NPR's Marketplace: The Voice of Loanshark Capitalism

by SNS Tuesday, Apr. 19, 2016 at 4:08 PM

The Los Angeles based show Marketplace is NPR's voice of Wall Street banksters, hedge fund billionaires

NPR's Marketplace: T...
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Marketplace, the loanshark capitalism
show promoted by National Public Radio,
featured a report on Venezuela on April 18. 2016.
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the
world. That was one factor in the CIA's campaign of
destabilization of the country's economy
and their crucifixion of socialist Hugo Chavez.
he campaign including driving Venezuelan oil Citgo out of the US
and replacing it with a pricegouging
Canadian company Couche-Tard which operates
Circle K. Citgo had given hundreds of millions of charity fuel oil to the poor of New England.

In its 'report', Marketplace managed
a several minute commercial for
the mammal butchers, dairy cow abusers,
chicken killers and egg mongers of
Venezuela. The show did not mention
the destabilization of Venezuela as
the reporter attacked price controls and
the land reform
which broke up huge cattle ranches.

Who are responsible?
Deborah Clark - Vice President and Executive Producer

Kai Ryssdal Host and Senior Editor, Marketplace
David Brancaccio - Marketplace Morning Report
Ben Johnson - Marketplace Tech
Lizzie O’Leary - Marketplace Weekend
Molly Wood - Host & Correspondent
Senior Management

Sitara Nieves - Senior Producer, Marketplace
Nicole Childers - Senior Producer, Marketplace Morning Report & Marketplace Tech
Dan Szematowicz - Senior Producer, Marketplace Weekend
Mark Miller - Managing Editor
Nishat Kurwa - Senior Digital Producer
Tina Admans - Director of Business Operations

John Buckley - Senior Editor, International News
Deidre Depke -Senior Editor, New York Bureau Chief
Eve Epstein - Acquisitions Editor
Nancy Farghalli - Senior Editor, Wealth & Poverty
George Judson - Senior Editor, Sustainability
Dave Shaw - Senior Editor, Health Desk, Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief
Betsy Streisand - Senior Editor, Education and Technology
Marketplace Digital

Paul Brent - Senior Interactive Designer
Tobin Low -Digital Production Assistant
Arjuna Soriano- Web Developer
Stephania Thomas - Web Developer
Tony Wagner -Digital Production Assistant
Production Staff, Marketplace

Tommy Andres - Producer, Marketplace
Bridget Bodnar - Associate Producer, Marketplace
Daisy Palacios -Assistant Producer,Marketplace
Production Staff, Marketplace Morning Report

Justin Ho - Producer, Marketplace Morning Report
Katie Long - Associate Producer/Director, Marketplace Morning Report
Beidi Zhang-Assistant Producer, Marketplace Morning Report
Production Staff, Marketplace Weekend

Jenny Ament - Associate Producer, Marketplace Weekend