America is Suffering Under an Ego Driven Fascist Pig While Spineless GOP Proudly Looks On

by David Goldner idVer:192e12fadf08cc70ee44dd204 Monday, Jun. 18, 2018 at 7:01 PM 3107092107

Trump Destroys 200 years of Democracy While the Spineless Cowards that Make Up the GOP Proudly Looks on.

America is Suffering...
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To America's Despicable Fake Potus, Donald "The Douche Bag" Trump...

Since the conception of this country, you, Donald J. Trump, have to be the most pathetic cowardly lying pile of shit to ever disgrace this great democracy. You are ripping the baby's out of their mother's hands and then have the nerve to blame your personal despicable policies on the Democrats! YOU ARE A PATHETIC LIAR! I would tell you, you should be ashamed of yourself, but it is easy for all of America and the world to see that you have no shame, no ethics and no moral compass what so ever!

Trump, you are a self serving ego driven douche bag with the psychotic mind of a mentally ill child, and I fear the disgrace you and your cowardly comrades in the GOP are bringing to this country are sending us spiraling downward to your own low level of corporate sleaze, a trait we have never seen in any other president since our country's conception. You were a Corporate Whore before you were elected and you are even a bigger Corporate Whore now! And you show America and the world that with every arrogant ego driven partisan policy you and your pathetic moronic cult of short minded idiots are making!

You and your despicable cult of cowardly nazi followers, the GOP, brain dead morons you are leading around like mindless zombi's are setting America backwards every single day, and all you sleazy morons are leaving a long lasting stain on America's reputation all around the world as you disgrace me personally and the majority of America's people every single day. Your daily mendacity's are despicable and you lie so much they are keeping track. To date, you have lied to America and the world 3251 times! Again 3251 times since taking office, and history will not treat you kindly, nor will I!!

You are a sick twisted self centered ego driven jackass that only cares about himself, and although I don't personally believe in god, I hope you burn in hell for all that you have done to destroy this country, our democracy and our reputation around the world. To say you are a cave man would insult the beginnings of humanity!

I would tell you should read the great words on the Statue of Liberty that we have lived by until you showed up, but I know you can't actually read and would prefer it be imprinted on the statue as a cartoon strip which is much closer to your limited mentality. Maybe at some point after you are impeached and jailed, you will get your head out of your ass and look back to see what a blight you were on America. Until then, I'm sure you will continue to be the same ego driven pathetic asshole you so proudly show to America every single day. If I saw you having a heart attack on the streets of New York, I'd stop and watch until I was sure you were actually dead.

With all Sincerely, David Goldner

Original: America is Suffering Under an Ego Driven Fascist Pig While Spineless GOP Proudly Looks On