CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed

by Sherri Kane Tuesday, Sep. 04, 2012 at 2:13 AM

CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed in Mind Control Black-Op to Neutralize "Dissidents"

CIA/FBI Film-faker a...
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Los Angeles--In the "War on Terror," dark forces in the media control the masses by spreading fear, and this article exposes a C-grade filmmaker with ties to the CIA/FBI and Church of Satan advancing a mind-control operation to neutralize opposition.

On Sunday, February 13th, at the "Conscious Life Expo, 2011," Church of Satan-linked CIA/FBI child molestation specialist, Ted Gunderson, working with fellow journalist and filmmaker, Anthony Hilder, exposed themselves during a failed attempt to extend a sting against celebrity doctor, Leonard G. Horowitz, in front of witnesses.

Last year, Dr. Horowitz, the author of 17 books about natural healing, and the pharmaceutical industry's leading and best credentialed whistleblower, was framed through a forgery in the murder of Christopher Story, the world's leading whistleblower in the financial industry. The group of CIA/FBI forgers and propagandists falsified and distributed a Knights of Malta list onto which Dr. Horowitz's name was added, exposing an international operation in which Gunderson was implicated by his subordinates.


Mind control through the "magic" of mass media is referenced in the Bible (Rev. 18:23). The Sorcerers, called drug dealers, in the End Times, are the main source of public deception leading to population reduction (Rev. 9:21;21:8 and 22:15). Illusions are used for social and political manipulations. These contribute to great plagues, contrived "natural" disasters, and state-sponsored "holy wars." Where else but "Tinsel Town"-- Hollywood, and the film industry--would you expect to find operatives advancing deceptions?

During the 1990s, Dr. Leonard Horowitz became the leading voice in medical science and consumer activism exposing drug industrialists and media propagandists conducting genocide "under the guise of public health and national security."

Last year, following the assassination of Horowitz's close friend, journalist Don Harkins of the Idaho Observer, and respected financial industries whistleblower, Christopher Story (aka Edward Harle) by CIA/FBI hit men, Dr. Horowitz was framed as a suspect in Story's murder, and set up by "The Company" for a "religious assassination" by Company thugs.

I identified and exposed this group of evil-doers, and this information was reported to the FBI. The trouble is, the FBI, directed by the CIA, is also involved in this plot involving the Church of Satan, quite literally, a demonic group of child-traffickers with highest level political clout.

I know this may sound incredible to many, but consider the following facts. . . .

An investigation into the journalists' assassinations revealed concealed relationships between the suspects described below and their leaders--retired FBI Bureau Chief, Ted Gunderson, and U.S. Army propaganda chief, Col. Michael Aquino.

Like the COINTELPRO operations of the 1960s against Black Panthers, Martin Luther King, and John Lennon, grass roots organizations operating now, are infiltrated to control their opposition to globalization and threatened civil liberties. These targets include American patriot groups, New Age alliances, national Jewish and Christian congregations, alternative medicine organizations, and 911-Truth communities. Conspirators infiltrate these "dissident" groups to discredit, and even assassinate, activist leaders and whistleblowers. The CIA/FBI agent-provocateurs operate a vast network that stretches globally.

In the August 5, 2010, issue of The Healthy World Newsletter, I exposed a half-dozen of these men who had formed a hit squad of so-called "Bible Believers" that were libeling and slandering Dr. Horowitz in efforts to discredit him on behalf of this modern CIA/FBI COINTELPRO operation linked to the Church of Satan/Temple of Set. I published their names and deeds on my blog,, along with their series of threatening e-mails.

The identified group of assailants and assassins include well-known media personalities such as Benjamin Fulford, previously with Forbes magazine (currently in Japan), and lessor known media pundits including Greg Szymanski, J.D. (alias Eric Samuelson, J.D.), Don Nicoloff, a radio host at, Dr. "True Ott" infiltrating the natural health community, and their "mad barking dog," Timothy Patrick White, a confirmed psychotic CIA operative and military drug smuggler. These men commonly subscribe to Eric John Phelps's racist theology, and "Bible Believer's" cult, that openly expresses Jewish loathing, and blames globalization on an alliance between Jesuits, "Vatican assassins," and Jews for the creation of a "Jew World Order."

