by Natasha Petrosova
Saturday, Mar. 02, 2013 at 10:34 AM
Los Angeles, CA - Activists from Alliance of California for Community Empowerment, homeowners and Occupy Fights Foreclosures activists gathered on the intersection of 7th Street and Figueroa Street for a Day of Action Against Wells Fargo bank, at 10:30am in Downtown Los Angeles on February 27. The activists' plan for the Day of Action was to shut down four Wells Fargo bank branches around Los Angeles area.

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Los Angeles, CA - Activists from Alliance of California for Community Empowerment, homeowners and Occupy Fights Foreclosures activists gathered on the intersection of 7th Street and Figueroa Street for a Day of Action Against Wells Fargo bank, at 10:30am in Downtown Los Angeles on February 27. The activists' plan for the Day of Action was to shut down four Wells Fargo bank branches around Los Angeles area. This Day of Action was organized by ACCE and supported by Occupy Fights Foreclosures activists. Carlos Marroquin, a core member of Occupy Fights Foreclosures said "we organized this day of action against Wells Fargo bank because Wells Fargo refuses to work with the families. Wells Fargo continues to mislead homeowners while many other banks are already working with the families".
At 11:am activists marched to Wells Fargo branch located on the intersection of Figueroa Street and Olympic Blvd. Activists went inside the branch demanding the branch manager to Fax the letter of their demands to the CEO of Wells Fargo bank, John Stumpf. The protesters refused to leave the building until they saw the proof that their Fax being send. An activist from ACCE and a core organizer for the Day of Action Against Wells Fargo bank Melvina Bogan said "We are not leaving here until you Fax that letter to the CEO". Activists continued chanting "Fax that letter, Fax that letter…". After about 15 minutes the letter was faxed and protesters peacefully left the bank, chanting "we'll be back, we'll be back…"
The activists moved on to the next Wells Fargo branch located on Wilshire Blvd. and Lucas Street. By the time they arrived to the location, the branch already was closed for business. Protesters marched in a circle in front of the bank chanting " Hey Wells Fargo , what do you say, How many homes did you steal today?" The activists marched and chanted for about 20 minutes and moved on to Wells Fargo History Museum on 333 South Grand Avenue. The protesters marched in a circle chanting outside of Wells Fargo History Museum that was already locked down by the time they arrived there. Melvina Bogan said "There are marchers today all over the State of California from ACCE and Occupy groups . We are here today to let you know, Wells Fargo, that we are homeowners and we are not going to take it any longer…we are demanding that you listen to all of our voices!"
The fourth and the last branch that activists visited was Wells Fargo branch on North Hill Street between Bernard and College Streets in Chinatown. The branch was also closed for business at the time protesters arrived. Activists and homeowners once again chanted and marched in a circle in front of the bank. At the end of the Day of Action against Wells Fargo bank , Melvina Bogas said " I think we had an excellent showing today and we are going to be doing this throughout a month of March". Protesters shouted "Power to the People!".