Pacifica conflict over who is Executive Director continues in it's non-wisdom and contenders vying for power and position. Here are excerpts of some updated info and names the PNB members who voted 12- to - 10 to 'fire' the one most recently hired. Some of these KPFK - LSB members who only very recently were elevated to PNB are included in the ousting, outing of Summer Reese. 3 of our 4 voted by phone to expel her. We need to hold all our LSB and PNB [acting as non-] representatives accountable for their actions, and not for their own personal opinions - - unless those interfere and overtake their responsibility to all us KPFK subscribers/ sponsors/ payers/ members.
for those in LA who do not search and waste counted hours trying to decipher the chaos that has endangered our local Pacifica station: KPFK 90.7 FM as a strong component of the current conflicts, here is more to be shared and exposed anywhere everywhere since not everyone comes to this solo site.
[ Did you know IMC has a radio program on KPFK too, and does this mean there are alliances or deferences due to keeping that program on air too ? dunno Do the programmers read what is on their site here in LA and discuss or provide info from on-air to the website ? Or is that a 'separate affair' ? ]
These are excerpts reposted from where more updated infomation appears:
" …the board majority, from the Pacifica Directors for Good Governance lawsuit and any other upcoming legal activity. … When Reese left the national headquarters on April 3rd to assist with the legal initiative, some board and staff members attempted to obstruct national office operations, but 22 community members responded to a call for assistance.
"Reese re-entered her workplace at 3:30 in the afternoon without incident.
"Berkeley songwriter Vic Sadot penned a tune for the occasion, sung to the melody of "We Shall Overcome". A video of the impromptu sidewalk serenade is in production.…..
"A copy of a complaint filed with the CA Attorney General by 8 former members of the national board can be found here :…. "
“….a 119 page complaint filed by Pacifica Directors for Good Governance asking for injunctive relief from the chaos sweeping the organization after the illegitimate firing of the executive director, the reinstatement of a CFO let go after his probationary period, and the inability to sustain an organizational audit.,,,
"The case number is HG14720131...”
see this article to view legal summons image : " Pacifica Directors for Good Governance Appeals To The Courts To Rein In Chaos"
Looking at the document as can be seen as an online image, these were the ones named in a filed civil lawsuit=
The legal summons was written to these : Rodrigo Argueta, Lydia Brazon, Lawrence Reyes [of KPFK LSB fame before recently rising to PNB status]
+ Tim Brown, Benito Diaz, Adriana Casenave, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Jose Luis Fuentes, Tony Norman, Cerene Roberts, Hank Lamb, and Margy Wilkinson [the person who claims the top position for herself now] = 12 of 22 PNB members.
Who are the 10 others now called “Pacifica Directors for Good Governance” grouped separately by name now ?
Original: Pacifica board members named here, who attempted ousting ED