Here is a repost of excerpts of what is latest in the conflicts with Pacifica Nat'l Board members and the resulting antagonism, confusion and nothing-known-in-LA by those who are the sustainers keeping KPFK alive with their donations !
article title : "Impersonating The Corporate Counsel "
written April 8, 2014
" Berkeley-Pacifica's payroll administrator received a letter from Oakland law firm Siegel and Yee on March 28th instructing them to provide online access to Pacifica's payroll accounts to three individuals: Raul Salvador, the former probationary CFO terminated by the board of directors on January 2, 2014, [and] disputed board chair Margy Wilkinson
and Bernard Duncan, .....
who was publicly reported hired as an interim ED on April 3rd, one week after the date of the letter.
The letter, authored by Jose Luis Fuentes on Siegel and Yee letterhead, which can be seen here : ….. Pacifica's corporate counsel Terry Gross of Gross, Belsky and Alonzo, resigned from his position at the end of March after refusing to represent the board of directors in matters relating to Reese's attempted termination. No replacement attorney or law firm has been retained. ………
The payroll administrators contacted national office staff to request verification of the request and were informed Siegel and Yee did not represent the Pacifica Foundation. Payroll was processed as usual.
....asks the court to enjoin actions by the board majority due to the financial risk they represent. to Pacifica Radio. The restraining order paperwork can be found here :
. The complete text of the legal complaint can be found here.…
According to reports, Siegel told some individuals that he would be "representing Pacifica" at the April 9th hearing, although he has not been retained by the board to do so….."
And then these: from April 8, 2014
Excerpts from Eric Jacobson’s article recently here on Indymedia in LA to increase understanding of what is going on by whom and how - the why's have not yet been admitted tho :
“in recent interviews Ms. Reese has recounted a stunning conversation she had on this subject with Dan Siegel, the Oakland, California lawyer who brought another of the lawsuits in the "take back Pacifica" mobilization of ~2000, and who has been a protagonist in Pacifica's factional wars ever since (particularly those occurring at KPFA) ……..
Mr. Siegel told Ms. Reese that he (Siegel) would "sell WBAI to save KPFA", the Berkeley station……
Although Mr. Siegel is no longer on the PNB (due to Bylaws provisions precluding any candidate or holder of public office from participating in Pacifica governance and Siegel's current candidacy for mayor in Oakland) [a conflict of interest and not allowed by Pacifica bylaws, it has been noted that he cannot be in 2 positions that help each other by his taking them] .
[he is] Ms. Reese's main antagonist on the PNB majority is Dan Siegel's law partner Jose Fuentes, the member who made the motion for her termination at the very end of the March 13, 2013 telephonic Board meeting….
Nor has the current Pacifica National Board produced minutes of most of its (ultra-frequent) meetings since taking power in February of this year, although they belatedly did so for the March 13, 2014 telephonic meeting….
how to make sense of what is not even revealed anywhere in LA, not on-air, not a hint of the precipice that KPFK may be on right now, sight unseen, a word not spoken on air or in any Town Hall meeting - nor is one called by the LSB in LA.
[see KPFK events and there is silence and a bare mention of when meetings are and where: See next LSB meeting is April 16 at 7:00pm at Peace Center in WLA on Sepulveda -
see www, under events ]
But DO Come and find out that as a public-Member, one can listen though there is no attention paid to the required aloted 1+ min of a comment made to LSB - even if no one responds to public payers concerns.
But meeting does provide a view in person - Live In Reality - of what is also distracting info and diversions that do NOT speak to the turmoils with the Exe Director of Pacifica, that place which is the authoritative position working to keep licenses and all operations in working order.”