Members of this group routinely reported to FBI/CIA child molesting/satanic cult expert, Ted Gunderson, as evidenced by their e-mails, that also include Gunderson's aid, Doug Millar. This communication to Gunderson surprised me since he is a celebrated child trafficking and Church of Satan expert, and at the time he was said to be "dying of cancer."

When I asked Dr. Horowitz about this peculiarity, he said, "That's totally bizarre. Ted and I go way back. I've always considered him my friend. I wonder why Ott and White are bringing him in to attack you and libel me?"

Discrediting "Dissidents" and "Double-Agents"

Before reading more, consider the operations of a COINTELPRO fear-mongering "double-agent." This is a covert operator who serves to:

1) Generate "counter-intelligence" propaganda that confuses people for the purpose of discrediting whistleblowers considered "political dissidents." This is how the CIA/FBI turns conspiracy realities into dismissible conspiracy theories, and American heroes into disqualified victims.

COINTELPRO agents spin the media to muddle information, generate distractions, and produce general confusion. This is how "The Company" creates and controls all opposition, especially financial troublemakers. Hashed, frightening, and hate-promoting information is output to confuse the public, but the big picture is always left mysterious. The agents use the old "thesis-antithesis-synthesis" mind game. Clicking on this YouTube clip provides a CLASSIC EXAMPLE! Both Gunderson-Aquino are featured here dispensing conflicting information about child trafficking and the Church of Satan/ Temple of Set. This engages, entertains, and confuses their national audience;

2) Manufacture "controlled-opposition"--persons and groups that appear to be "good guys," such as whistleblowers, but are actually deceptive agents advancing partial truths, hinting at murderous agendas, but never really "nailing" them.

These "double-agents" not only profit from The Company that pays them salaries, they are also enriched from selling bogus items or distributing counterintelligence. Books, Films, CDs, DVDs, decoy or knock-off products, and public speaking engagements provide them additional income. This profitable enterprise distributes more propaganda, competes with reliable informants and their products, and assures that the opposition is controlled; and

3) Discredit themselves in the process of outputting intelligence and counter-intelligence by appearing so disorganized, or unprofessional, that audiences simply turn off to the entire subject. In the YouTube clip provided above, Gunderson does this precisely.

Ted Gunderson's Shady Past

Massive evidence for Ted Gunderson's COINTELPRO operations as a "double-agent" neglected by the FBI is provided below. Gunderson is a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles Bureau. He is generally considered a "good guy" with tributes posted on many of his allies' websites. For example, quoting from an official Bible Believers page that headlines "Ted Gunderson--The Great Conspiracy Exposed," it reads:

Shocking, beyond belief, is that the above quote describes the reported activities of Gunderson and his "barking dog," Timothy Patrick White, to a tee. These precise activities were reported by sources, including a previous personal friend of Gunderson's, persecuted like I was, by these same men. Her name is Barbara Hartwell.

Hartwell is a "Black Ops Survivor," formerly with the CIA. She toured with Gunderson for more than a year, and appears with Gunderson on old YouTube clips. According to Hartwell, Gunderson's workmate, White, was the man packing the drugs into the "plastic bags in body cavities of dead GIs."

As these agents attempted to discredit me with lies and manufactured evidence, they did the same with Barbara Hartwell. Read the postings by the Bible Believers, and then Barbara Hartwell's online investigation reports. They describe her persecution as a target of these men, exactly like I became when I started to investigate Dr. Horowitz's attackers.

To make matters most confusing, many agents for The Company discredit themselves purposefully. Linked here, for instance, is another example of the silly, ridiculously unprofessional, effort to discredit Hartwell. The production discredits the source rather than Hartwell. Why? This is part of the "mix-it-all-up" COINTELPRO agenda, as further detailed below.

Hartwell reported on Gunderson's little known activities and alliances within the child trafficking network that Gunderson attributes to the Church of Satan. According to many Gunderson observers, he acts as a team leader, filtering and spinning FBI intelligence on missing children to conceal and secure the entire operation.

In an open letter to Gunderson, Hartwell responded to his claims that she is working with the CIA against him. According to Gunderson, White, Millar, and other agent-provocateurs, Hartwell attempts to discredit Gunderson for the CIA, and foil his influence in raising awareness about child trafficking and Satanism. But Hartwell does not operate with international collaborators, and challenged Gunderson with his failures, and his personal links to Satanists. She wrote:

"And by the way [Ted], how many of these vile rapists and assailants of children have you ever personally arrested and brought to justice, while you were in the FBI, or in over three decades, since you retired? Are there any of them behind bars now, as a direct result of your efforts? If so, I'm sure we'd all love to hear about it. We could then celebrate your victories in the cause of justice.

"But maybe you were just too busy running the COINTELPRO operations against 'dissidents' and civil rights activists to give much thought to hunting down the real criminals such as child abusers. And for the past thirty-some odd years, I can only surmise that investigating Satanism has taken up most of your time. Which brings me to some other questions: How many Satanists are now cooling their heels in a jail cell because of your investigations? (And why did you marry the widow of one of the most villainous Satanists of all time, Anton LaVey?)"

Although Gunderson has denied this marriage to LaVey's widow, Hartwell claims to hold evidence of the marriage, and I believe her because: 1) her intelligence checks out, and 2) Gunderson's activities and associations, including his close ties with The Company's venomous barking dog, Timothy Patrick White, are highly incriminating. White's misdeeds are plastered all over the Internet.

Gunderson reportedly married Church of Satan member Diana Rively, whose daughter, Zeena La Vey, joined U.S. Military Psychological Operations and propaganda chief, Michael Aquino, in founding the currently growing Church of Satan/Temple of Set. This Satanic community bases its teachings on Aleister Crowley's anti-God and self-judgment theology, as practiced by the Bible Believers.

As mentioned, Gunderson joined Aquino on national television (See this YouTube clip.) The mainstream media presents both men's claims, pro and con, about the Church of Satan's involvement in missing and murdered children. COINTELPRO programming for "Controlled Opposition" would broadcast precisely this way, with two members of The Company representing opposing views.

Background on Anthony Hilder

Now Ted Gunderson, along with his long time crony, Anthony Hilder, has produced a chemtrail awareness campaign and film, which Hilder brought to my attention at the Conscious Life Expo, and prompted my actions to protect Dr. Horowitz and the public from being deceived.

Over the years, as a veteran "war correspondent" for the CIA, Anthony Hilder, has been a leading film producer operating in the "conspiracy theory" community. His market for counter-intelligence is mainly poor White American men, easily persuaded and indoctrinated.

Hilder's more than two dozen "documentaries" have the look and feel of low grade "schlock art"--rip offs or copies of original works--spinning legitimate urgencies and professionals' presentations into sensationalized, poor-quality, generally-perceived "crap."

Hilder and Gunderson have launched an expensive, well-organized, high-maintenance, sophisticated chemtrail-related campaign and website called title that discredits the effort for a large percentage of people, especially leaders in civic and political arenas--leaving me to wonder who is funding this and why? The chemtrail threat has been widely publicized in alternative communities for years, so Gunderson and Hilder have nothing new to add. More than remedying the urgency, they are discrediting it.

Hilder's works are routinely discredited by fellow agents, such as Morton Devonshire. Devonshire is one of the CIA's many editors in Wikipedia, which is The Company's own propaganda mill. In other words, it's the same COINTELPRO scam of controlled-opposition demonstrated by Gunderson and Aquino concerning the Church of Satan's links to missing children. With AirCrap, however, Gunderson and Hilder suddenly morph into chemtrail experts as the crisis gains national attention. With Wikipedia's Devonshire, the critic and the criticized are working for the same Company.

