout Europe in 1999 and aimed at standardizing courses of study and degrees, above all at "employability on the labor market," i.e., the rapid usability of labor. With the consequence that in a 2016 survey of 1,000 professors and academics at German universities, 62 percent of university teachers found that because of the "reform," "students 'cannot form independence and independent thinking,'" And Peter Grottian confirmed on June 22, 2017 on Deutschlandfunk: "The stultifications about bachelor systems are accepted," no value is placed on "people capable of judgment," In addition: One could think that the "education reform" is an accompanying measure to secure the "concerted action".
Similar to television and radio, new technologies such as the smartphone and tablet are accommodating the prevailing interests in cognitive disenfranchisement. Even the youngest children, who are still at the beginning of the development of their cognitive abilities, are to be inflicted as early as possible and their further development slowed down - through the earliest possible digitalization of school lessons and their leisure time. According to neurobiologist and brain researcher Prof. Dr. Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt, "Screen-based media bombard children with a barrage of stimuli. This media bombardment overloads the hippocampus and the reward system it controls. Thus, the frontal brain cannot develop well because it is above this chain of stimuli. As a result, early childhood emergency maturation of the frontal brain and hippocampus can lead to severe cognitive dysfunction, such as learning disabilities, autistic developmental disorders, and/or addiction." The consequence: "Whoever reduces the influence of digital media on children promotes their brain development, because later adolescents and adults need high cognitive skills to cope with digital challenges. Developmental psychology also shows that children are only slowly able to develop their full cognitive potential from around the age of 12 to 14. Before that, healthy sensory-motor development is needed, which is jeopardized by calls for 'early media literacy'." (from: Gertraud Teuchert-Noodt, with the assistance of Ingo Leipner, Ein Bauherr beginnt auch nicht mit dem Dach. Die digitale Revolution verbaut unseren Kindern die Zukunft, umwelt - medizin - gesellschaft, 4/2016). In addition, the interview with Teuchert-Noodt in NachDenkSeiten: In this context, I also recommend the following articles by Prof. Dr. Dr. Manfred Spitzer, Psychiatric University Hospital & Transfer Center for Neuroscience and Learning, University of Ulm: On supposed new findings on the risks and side effects of digital information technology, Psychologische Rundschau, 66 (2), Göttingen 2015, and Risks and Side Effects of Digital Information Technology, an expert opinion in the context of a hearing by the Hessian State Parliament's Commission of Inquiry on October 14, 2016 on the topic of "Digitalization and School Education." Against this background, the question remains in the room, what value do the cognitive development and health of children have in this country? I don't think any particular one. Especially in Corona times. That's why the foreseeable devastation in this regard that the universally propagated digitalized homeschooling and the equally superfluous and criminal vaccinations of children will entail are also accepted. After all, they accommodate the dumbing down of the broad masses.
(35) Ullrich Mies, op. cit., page 15.
(36) Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), in: Dieselben, Werke (MEW) Vol. 4, Berlin 1977, p. 464.
(37) Ibid, p. 465.
(38) Pier Paolo Pasolini, op. cit., p. 161.
(39) Benjamin Barber, op. cit.
(40) Ernst Bloch, Gesamtausgabe vol. 5, Das Prinzip Hoffnung, chapters 1-37, Frankfurt am Main 1959, page 171.
(41) Ibid, page 175.
(42) Wilhelm Reich, Rede an den kleinen Mann, Frankfurt am Main 152003, pages 51 and 56.
(44) Caitlin Johnstone, Another World: Empire Needs Psychological Foreclosure,
Hans-Jürgen Mülln, born in 1955, worked for over thirty years as an editor, copywriter, PR journalist and editor-in-chief after completing his studies in German and philosophy. Since 2010, he has also been writing narratively. His latest book, Torn in the Land of Poets and Executioners, was published in early 2018. In the narrative essay, he deals with his father's Waffen SS past. He is currently working on a book about species conservation.
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