USA Mass Media Crunching News of 1983 Nuclear Blast Near LA

by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2014 at 6:57 PM

USA Mass media being silenced on nuclear blast in 1983 in Pacific Ocean. I am the Quartermaster on the bridge wing in 1983 over a nuclear bubble. Seeking Actor or actress to portray the afterlife comedy version of Dier

I am founder of the Mobile Audit Club website and saintrambone multimedia productions. I am seeking an actor or actress who can portray myself but in a more feminine side if male or masculine if female. I was in a radioactive firestorm in the Pacific in 1983.

It was silenced but I want to run with it. After all, if you are the only one to recover from psychops and executions, then catch a flight with me, Kurt Brown, alias Saint ram bone. I am always seeking the modern Lazarus, LAX Annus as he is known on Cyclops hill, devils mountain.

In this skit I want a side shot and I want you to have your hair pulled back like a burn victim, and say, "Ode to a dier f-g" and jut your jaw out. At that point a howl and the que-rest of the que-er painting by saintrambone appears, and out comes the blind dog of Los Angeles with attitude and a radioactive tip, his quarter, the quartermaster.

Send me any links to clips you have online. I am currently working with the writers guild of America and HBO Documentaries I hope soon.

email me. Lets meet and discuss. Male or female. Be a USS Reid FFG 30 Plankowner. Be a Dier F-g WW 03, a transformed version of myself, the USS Reid FFG 30 quartermaster from the radioactive voyage of 1983 from Los Angeles Harbors terminal island.

I am seeking an actor or actress in California to portray myself in ulterior fashion in a real comedy. Craigslist in LA will not allow this to post. It is a dangerous place where many innocent have been killed and maimed and those in power silence it. How many were killed? Maimed?