by Occupy Riverside
Wednesday, Feb. 08, 2012 at 12:53 AM 951-888-0355
This resolution was adopted by the Inland Empire General Strike Committee on January 27, 2012, and was amended on February 6, 2012. It was subsequently adopted by Occupy Redlands. We encourage all other local occupys, as well as all labor unions, student groups, community organizations, congregations, homeowner associations, and any other free associations to adopt this resolution and find other ways to support this action.
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Resolution in Support of Non-Union Warehouse Workers at Walmart Contractor Schneider Logistics
Adopted January 27, 2012; amended February 6, 2012
WHEREAS Walmart is the largest corporation in the world, earning billions in profits from the sweat of workers worldwide, and
WHEREAS Walmart is one of the primary anti-union forces in the country and the world, and
WHEREAS Walmart makes use of its immense economic power to enact anti-worker legislation through networks such as the American Legislative Exchange Council, and
WHEREAS Walmart sets the ever-declining industry standard for treatment of workers, and
WHEREAS Walmart makes use of contractors, subcontractors, and temporary employment agencies to avoid its responsibility to uphold its own standards of ethics, and
WHEREAS Walmart refuses to adopt a responsible contractor policy that would benefit workers at the Schneider warehouse at 4100 Hamner Ave in Mira Loma, California, where workers for the temporary employment agency Rogers-Premier have had to wage claims and have suffered retaliation, and
WHEREAS the disempowerment of workers is an affront to the human dignity that is the cornerstone of all faiths,
In coordination with a 38-city national day of non-violent action directed at the corporations comprising ALEC, the General Assembly of Occupy Riverside calls for a legal, one-day community picket line in support of the just struggle of the warehouse workers. We ask all unions doing business with the Schneider facility on February 29, 2012, and all non-union workers as they are able, to respect the picket line by not crossing it. We request that all union locals and central labor councils endorse the picket line and support the effort as they are able, by encouraging rank-and-file participation in the picket, through in-kind contributions of materials such as water, food, banners, sound system, etc. for the workers and participating community members. We also encourage community groups and faith based groups to similarly join and support as they are best able.
Please write to to inform us if your organization adopts this resolution or is able to support this effort in any other way.