Great News!!! One faction of the 2 opposing ones has superceded the long infighting stalemate.
Election results show: that 17 out of 24 seats for the "Candidate Slate/Committee to Strengthen KPFK." ( 17 = includes 15 of these, plus 2 more 'independent' candidates)
see more details and names at: + + + + + + + + + + + +
and now for the bad news: more FUND DRIVES.....
"fund drives" ~~ too much on-air time spent telling everyone to send in more and more money ...or else... be guilty or lose....etc.
More of those dreary broadcast times a'comin' ...
The February fund drive will be held Feb 3 to 23rd with a hoped-for goal of $600,000. Goals are not always or even often met, however.
and too soon again, the Spring fund drive will be held May 2 thru 22 with another hoped-for goal of $630,000, which is even more than previous one.
We all hope the new LSB will take innovative and concrete actions to reduce the time this radio station wastes with repeat-programs, with continuous begging & harassing listeners to send in their own earnings
but... the story about those PREMIUMS OFFERED:
This is mostly done with "premiums" offered back to $$-donors as "gifts" - but many of which are never even sent out -- thus making those false promises a way to then not trust the station's management for false sales-promises not kept.
Which then dishonors the entire KPFK entity - including the staff, because of those lapses. Some donors vow to never donate again after such frustrating experiences of feeling 'cheated.'
Yep, it has happened - over the years and this has been worse lately.
Plus those who had already donated lots of $$$$ - for years and even recently - have to escape to any other radio stations that do not pressure, berate, nor demand of them to do even more ...and more.... and more....
especially -when many working people are not getting raises, the economy is still in it's slumped recession and earnings are scarce for many [who then have more time to listen to radio at all].
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
ARCHIVES - to later then be able to listen to programs already played:
The Archives may soon be revived to it's prior functions, with more, if not all, programs available for listening 'later', after the initial programming time has lapsed... in other words, at the listeners' time-available or convenience,
when the program-director and management decided to set those times for their Preferred programs. ..often at hours when many donors cannot be available for radio-listening at all.
This service has been in place for years until recently when many functions of KPFK's web and archives have dysfunctioned and also provided proof of a station entity failing - piece by piece. Other radio stations have this same practice always available, & easily accessible too.
= = = = = = = = = =
Everyone who has paid-for KPFK's maintenance and staff hopes Our Radio Station returns to even it's prior minimal level of functoning For Us Listeners, Stakeholders, Donors, Sponsors.
and - those who listen for free, = those with-out any other participation - such as volunteering, promoting & informing others to listen-in and find value at KPFK, and paying any small amount they can contribute - may finally JOIN in and be willing to give-back whatever lots or little to reduce the irritatingly long and repetitive 'fund' raising.
= = = = = = = =
Note: the Corporation for Public Broadcasting grant, that had provided about 10% of funds yearly, needed has been discontinued due to lack of audit and audiences at Pacifica for the last 2 years.
This tells everyone else a lot of how poorly Pacifica and KPFK have not kept to any required levels of 'good business practices' needed. Now is the time to change how the non-profit corporation entitled KPFK is handled and kept honest, stable financially, transparent and viable.... we all hope ......