Public Comment on South Central Farm Site

by Jack Neff Monday, Jul. 07, 2014 at 10:44 PM

Received from Jack Neff of SCF.

The City of Los Angeles is preparing to give approval to building a truck depot on the land where the South Central Farm once stood unless the public speaks out about the impact the developer's plan on the South Central Los Angeles community. This community exists in a food desert facing daily environmental racism, constant toxic emissions, constant noise, neglect and is a high-density urban sacrifice zone.

Please add your public comment and Demand the City Provide A Public Scoping Hearing to hear from the people directly impacted by this horrible, speculative overbuilt monstrosity proposed by the four little sweatshops known as PIMA, known for manufacturing clothes for Forever21, a dirty, non-union retailer. A small commitment of your time will have a big impact on the quality of life issues which are critical for all of us.

Attached are the City Notices dated June 10, 2014 and June 17, 2014. The deadline for public comments is now July 17, 2014. Talking points for your comments will be provided as soon as they become available. Please check this group throughout the next week for the latest news. Thanks.