In His Own Words: [KPFK] Candidate Chris Bayard Condon

by repost Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010 at 8:43 AM

the new Pacifica??? Copied this from

The following emails, which appeared on the New Pacifica Yahoo group, says much about their author, KPFK listener candidate Christopher Bayard Condon. They're posted here in the interest of informing and educating the electorate.  Condon is responding to a blog by Doug Henwood, host of “Behind the News” at KPFA in Berkeley. He is not running with a slate, but as of this writing, he remains a committee member of one of them, the Committee To Save KPFK. We've highlighted those ideas that we find troubling, but we ask that you judge for yourself.
Photo by NoHoDamon.

Subject: [Fwd: Doug Henwood: the state of WBAI]
Posted by: "bayardcondon" bayardcondon
Date: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:49 am ((PDT))

Gentle Pacificans,

There are two types of people in the world; those who take responsibility and those who blame others. Now I have been a fan of Doug Henwood's since I lived in NYC and listened to the then much better WBAI, so this is not a personal attack although I can predict that he will take it as such and respond with a personal attack. He knows a great deal about the economy and wall street, pre-911, but he knows nothing about the 911 attack, planning, execution, and cover-up; and knows even less about natural medicine.

Part of the reason he knows nothing about these things is that he, and for that matter the entire left gatekeeper leadership, Jews and Gentiles alike, have swallowed from the beginning the pre-scripted propaganda fabrication of the fictitious al-quaida and Osama bin forgotten conspiracy theory - advanced by the most powerful propaganda apparatus in world history. Not only that, but he cannot even see this apparatus and grip on the intellectual jugular of the left for having become part of it, any more than fish can see the water they swim in.

Now they can't, aren't big enough, to acknowlege being wrong from the beginning, played a role themselves in advancing the propaganda fabrication, and failed to educate themselves in the now conclusive body of evidence that points to, well, other parties as the perps of the 911 attack summed up in the assertion that "911 was an inside job."

Flowing from this intellectual collapse is a failure to understand all its consequences; the purpose and meaning of Guantanamo, the preplanned attack on Afganistan, the pre-scripted Patriot Act, the plan for permanent occupation and control of central Asia, the control of the global drug trade, and, dear Doug Henwood, the control of the global financial system. In short, a failure to understand anything else and a retreat into the comfort of the collective delusional hallucination into which our media has invited us to live, permanently, for the rest of our lives. No thank you.

All this, and much more, was the objective of coup d'etat which we suffered on September 11, 2001. We, and our stepinfetchit President, are now governed by those who planned, executed, and covered-up the greatest crime in American History. Henwood, most of the so called Pacifica public affairs programmers, most specifically including Amy Goodman, cannot, will not, wrap their tender little brains around the magnitude of their intellectual failure. Nor do they have the capacity to look directly into the heart of darkness, describe what they see, and give challenge to absolute evil.

Thats why we can't attract and keep listeners, because we are politically, intellectually, and morally irrelevant.

Whilst I agree that the Kevin Trudeau premium is not very Pacifica (havn't heard it, don't intend to) its just flailing about trying new things. Didn't work. WBAI and KPFK both have had failed fund drives, 55% fulfullment here in LA I hear.

Gary Null, on the other hand, has always been a fountain of valuable information and products which have made enormous contribution to Pacifica finances and our understanding of natural medicine over the decades. Those who attacked him and drove him from Pacifica have a lot to answer for. And they parade their ignorance like it some species of Boy Scout merit badge. "I don't know about it, therefore it must be false," is not a credible argument.

Yeah, we'd do just as good with Ginsu knives, and a most excellent knife sharpener I know about, slap a Pacifica decal on them and we're in business. In the alternative, we should return to tried and proven premiums, 911 material, which for years provided one third or more of our network's income, filling the gap created by Amy Goodman, Doug Henwood, and the rest.

Finally, WBAI, KPFK, and Pacifica had better learn to live on lots less money - and fast. Between our insane and very expensive governance structure, giving Amy Goodman $700,000 per year, and giving key 911 perpetrator, our landlord, Larry Silverstein, some obscene amount every month, we have not a prayer. Now that we are governed by a geriatric feminist, chosen by one vote thanks to STV voting, over a very qualified white man (an apparent disqualification) we have squandered our last chance at getting our collective act together.

