KPFK'S rep to Pacific Bd Whitleblower -being kicked out ...plse sign petiton here

by kpfk loyalist still Monday, May. 04, 2015 at 2:38 PM

KPFK is losing a courageous whistleblower - one who dared to reveal secrets - that were requested by Atty General in a legal action - while pertinent & vital info was denied the AG by the Pacifica Na'l Bd members . So instead PNB conveniently wants to kick out a KPFK PNB member who complies with the investigation and laws ? what is going on ??? Since when is law-less-ness the better way to solvency ?

Please sign the petition.

"The retaliation against Kim Kaufman by the Pacifica National Board is one in a long line of incidents where people trying to draw attention to fiscal mismanagement at Pacifica stations have been harassed, fired, run off and recalled. It's past time to fix the problems, not to keep attacking the messenger, especially when there are many other critical problems (like listenership, finances, etc.) that the PNB should be dealing with! Please sign the petition below to tell the PNB that Kim deserves thanks, not punishment, for fulfilling her fiduciary duties and for insisting that Pacifica's financial problems need more illumination rather than being hidden away in the dark."


On April 30, 2015, the majority on the Pacifica National Board (PNB) voted in closed session to remove Kim Kaufman, a Director from KPFK who has repeatedly tried to get the PNB and management to investigate financial irregularities and missing/incomplete information supplied to the California Attorney General.....