MayDay4All Coalition May Day March 2014

by johnk Saturday, May. 03, 2014 at 11:22 AM

Photos from the May Day march that started in Chinatown.

MayDay4All Coalition...
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Photos from the May Day march that started in Chinatown and went to the Detention Center, organized by MIWON, labor, progressive nonprofit community groups. This march included calls to stop deporation, reunite families, LGBT immigrant rights, and to pass immigration reform, as well as calls for a raise minimum wage and $15 for fast food workers. This coalition was called MayDay4All.

There were three marches this year. The other two were the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition, and the Southern California Immigration Coalition. (This photog was unable to make the other two due to the limits of space-time and a mild case of food poisoning.)

There was also a protest at Bank of America by Dance Against Banks, and Wells Fargo by Occupy Fights Forclosures.

Revolutionay Autonomous Communities had an all-afternoon picnic at MacArthur Park, where they have their weekly food distro.

Anonymous had an afternoon hang out at Pershing Square called Million Mask Mayday LA. Their list of issues had an a right-wing libertarian conspiracy theory flavor, but it appeared to be in coalition with the Occupy people, who did the banks protests, who then joined up with SCIC, which is the left-wing coalition.

I don't know the dynamics of the conflicts between coalitions, but FRIC is usually teamed up with MIWON, but not this year. FRIC is heavily about the Latino and Mexican national community, and the Dems are in there. MIWON is a labor-centered coalition with mainly Brown and Yellow groups. SCIC is also labor and community centered, but generally has a more left-radical position and in the past had conflicts over support for Obama, and flying international flags. Needless to say, I wish the groups could unite. Also, SCIC does their march late so that workers can attend after work - and I think that is a good idea because it's not so hot in the early evening.

Also, the media painted the day as a "stay away from downtown" day. It would be cooler if they could present it as a "go downtown and hang out" day, more like a Ciclavia-type event, except with explicit political intent.

As always, it looks like thousands of people participated and had a great time!,0,7865430.story#axzz30fryMT00,0,2732632.story#axzz30fryMT00

Article about a previous march earlier by the FRIC: