KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK and only malicious attacking blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho not all pgrms would we chose to pay for given any free choices ] know NOTHING from our local source of 'news' and information? ?
New troubles emerge and information is still secretly hidden from the subscribers-members-sponsors of this non-profit but failing corporation. The last begging drive with repeated recordings SELLING products over and over and over lasted 27 days in February 2014.
Many of those who previously listened tuned out and away and found their education/ news/ revelations elsewhere instead. How easy was that ? too easy, unfortunately.
Because KPFK before was a great source of unusual, stimulating INFORMATION - not sales, prejudices, slants or rants mostly, we miss the older version. It was...and on a rarer occasion can still be a unique source for voices unheard elsewhere nor found easily in major media sites.
The 'spirituality' or metaphysical lectures that played on KPFK regularly have gone stale, tho sometimes a revelation is heard spoken and played there, on RADIO, vs. having to search online on the net.
To be able to LISTEN TO RADIO vs. having to search or hear voices on-line is a big difference when multi-tasking, being able to keep eyes and hands busy on other tasks. The occasional dissident, whistle-blower, or educated thoughtful academic, or an author interviewed, still is a good surprise- when it does happen, rarely now - and is stimulating. That was more what KPFK *was* and could be, if only.....'they' could get their financial act cohesively together and make $ sense of their business.
But the constant pleas, the repetitious exhortations of dubious products [including promoting fake gurus with media that may or not be as promoted-advertised-publicized] and their ongoing need to claim a 'matching pledge we will lose if you dont send us your money right now !" ...those are not what listeners respond to and stay for nor remain loyal to open their pocket books or wallets either.
So maybe if things get bad enough and scary enough that KPFK and it's parent Pacifica Fdtn is actually [and it again seems to be there ] failing, falling, breaking apart or going down financially, then someone there may take organization-Charge ! and reduce the dysfunctional infighting and fractionalization.
What is clearly needed is logically planned and diligent CHANGE into a more viable Radio Station business....for Radio is a business by any other name, the same.
The ultra-left-so-called-liberals [ aka KPFK followers ] love to claim they are oh so altruistic and Righteous too... and they do not never ever engage in business, business being dirty business only of course. But these angelic ones are only are there to INFORM everyone of their own selected Right Views and Opinions - that they prefer to brand as 'Programs'.
But non-profits are as prone to slants, biases, secrets and collusions as any other entity.....and KPFK is still keeping it's secrets in shame - and to prevent it's payers from fleeing at the nearest exit.
But opacity and pretense will never get the station stable nor pay it's bills. And Change means stop repeating the same dysfunctional patterns of pretense-"democracy" or even claims of being valuable for being odd, different, hard-to-find-elsewhere. Change may mean reality checks on how money is spent, misused, unregulated, and if reductions are necessary, to just do so... sensibly.
Can this radio station ever be fixed so it stops crumbling? huh ? We all hope so, but are not sure.
Original: Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ?