Who declares themselves to be the ultimate-only-valid-authority here on current wars elsew

by careful critical reader Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 11:11 AM

So many good fotos shared about the most recent and continuous conflicts, be they about Israel and Palestine, about Ukraine and Russia, about anyplace ELSE than in the UStatesA. Each commentator claiming to know ‘the facts’, the holy only truth, the right answer, the wrong ‘other’ or the ‘poor victim’. Exhortations and declarations are good reading on Indy but many forget that opinions and alliances do not make honesty, impartial research, ‘facts’ and reality that will be believed …later. Like all the FIA hindsight revealed, so much is said by media and individual common people writing here are arrogantly acting as-if they were the One and Only One who is RIGHT! …huh ? how many ‘rights’ are there here and how long does that claim last over even a few years or months of time ?

Oh the Righteousness continually promoted and demanded for themselves alone ! The pride and authority claimed is All over the writings here… though not new or surprising, but with this topic of differences and contentions and wars and killings.

That claim to “I AM RIGHT, only we/me” has become extreme, strident and used as a challenging threat to any ‘others’ who have other views or experiences or knowledge.

“These are all undisputed facts” was a commentator’s facile statement of authority. As if anyone could claim to ever be undisputed if they were not directly Present and Involved on Site within any incident or event.

To claim to know absolutely for sure with full authority “all” of any “facts” is pure arrogance and lies. Other sly implications are stated as “a report from an authoritative source”…..really ? who can validate or agree to such vague sources declaring whatever ?

Excuses and good-reasons for why one side does what it does and none allowed or believed for ‘the others’. Is this critical reasonable thinking or research ? Are all writings here just venting and enjoying the ‘high’ energy that accompanies ‘righteous anger’ while safely living in this calmer USA?

How easy to write, and hope someone believes the exhortations made in safe cities and open streets and government programs for helping it’s citizens live better Here. How easy. [for samples see comments above].

“Facts” are continually are revised, updated, reconstructed with revealed information in hindsight and over time. Such blatant statements creates distrust of anything else that writer offers. Others are not so obvious in their declarations of KNOW IT ALL FOR SURE as this commentator but insist all readers not doubt, not question, not add or subtract from their special declarations.

the “children” is the cry and provocative word consistently used to elicit sympathy and increase hate and blame and shame. In the USA the ‘legal age’ when parents are not responsible for their offspring is age 18. It is not the same in most/many other state, nations, tribes, places.

Children become recognized as ‘ A Man” or “A [thus marriageable, trade-able, sellable, or then told to work outside the home] Woman” at much younger ages. These are displayed thru ceremonies and rituals to proclaim and declare that adulthood has been achieved, and this age is when they are no longer a child for that community.

To have a big, tall, well developed thru puberty person who is before their 18th birth-day called a “child” is mostly considered an insult, a demeanment and an offense to that person.

But when the desire is to USE WORDS TO DECEIVE and create false images of victimizations or purity or innocence, the word-users and their media continually insist on only repeating the word CHILD as if that was a proper valid description. It often is not. Sometimes, it is.

But the MISUSE of words to frame a story and slant a narrative and convince others to act in their behalf by claiming vulnerability of small young children is just a ploy and game maneuver. Unfortunately.

provocative loaded words that are also continually repeated also are :
“ slaughter” or “massacre” or “ anti-semitic” or “rogue” or “terrorists” or “murderers” and a few more easily identified by the emotional response the words intend to elicit.

‘Which side are you on ? “ changes the words that are accusatorily used about ‘them’.

No, never “us”, for we are only sweet, innocent, victims, harmless, oppressed, poor, mistreated, etc. with no admitted contributions to the resulting violence or wars or hurts inflicted – on civilians and the colluders-allies of the militaries authorized to do harm too.

about Palestinian 'children' that died, were maimed, injured hurt and harmed, some info about the proportion of children to adults [whatever those definitions are were not clarified by the stat sources of what is a "child" or "teen" or "adult" or "older"]. Here is a bit of helpful info to sort out why perhaps a disproportion of the younger Palestinians are caught in civilian casualties:

demographics - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Palestine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Palestine#Current_demographics =
“According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006,
of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".” [=LONG AGO stats ]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Palestinian_territories goes to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Palestinian_territories#Demographics_of_the_Gaza_Strip ==

“Demographics of the Gaza Strip
The following demographic statistics come from the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated.
Population 1,604,238 (July 2010 est.)[23]

Age structure : 0-14 years: 44.7% (male 343,988/female 325,856)

15-64 years: 52.7% (male 403,855/female 386,681)
[SOME OF THESE AGE 15-18 or whatever age is Manhood- Womanhood in the Palestinian Culture]

65 years and over: 2.7% (male 16,196/female 23,626) (2008 est.)”


http://www.mapsofworld.com/palestine/information/population.html = from way back: 2006

Is there way to write/ report/ explain what is happening without resorting to propagandistic words and pictures here ? Can honesty and an attempt to tell what WE may actually know prevail, at least here on Indy ?

or not here either ?