As a film-maker producing very low budget, poor quality films in tabloid packages, Hilder appeals to the simplest minds subject to divisive cons, blaming their failures, and the Illuminati's fortunes, on Jews, Blacks, Muslims, Jesuits, Catholics, Freemasons, and "Reptilians" all working for the Illuminati.

Hilder, who has interviewed Gunderson, Jones, and Horowitz on many occasions, lectures on his informants' topics. He is supported by the shady and shoddy "Free World Alliance." Hilder's company is called "Free World Film Works." The Alliance's web domain (See: declares it a "biz"--a title conflicting with its supposed non-profit educational humanitarian service. The website covers a range of topics, from alien and UFO encounters, and New Age Kabalistic propaganda, to free energy devices graphed to look like something out of a psychopath's mind. The Alliance's director, Alex Beck, purposely rants moronically against Freemasonry and the Illuminati, in a successful effort to discredit himself, Hilder, and anyone else he cites as credible. Here is a sample of his illiterate moronic prose:

"We all experience Malkuth no matter what but to experience it totally is to be aware of one's own existence philosophically ie "I think therefore I am" followed by "HOLY SHIT I AM IN AN ANIMAL BODY. I am trapped in this universe thing, more specifically this planet." Often what a first hardcore psychedelic trip produces(at least that is what my first DMT trip caused me to think).

Get the picture? The opposition to genocide, destroys its own credibility. This is classic controlled-opposition. The Company's COINTELPRO operatives discredit themselves, just as Hilder and his sponsors are doing. This way, only idiots take them seriously. Simultaneously, they engage and discredit legitimate topics, "dissident" leaders, activist groups, urgent messages, and fail to lead effective actions like that accomplished in Egypt recently by one citizen with a computer.

Faking Stupidity to Discredit and Undermine Activism

As mentioned above, faked stupidity is a ploy these agents routinely use to discredit themselves and control opposition. Another Hilder ally, obviously in The Company, demonstrates this below. As you read this, remember it is costly, and labor intensive, to run Encyclopedia Dramatica, just like the new Hilder and Gunderson AirCrap website. Who would have the time and money to run such an operation for zero income? Hilder's seemingly idiotic and psychopathic defender wrote:

"Morton Devonshire is a sekrit agent and spie working at Airstrip One, supposedly for the UK government, but more likely is a USA Republican pretending to be British, working for a NeoCon "think-tank." Obviously, Morton Devonshire is not his actual name, which is way too faux-cheerio-mate to really be British. Besides, the English county of Devon is NOT called Devonshire. His job on Wikipedia is to wipe out all signs of "cruft," or in other words, any alternative theories about 9/11, Jews, Israel, and virtually every other topic where the "official story" is doubted by non-NeoCons."

The above spelling and grammatical errors are so obvious, they had to have been published intentionally. This helps discredit the critic and criticized. Lacking education about COINTELPRO operations, people don't realize the errors are part of controlled-opposition, discrediting the entire risk-awareness movement, so sincere activists aren't taken seriously enough to make a difference.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones is another leading conduit for "politically incorrect" information in America. Encyclopedia Dramatica, run by a "Private Registrant," shares Alex Jones's opinion about Devonshire. Jone's website, however, is often funded by shady sponsors.

Dr. Horowitz exposed Alex Jones last year for taking money from top FEMA and Department of Homeland Security health officials, all pushing bogus intelligence to sell Silver Sol products that capitalize on the market and research Dr. Horowitz largely established with OxySilver and his 528 medicinal music.

"Alex and his sales team induced me into an advertising contract, promising a whole show devoted to OxySilver and 528. They broke their promises," Dr. Horowitz told me.

Then he learned why. Jones had wealthier sponsors in FEMA and Homeland Security pushing competing products. The big boys simply came up with a decoy silver product, based on Horowitz's successes, and fraudulently advertised it through Jones. This confirmed what I suspected about Alex Jones for years--he would sell anyone out for greater fortune and fame.

