Meeting for upcoming April 4, Dr. King Workshop.

by Teka-Lark Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014 at 6:46 AM

Friday, March 8 meeting at 12 p.m. at Mercado La Paloma 3655 S. Grand Avenue 90007 to discuss upcoming April 4 Dr. King Workshop on labor and economics.

download PDF (89.9 kibibytes)

Inviting members of labor, independent progressive political groups and independent media (progressive bloggers and podcast producers welcome) to present proposals for a Dr. King Workshop on April 4.

The Dr. King Workshop helps community members organize themselves. The true progressive left needs to help the community (Black, Latino, White, Asian-American, Men, Women, Native American, Immigrant, LGBTQ, Biracial and Bicultural) regain the microphone.

The workshops should center around how to organize, what are the issues, who are the people and organizations to contact for a progressive and fair Los Angeles.

The workshop proposals should center around economics and labor.

Examples but NOT limited to:
Effective letter writing campaign
Being proactive when workers know contract negotiations are coming up
Appropriately engaging the media for consistent and regular coverage
Interpreting labor agreements
Explaining redlining
Why 90% of the time it is a bad idea to take out a mortgage on your paid for house
The planning commission is the gas of real estate

There are a lot of things very progressive people already know, but have failed to effectively communicate to the public. This workshop will be the first step in changing that.

Proposal deadline is March 14.
(At original link there is a downloadable proposal that is editable.)

More information can be gained at a Friday, March 8 meeting at 12 p.m. at Mercado La Paloma 3655 S. Grand Avenue 90007.

Please RSVP at by March 6.