A man who worked at telling others what he found out and believed to be dangerous has just died at age 63. He had also been heard locally on KPFK radio a few years ago and had a radio show elsewhere called Lifeboat Hour radio show.
Some believed him, some did not.
But when he emerged many years ago to explain what he had investigated, many at KPFK and elsewhere were excited and interested. Personality conflicts ensued later. But his intentions were not mainly self aggrandizement but to share what he found and was concerned was happening to America.
He did his work, and whatever others did not like or appreciate about Michael Ruppert is not what is important. Each task and job accomplished to find out- to share information - to persist and continue despite difficulties and resistances - as he did...is to be commended.
It is not total agreement that is necessary. It is seeing who is working for the People and what is given away. He often did. Imperfect man, surely, as are most others who criticize and complain.
He did enough. Two books published and well read. He spoke, Often and articulately.
Some will be sorry. Dont be. He did his "job". He had the courage to then leave, on his own terms.
Thanks to all who worked with him and helped Ruppert accomplish all he did.
Original: Michael Ruppert dead.