Barbara Hartwell, wrote about Alex Jones and Ted Gunderson this way:

"Alex Jones has proven himself to be a liar, a bully, a false patriot, a scamster and a shill; not just to me, but to many others who have been targeted for Jones's censorship and intimidation tactics." Alex Jones also continues to endorse both Ted Gunderson and John DeCamp, DESPITE what he KNOWS to be true about them [pertaining to allegations of child trafficking, sex crimes, and ritual murders.]"

Gunderson, White, and The Company's Sex Slave Conspiracy

Details in this report, and earlier ones, evidence a COINTELPRO-like conspiracy between Ted Gunderson, and several media personalities including Greg Szymanski, True Ott, Don Nicoloff, Benjamin Fulford, Alex Jones, Anthony Hilder, and others.

It was my investigation of "True Not," and Szymanski, that triggered Gunderson's "barking dog," Timothy Patrick White to attack me. Fulford circulated Szymanski's forgery involving Dr. Horowitz in Christopher Story's murder. These men worked to boost each other's credibility using their media resources including the Internet. They work together to gang up on The Company's, especially the Bush family's, perceived enemies.

Hartwell first exposed White as Gunderson's accomplice. White, a terrorist that persecuted us and others, is best known for having circulated photos of Johnny Gosch in the former Nebraska Senator John DeCamp-heralded "Franklin Cover-up." This is a sex slavery conspiracy that reportedly implicates members of Congress and past presidents. DeCamp, like Gunderson, says the FBI is neglecting and accomplicing the cover-up, but fails to charge Aquino and the Church of Satan.

I previously reported that children are selected for kidnapping and sex slavery from school yearbooks with the CIA/FBI's involvement. A virtual menu of The Company's targets to be kidnapped, raped, and tortured into submission as sex slaves for political big-wigs, is made available through the "LifeTouch Company," based in Minneapolis, MN. LifeTouch is co-owned by JC Penny and Target stores. The latter serves the FBI's forensic labs. These labs are activated when evidence in child abductions is sought, or murder victims are found. According to company press releases, Target store "volunteers" help the FBI track missing children registered by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. This organization, like Gunderson, supposedly serves to help locate the kidnapped children, and helps serve justice upon their psychotic abusers. Alternatively, Gunderson, and the NCMEC, provide cover for the entire FBI-censored Satanic operation.

After doing more digging, I learned that was the pedophilia site where Johnny Gosch's photo's first appeared. The photos that Noreen Gosch, Johnny's mom, received on her doorstep, were taken from this site. At first glance, the site appears to be registered anonymously. But further searches led me to this Wiki site:, which is a sex site for pedophiles, registered to a Marjorie Pacaud of France. Her site is networked to two U.S. military-persons' websites, indicating the pedophiles served militarily, and are networked globally, probably under the direction of Col. Michael Aquino. (See: and The NukeMods website is registered to John Devereax of Chanhassen, MN, near Minneapolis and LifeTouch's headquarters.

Suspiciously, Rep. Erik Paulson, who looks like a young Ted Gunderson, represents Chanhassen. He is allied with neighboring Congresswoman Michele Bachman at the center of national gay rights debate. Bachman-generated controversy for lumping pedophiles and gay people together in legislative discussions. She ignorantly or intentionally views pedophilia as a sexual preference, like homosexuality, rather than a severe and dangerously twisted, psychiatric disorder.

Equally interesting, George W. Bush became the first sitting U.S. president to visit Chanhassen, apparently thanks to some persuasion by Paulson. Johnny Gosch's mom saw Johnny on television two years after he went missing, standing behind George Bush, Sr.

This Johnny Gosch story, implicating Gunderson, White, Aquino, and the Bushes, fits another investigator's alerts about Gunderson Infiltrating whistleblowers when they become a threat to "The Bush Crime Family." The anonymous analyst claimed Gunderson's group attempts to either discredit, incarcerate, or assassinate Bush family targets. Several key witnesses have been suspected of being murdered right after exposing Gunderson, who has served on assassination teams for the Bushes. Consistent with these allegations, the conspiracy to libel and discredit Dr. Horowitz began soon after he and I reported on the Bush Crime Syndicate, including Dick Cheney with ties to Enron and Halliburton, being behind the Transocean/BP Gulf Oil rig demolition--a story picked up by Jesse Ventura and TruTV featured on "Conspiracy Theory."

