Alexander C. Kaufman: Plagiarism Allegations Shroud HuffPo Hack

by Barth Furst Friday, Aug. 16, 2019 at 3:58 PM

Plagiarism allegations haunt HuffPo hack. Lifts quotes and paragraphs directly from press releases. Shoddy ethics.

Anonymous sources tell us that HuffPo hack Alexander Kaufman is being investigated for plagiarism. It is well known in the environmental journalism world that Kaufman has poor writing skills and regularly lifts sentences and quotes directly from press releases, and then appends the "anonymous sources said" attribution as a flourish to make it seem he has done legitimate work. Our opinion is that his rogue should be fired immediately and publicly humiliated in the most expeditious way possible.

Original: Alexander C. Kaufman: Plagiarism Allegations Shroud HuffPo Hack