Des Monte Verità, passé, présent, futur

by Patrice Faubert Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2021 at 8:33 AM

La foire aux époques...

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New knowledge

Sending us back

Obviously, to a new ignorance


Vibrations of a spider's web

From the cosmic web


Galactic filaments


Egg transformation


Semen transformation

Dust vibration

Creation of universes

A whole anthropometry

Of knowledge

A whole anthropometry

Of ignorance

And also, alas, police anthropometry

Fingerprints, papillary

From Alphonse Bertillon, from Edmond Locard

From the origin of forensic science

Technical police

From the beginning to the genetic robot portrait

To kinship, serial killer, enigmatic

Coverage of any crime scene

But also, all freedom, we eliminate it

This is a nasty plunder!

Any government

Is a thought police

With shit in advertising

What we can do

What we can't do

A permit for this

A permit for this

And with confinement

And without confinement

And so, the caravan of capital, passes, that's it

All this with a certain dexterity

Because it's all about digesting everything

Genocide, ecocide, and all the atrocities

And we don't have

Is not it ?

Like our obligated sparrow

Birds, not the silliest

With its gastrolith

We human animals are imitating lies

To be able to swallow it all

To be able to vomit everything, expectorate everything

A whole society

Of a totalitarian and reactionary world

Closed environment or open environment


A dyslexic world

A dyscalculic world

A dysphasic world


Conflicts, wars, aggressiveness, terrorized

In children, it can be treated

In children it can be corrected

But it is more difficult with society!

So many awful things that were scotomized

Even more than sodomized pornography

Like a terror never assumed

Of a whole backward Ireland

Young unmarried mothers

Exiled, humiliated, abused, mistreated, ignored

Of this so Catholic Ireland

To nuns in frenzied cruelty

Of some of these nuns

So fascinating and so stupid

And very young women

With breasts full of milk

And nobody was helping

I imagine all that milk in my throat

What I dreamed of, wasted idiotically

Because even their newborns

Being torn from them, of this milk, they were deprived

But from an education of debility

Most women don't even know how to masturbate

Most women don't like to masturbate

When to drink the juices of this private property

We can only dream

But more seriously

Human disgust is shit

Of course, phew

Everything is not splashed

Hope of the past

Monte Verità, famous community

Beginning of the last century

Anarchists, vegetarians and vegetarians

Children, women, men, holding hands

Moreover, the late Bakunin

In this region of Switzerland, came there, regain good looks

And so, other people, but there, later, in Monte Verità

With sunbathing

With unparalleled air baths

Naturism, nudism

Of primitive socialism!

With vegetarianism, sensualism

No more private property

Yes really

And coming together at all times

From the planetary system

Of the solar system

From planet earth

Other universes

Parallel or not parallel

Everything has already existed

Everything already exists

Everything will exist

Either way, there you go

This is my shrinking, my hobbyhorse!

Patrice Faubert (2021) puète, peuète, pouète, paraphysicien (

Original: Des Monte Verità, passé, présent, futur