According to another thorough investigation, and detailed report by an anonymous citizen, Michael Aquino is believed involved in the abduction of Johnny Gosch, and he reportedly paid $35,000 for the rights to the child as property. So if this intelligence is accurate, former president Bush's sex slave, through Aquino, implicates the Bushes in the Temple of Set administered child abduction racket.

But despite Aquino's long history of pedophilia, and ties to: Johnny Gosch, military psyops programs, partnership with Anton LaVey, leadership of the Church of Satan/Temple of Set, controlled COINTELPRO-like media exposures co-starring Ted Gunderson (reported by Hartwell to have married LaVey's widow), now implicating the Bush Crime Family, good-ole boy "Ted" has never once said anything contrary to, or about, Michael Aquino. Gunderson has never once accused Aquino of anything, pedophilia included. This is a glaring indictment, given Gunderson's heralded leadership of activists allied to stop children from disappearing annually by the hundreds of thousands. Especially since . . . .

Gunderson's neglect in charging Aquino is ironic and self-incriminating given what his attorney argued in his defense against a lawsuit brought by radio celebrity, Art Bell. The host of Coast-to-CoastAM sued Gunderson for falsely broadcasting that Bell was a child molester. In defense, Gunderson's attorney argued, "As a citizen, I don't have to give any evidence that any person is a pedophile, to suggest that he or she is. I can slander him or her as long as I want, wherever I want, as often as I want. After all, I'm covered: the remotest chance that I could be guessing correctly is proof enough."

So, incriminating Gunderson most is his neglect of exposing Aquino in any media or court action! This accents Gunderson's lame leadership of the activist movement to help stop a half-million children disappearing annually through, reportedly, Aquino's Satanic network. It indicts Gunderson's COINTELPRO agency that, ultimately, operates on behalf of the Illuminati through the Bush Crime Family.

Gunderson still holds that John DeCamp is his "hero." DeCamp believes that Henry Kissinger is a "good guy," despite the fact that Nelson Rockefeller's protege, Kissinger, is widely viewed as one of the most evil people on Earth. And it was Dr. Horowitz's national best-seller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?, that exposed Kissinger's administration of America's nuclear weapons deployment, population control programs targeting minority people using biological weapons including HIV/AIDS, and leadership of vaccination-linked genocides by the Merck pharmaceutical company.

Gunderson openly defends his friendship with DeCamp, and COINTELPRO operations with Timothy Patrick White, who, besides attempting to intimidate me with threats, slurs, and manufactured evidence to shut me up, issued this artwork against Hartwell revealing his, and Gunderson's character.

It is said that Gunderson is now dying of cancer. If that is true, he will soon have a lot of explaining to do before God.

This poster was published on the Internet. It was prepared by Timothy Patrick White to intimidate and discredit Barbara Hartwell. It evidences White's twisted sexually-perverse mentality, operating on-behalf of Ted Gunderson and the FBI/CIA COINTELPRO operations they are running.

Busting A Gunderson/Hilder Sting Against Dr. Horowitz

When The Company began to attack me for simply trying to find out who sourced the forged Knights of Malta list that included Dr Horowitz's name adjacent J. Edgar Hoover's and Henry Kissinger's, Timothy Patrick White and True Ott engaged Gunderson.

"I've always given Ted a big hug whenever I've seen him at meetings." Dr. Horowitz said. "I just assumed he was doing good work. I had no idea he was involved in this double-agency,"

He was also surprised when I informed him that Anthony Hilder was working with Gunderson on a "chemtrail film" and website. Dr. Horowitz had published Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare in 2001, three months prior to 9/11, with a chapter dedicated to chemtrails. Hilder had interviewed the doctor several times on the subject, the last time in June, 2010, at Brian Hall's Conspiracy Conference. So Hilder already had lots of film on Horowitz on this topic when he approached me to secure another interview with the doctor. I immediately became concerned that Hilder had ulterior motives.

