by kpfk loyal volunteer
Saturday, Mar. 29, 2014 at 5:14 PM
Tracy Rosenberg has been updating information in a reporter's fashion with what is occurring...tho far from LA, still relevant to our own KPFK, however it falls Out or sideways. The Pacifica Nat'l Bd [PNB] and Pacifica's attorney and others star in the more recent incidents. Excerpts that may interest local LAers is here. See Tracys facebook site in future for updates as they show up.
[why Indymedia is glumping all paragraphs together is not resolvable by this writer, so please glimpse for key words or parts that Can Be Read if possible. This glitch seems to occur when spacing well is in the article written but does not come out in final results here. sorry for that. See Facebook link for more info anyhow. ]
“A Money Grab and Lots of Problems With Lawyer”
March 28, 2014
“A bar complaint has been filed in Pennsylvania against the vice chair of the Pacifica National Board, Tony Norman…..[see more in full article]
Corporate counsel Terry Gross of Gross, Belsky and Alonzo, submitted his resignation on March 27th, after alleged board chair Margy Wilkinson disclosed his refusal to represent the board in legal actions related to the attempted firing of the executive director. Gross wished Pacifica well, but said he would not do what he was being asked to do by the board majority and said he had not been treated respectfully by some members of the board…..
In the closed session of the board meeting, it is reported banking authorities were changed to Raul Salvador, who was terminated as the CFO on January 2nd on the conclusion of a probationary period marked by 5 co-worker complaints,….. A report on the complaints against Salvador by an Association of Workplace Investigators certified inspector was grabbed by Wilkinson, who has not disclosed it to the rest of the board…..
Wilkinson is said to have expressed "surprise" at the amount of unpaid bills facing the network, indicating she and other members of the board majority had limited understanding of the financial reports presented to the board, which indicated an operating loss of $1.7 million dollars for fiscal year 2013….
Fuentes, who unsuccessfully attempted to change the authorizations on the network's bank accounts unilaterally earlier in the week, is reported to have been the initiator of both motions to breach the executive director's contract. The first was offered in early February, a week after he was seated on the board, when Fuentes moved to terminate Reese due to her lack of a social security number for religious/moral reasons.
That motion was tabled and then offered again by Fuentes on March 13th with no reason for termination provided. The board's refusal to issue minutes for the February meetings may relate to legal concerns about discrimination.
Reese was fully transparent with the 2013 board about her private religious beliefs and received IRS authorization for Pacifica to take back-up withholding from her paycheck…..
Disputed chair Margy Wilkinson is reported to have said with regard to Reese's attempted firing; "it isn't illegal until someone says it is".
Reese has continued to report to work at the national headquarters since March 17th.
An open letter to the Board signed by hundreds of staffers, volunteers and listeners across the country can be found here=
A copy of a complaint filed with the CA Attorney General by 8 former members of the national board can found here = int+Non-Confidential.pdf “
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For more details see her full facebook article and others recently written that detail what is also influencing and happening to OUR radio station, as KPFK is closely linked in all ways, including financially to Pacifica, with all it's problems. The past and current financially manipulated theft attempts, and unstable conditions reverberate to all the 5 radio stations under it’s umbrella.
Will they all live or will some of them die ?
Is it a dramatic break up or break down ? Tune in because the thrills are not pleasurable nor are the various deliberate drives for power or positions running in low gear.
All Pacifica and thus it’s stations seem to be in major turmoil...once again ? and again ? yep. How often does it have to happen before the nonprofit corporation systems they each and together struggle under crack and leave us without radio, even at 90.7 FM in Los Angeles ?