Black Flag, the flagship publication of the Free Association of Anarchists (F@@), has just been published online, and is available for download here: We, the Free Association of Anarchists (F@@), are a small but hard-working collective of anarchists based in the Los Angeles area. We publish Black Flag quarterly as a local left-wing and anarchist clearinghouse for news, information, announcements, analysis, reviews, poetry, art, criticism, and all manner of anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anarchist, and left socialist/communist writings.
In addition to publishing Black Flag, we also conduct an annual Skid Row Clothing Give-away during the Winter holiday season, and we are constantly engaged in all sorts of community work, projects, and other forms of legitimate resistance to illegitimate authority.
If you would like more information, or would like to collaborate, please contact us at
If you would like to submit your original work to the Black Flag newsletter, please contact the editor at