"What is Gunderson doing promoting a website and film on chemtrails with all the work needed to expose Satanic cults and child trafficking?" Dr. Horowitz questioned. "That is Ted's specialty field as an ex-FBI agent. He's not a doctor, toxicologist, or environmental scientist with chemtrail expertise."

Hilder arrived unscheduled to interview Dr. Horowitz in the last few minutes of the Conscious Life Expo. The doctor was already pressed to keep other interview appointments. So I confronted Hilder about his intentions and work with Gunderson.

At first he tried to lie about his "close ties" with Gunderson. But after I pressed him on the Church of Satan connection to Gunderson, and I sufficiently embarrassed him in front of several witnesses, he pulled out his cell phone and called Ted Gunderson on the spot.

Hilder slyly retreated from me when "Ted" answered, but I caught up to him and heard Hilder say to Gunderson, about Horowitz, "He's not goin' for it."

So I ran to retrieve Dr. Horowitz who had already started his next interview, to tell him that Gunderson was on the phone. I knew the doctor had tried to outreach to Gunderson on several occasions to gain some explanation as to why Gunderson's collaborators were trying to discredit, frame, and assassinate the doctor, and why they were attempting to terrorize and discredit me.

Dr. Horowitz ran up to Hilder saying, "I want to talk to Ted. Give me the phone."

But Hilder refused, saying that Gunderson refused the dialogue. Allegedly, Hilder claimed, Gunderson said Horowitz and I were "in the enemy camp." What a predictable and transparent excuse, I thought, with members of the press there to record the discussion in front of witnesses. Then Hilder said, "Gunderson hung up."

Hilder then made up a story about how he was introduced to Gunderson by his (Hilder's) mother, and that he never really trusted Gunderson. Embarrassed and distressed by my constant pressure, he forgot what he previously told me, and said he went to Gunderson's house all the time, and visited him in the hospital.

Gunderson, according to my research, is Hilder's and White's boss in The Company, and I told him that. That embarrassed Hilder even more. His face turned very red. Then he tried to persuade me that he was a good guy for producing a movie he made about babies being sacrificed in a Satanic ceremony with the lead testimony provided by Gunderson.

I told Hilder his words were more incriminating, since Gunderson's reputation on the Internet includes child molestation and controlled- opposition for the FBI's child trafficking network headed by Aquino.

I also served Hilder by telling him that the reason he was such a dark character, and that his life revolved around evil, was because of "self-loathing." To prove it, I challenged him on his Jewish identity. I told him that many people refer to him as "Anthony Hitler." At first he denied having anything to do with being Jewish. He denied being Jewish like it was a plague. In spite of his denials, I persisted, and then he said he had a Jewish uncle. So he is partly, if not entirely, Jewish. I told him that a person who is completely or partly Jewish, and sees that as shameful, is a self-loather.

I told Hilder that he is a lot like Henry Kissinger, and many others that have a Jewish heritage, but support racism or anti-Semitism. They project their self-hate and embarrassment on to others of their own kind. That is why Hoover, a gay FBI director, persecuted homosexuals. That is why Hitler, who was short, dark, and part Jewish, accepted persecuting Jews and promoting "perfect" Aryans (tall blonde people), because that is an outcome of the tragic psychopathology of self-loathing. These sick people end up justifying genocide and serving evil for a living. This, more than anything, gives the Illuminati what they need to divide and conquer We The People.

I asked Dr. Horowitz what he prescribed for this illness, and for The Company's COINTELPRO. He replied, "LOVE, faithful prayer, and bravery in taking truth to the streets, like the people of Egypt demonstrated.

"We need a 528LOVERevolution and a new government independent of Goldman Sachs, and JP Morgan Chase influence. The Illuminati must be ousted from the White House, the Congress, and the Justice Department, and their Church of Satan discharged from our CIA and FBI. Only then will COINTELPRO cease and desist, and the psychosocial sickness that divides We The People, and sustains the genocide against us, shall end."