Q: are we safely anonymous on Indy or can someone chose to find us for their personal ...

by indy writer Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014 at 3:54 PM

Can a smart computer person find our computer No or ID to locate any writer or commentator here? Can someone use any such info for their own personal vendetta ? Does an anonymous ID as writer allow us to freely express divergent and dissenting views here ?

is there something called a "RL" that identifies an indy writer here in any way that is intrusive or abusive ?

who can locate our computer ID # and then maybe our address or email addresses or any personal info about ANY ONE WHO WRITES ON THIS INDYMEDIA SITE ????

is there an undisclosed or unadmited danger to using anonymous names ...for the very reason of needing to Protect our identities from maybe unscrupulous attackers or invaders of our privacy?

A recent post threatened and implied that it was possible to reveal or investigate anyone here further than their writing on this site...is that actual or wishful power-thinking?

Enough that NSA and other big govt and big corporate organizations use us as guinea pigs and slaves to their advertisements.

Have you all seen the great movie - free download -
"Terms and Conditions may Apply'....???

check it out.
how much we are unaware we are "agreeing' to that is to the advantage of the commercial advertisers or services they offer 'for free' w/o revealing how they gain & benefit on back side [hidden side] of our automatic agreement .

What does anyone actually know of this free-wheeling site that may have few to no monitors and cannot afford to do more than keep it 'going' on...barely...maybe ???

what else do we idiots in USA and regular folk NOT KNOW??

Plse....tell us what you know ...not paranoidal think but actually know is so.