A 'fun' supplement for every alt-righter, Trumpturd, fascist and the occasional woman and children abuser
I had used this site only for creating memes in the past, disregarding the option to join imgflip for leaving comments.
One day I was pretty much bored and delved a bit deeper into this site. The so called "politics" stream caught my special attention for the sheer volume of fake news, hate speech, open hate against everyone not being a male white MAGA supremacist...so I felt compelled to set my exclamation mark against them.
Soon I have to learn about why the aforementioned users were allowed to post that amount of bullshit daily, garnered with the common ad hominem attacks.
Because the whole moderation is not only siding with them but also participating. After an especially vile attack by one of the most fascist, racist and aggressive users (user name "Bluessol", allegedly living in south LA) I paid back with the same amount to receive the first of many 24h-bans while said user was of course still able to spread his manure.
These unfair treatments is of course not being the reason to make a wider audience aware of imgflip. But one incident was the final straw for me when one of the users by the name of "SleepyBiden" (former "gone_fishin") used a pic of child pornography to create a "meme" aimed at Joe Biden. I had flagged this post...and nothing happened.
None of the moderators felt compelled to remove that post, nor did they had banned the user and reported that incident to the authorities. Only after me informing that user I'm going to report it to the feds he had replaced that pic with another one being less risky but still proving that he is a child molester.
My end with imgflp came when my account was deleted without further notice after I had openly criticized the whole moderation for being extremely biased and inept. An absolute no-go for them, of course...
From time to time I had created other accounts which were either banned, deleted or - specially perfidious - let me make comments to have them deleted a few seconds later. One of the sitewide mods is that mentally unstable he is now openly taunting, insulting and threatening me (see https://imgflip.com/i/4rl58u ).
While the bullshit show which is also spilling to the other streams is going on.
I have a hunch that imgflip is located in the Santa Barbara area - it's a hunch since imgflip is describing itself as a "bootstrapped" venture without having published a physical address. Links to other ventures are probably showing connections into the LA area and Canada.
The moderators who are "responsible" for the mess they call moderation are going by the user names of "acuity12" (super mod), "Kate_the_Grate", "Olympian_Product" and "AndrewFinlayson" (sitewide mods, as fascistic as they can get).
Please keep in mind that my story is only the background to what is going at a site which is only a veil for a right-wing rally point with occasional transgressions into child pornography and bestiality.
Original: imgflip.com - a cesspool for alt-rights