Stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership IS Immigrant Rights!
Stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership IS Immigrant Rights!
Please download
our latest newsletter: Stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership IS Immigrant Rights! [Alliance for Global Justice] Following is an open, sign-on letter from the Flush the TPP Campaign, of which the Alliance for Global Justice is a part. Right now the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is being negotiated at the same time that Congress is considering a "border surge" in militarization as part of immigration reform. We have already seen that free trade plus border militarization is a combination that kills. This letter explains the relationship between ‘free’ trade agreements and militarization of the border. The struggle for immigrant rights includes opening borders, not locking them down, and creating fair trade for people and the planet, not corporate trade for profit with impunity. Please consider signing on to this letter (fill out the form below). Then also share this letter with individuals and organizations in your community that work for immigrant rights or that also might be willing to sign on, and encourage them to add their names. We can stop the TPP! The first step is to educate more people about the effects the TPP will have on our communities. Then together, we will flush the TPP. We write this letter out of concern regarding a looming humanitarian crisis. The prospect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) along with a surge in border militarization will leave in its wake a trail of displacement and death. The TPP will continue destroying rural economies and uprooting workers in Mexico and elsewhere. More border militarization and criminalization will leave yet more bodies of the undocumented and their families abandoned and lifeless in the desert. We call on fair trade and immigrant rights activists to join together to stop the TPP and to demand real, just immigration reform. Over 6,000 undocumented workers and their family members have died crossing the US-Mexico border since 1994, the year that the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was passed. It was also when construction of the border wall began. NAFTA led to a 60% increase in migration across the Southern border–a forced migration of people desperately looking for jobs to feed their families. Because of border militarization the undocumented generally enter the US via its most sparsely populated and harshest desert terrains to avoid apprehension. Those who don’t make it die from dysentery, dehydration and exposure. The Trans-Pacific Partnership has been called “NAFTA on Steroids”. If it passes, it will be the largest FTA in the world, including not only Mexico, the United States and Canada, but also Peru, Chile, Vietnam, Brunei, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Obama administration is asking for “Fast Track” authority to negotiate the TPP.... To read and sign the rest of the letter: To read the letter in Spanish: 6/27: House Passes 2014 NDAA; NSA Surveillance Will Lead to Indefinite Detention By Joe Wolverton - The New American The annual renewal of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is underway on Capitol Hill.
Also Read.. 6/28: Senate Immigration Bill Dashes Hopes for Fair, Just Reform
7/17: How the FBI Uses Rapists and Child Molesters to Entrap Gullible People in Terror Stings
MAPA Interactive Map of “Secure Communities” Shows How Many immigrants has been detained/deported under S-Comm) Please download our latest
Past National Immigrant Solidarity Netowrk News Letters Fall 2012 |Spring 2012 | Summer 2012 | Winter 2011 | Summer 2011 | Fall 2011 | November 2011 | Spring 2011 | September - October 2009 | Spring 2010 | Fall 2010 | October-Novermber 10 May - June 2009 | March - April 2009 | January - February 2009 | November - December 2008 |
Useful Immigrant Resources on Detention and Deportation
Face Sheet: Immigration Detention--Questions and Answers (Dec, 2008) by:
Thanks for GREAT works from Detention Watch Network (DWN) to compiled the following information, please visit DWN website:
ICE's Enforcement Agenda
Deal fact sheet on detention
Deal fact sheet on border
- From
Raids to Deportation-A Community Resource Kit
- Know Your Rights in the Community (English,
- Know
Your Rights in Detention
- Pre-Raid
Community Safety Plan
- Raids
to Deportation Map
- Raids
to Deportation Policy Map
Immigrants and their supporters are participating in marches all over the country to protest proposed national legislation and to seek justice for immigrants. The materials available here provide important information about the rights and risks involved for anyone who is planning to participate in the ongoing marches.
If government agents question you, it is important to understand your rights. You should be careful in the way you speak when approached by the police, FBI, or INS. If you give answers, they can be used against you in a criminal, immigration, or civil case.
The ACLU's publications below provide effective and useful guidance in several languages for many situations. The brochures apprise you of your legal rights, recommend how to preserve those rights, and provide guidance on how to interact with officials.
Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement
| Conozca Sus Derechos Frente A Los Agentes Del Orden Público
ACLU of Massachusetts - Your Rights And Responsibilities If You Are Contacted By The Authorities English | Spanish | Chinese
ACLU of Massachusetts - What to do if stopped and questioned about your immigration status on the street, the subway, or the bus
| Que hacer si Usted es interrogado en el tren o autobus acerca de su estatus inmigratorio
ACLU of South Carolina - How To Deal With A 287(g)
| Como Lidiar Con Una 287(g)
ACLU of Southern California - What to Do If Immigration Agents or Police Stop You While on Foot, in Your Car, or Come to Your Home
| Qué Hacer Si Agentes de Inmigración o la Policía lo Paran Mientras Va Caminando, lo Detienen en su Auto o Vienen a su Hogar
ACLU of Washington - Brochure for Iraqis: What to Do If the FBI or Police Contact You for Questioning English | Arabic
ACLU of Washington - Your Rights at Checkpoints at Ferry Terminals
| Sus Derechos en Puestos de Control en las Terminales de Transbordadores
Immigrant Protests - What Every Worker Should Know:
| Manifestaciones de los Inmigrantes - Lo Que Todo Trabajador Debe Saber
ACLU of Florida Brochure - The Rights of Protesters
| Los Derechos de los Manifestantes
Washington State - Student Walkouts and Political Speech at School
| Huelgas Estudiantiles y Expresión Política en las Escuelas
California Students: Public School Walk-outs and Free Speech
| Estudiantes de California: Marchas o Huelgas y La Libertad de Expresión en las Escuelas Públicas
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P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
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US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization
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Immigrant Deportation and Detention Alert!
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National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
Los Angeles, California 90048
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