I was almost run over by a kamakazi pig as I was walking across the street. When I flipped the asshole off he came back and waved his badge at me like he was going to arrest me!
I was walking north on the west side of Alma School. When I got to University I was going to turn and go east because the light just turned green which would allow me to cross Alma School legally.
Some asshole in a small red or orangeish sports was going east on University and made a right turn to go south on Alma School. It may have been a corvette, or perhaps some other small sports car.
The jerk almost ran me over and was driving like a manic.
I flipped the dude off. He was a real asshole and deserved to be flipped off.
The creep then hung a u turn and came back to me.
By then I was half way across Alma School Road.
Turns out the creep was a pig! You know a cop, the kind of pig that gives animals a bad name.
This piggy was in his car waving his badge at me like he was going to arrest me.
I could only see him thru his car windows, but he looked like a pudgy fat guy, kinda like Powell Gammil.
Jesus the asshole pig is committing the crime of reckless driving and when I flip him off he treats me like a criminal.
I figure this crooked cop was going to arrest me for flipping him off.
Instead of going south on Alma School, the direction he was going when he almost ran me over the pig continued to go north.
I suspect the pig went up to 8th Street and hung a right there to get back to where he was going.
I wonder was this guy a Mesa police officer who was going to work?
Perhaps I should file a complaint about this and see if I can find his car in the Mesa Police parking lot.
I always say that pigs have a serious attitude problem which can be summarized with this police quote:
I got a gun and a badge, which means I can do any f*cking thing I want.Ain't it great the the pigs are protecting us from something. Or I should say pretending to protect us from something.If you don't like it mother fucker, I'll smash your face into the ground and arrest you asshole.