The 1954 Attack On The Capitol And The Woman Who Led It
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Lolita Lebrón was right in her time. She is right in and for ours.
Lolita Lebrón was right then. Lolita Labron is still right today. She and many others who are not members of the bloodless class of people, known as U.S. Government, displaying no empathy, not even for the death of children, grieving mothers, or anyone. That is simply because killing us is their goal. We are to young to have met you. We are not Puerto Rican, however, we are you. While fighting our fight, we are fighting for you too. Thank you Lolita.
Lolita Lebrón has more compassion, empathy, grief, bereavment, care for humanity, even while dead, than all of The Federal Government in Washington D.C. has displayed while alive. She is what real humanity looks like, is, does. Not that The Federal Government in Washington D.C.
When we attack, it must not be just in the house. Whever they are, there we will be. Strike when it is right. At times that will be when they surface.
Original: A Worthwhile Goal