Good luck to you all, you'll need it.

Bayard Condon

Subject: Re: [Fwd: Doug Henwood: the state of WBAI]
Posted by: "bayardcondon" bayardcondon
Date: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:58 am ((PDT))

Yes, Matt, that is correct. Most, but not all, smart people who have studied and analyzed the evidence see no other alternative but to conclude that the Mossad played a key sub-contractor role is several key areas of the 911 attack, including the planning, execution and cover up. Most Jews cannot accept this, or are silent about it. ...

Subject: Re: [Fwd: Doug Henwood: the state of WBAI]
Posted by: "bayardcondon" bayardcondon
Date: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:42 pm ((PDT))


You are absolutely correct, I have never in my life encountered so much racism as I have since I got involved in Pacifica. It is thinking at the lowest possible level of consciousness, and it is really starting to piss me off. As I do not do PC thinking or speaking, and prefer the vocabulary of a drunken sailor to Pacifia-speak, be forewarned.

Here we see it most visibly in the hiring process where every decision, and nearly every person making them, is motivated by race and gender issues. Oh, we fired a black man at WBAI, so we have to make his replacement black. Oh, says KPFK delegate to the PNB Ricco Ross, (sorry Ricco) we have three ED finalists and they are all white men, that won't do. So they brought back someone who had been dropped as unqualified in an earlier round, the previously referred to geriatric feminist, and thanks to STV voting is now our ED. Her first executive act was to completely stuff up the LSB elections at all stations by selecting a NES whose qualifications, well, mirrored her own. Thanks loads, Ricco. Next, she will select the GMs of most of our stations with the same standards of judgement and intellectual rigor.

So whadda we got. Governance and Management where nobody is qualified for anything. Seriously, through my eyes, there is nobody competent here at all. I actually considered applying for ED, as I know what must be done and how to do it, but did not because I would not subject myself to a process where my race and gender (not to mention politics) were marks against me, proof being what we have just seen.

Now why did it take a carload of crackers from our Texas station to come to NYC to paint and clean the carpets. Something that our previous management could not do, they did not even notice the filth that had accumulated around them so degraded was their personal consciousness. I was told about the carpet cleaning, still containing the dust from the exploded World Trade Towers, and upon cleaning gallon after gallon of blackness was removed leaving cleanliness, again, next to godliness. Or, a clean slate to muck up again.

I think the antithesis of Lew Hill's dream is for his network to have become part of the apparatus of state propaganda advancing every day in one way or another (I don't beleive in conspiracy theories, I hear from somebody every day on air at KPFK), a subtle form of mind control designed just for us on the left. We're so special.

That's what I am doing here is calling this out, shining the light on it so it can be seen. For those with eyes.

Matt thinks that's anti-semetic, Chris thinks its racist. Can it really be? Two - two - two mints in one?

Bayard Condon

Subject: Re: Fw: the state of WBAI
Posted by: "bayardcondon" bayardcondon
Date: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:45 am ((PDT))

Gentle Pacificans,

I would like to withdraw my earlier comments about there being nobody competent in governance or management, it was exaggeration to make a point and not literally accurate.

Joe Wanzala is one such competent individual, LaVerne Williams is another, Summer Reece is another, Grace Aaron is another, and Tony Bates is working real hard at it, mistakes and all, and there are others as I come to reflect on it. Not only have they demonstrated competence over an extended period of time, but a high degree of personal integrity which amplifies the former.

But they are all swimming upstream against a current of buffoons, poseurs, poppinjays, place holders, and mountebanks put in place by our vaunted democracy.

If only we had the good sense to recruit our top management from inside, from those who have demonstrated a track record of intellegence and performance, like we did for one year with Grace Aaron (as much as I disagree with her politics). Our hiring policies insist on outside recruitment, then deny our own board the ability to choose the candidate. STV voting was never intended for the micro level of a board; and our use of this for elections merely permits the process to be to be corruted by an organized minority (read JUC and allies) and permits the selection of a candidate not supported by the majority, as just happened by one vote. Oh, this is secret exec session stuff, too bad.

In every instance I know of, the hiring process imposed by our bylaws has produced the most unsuitable candidate imaginable, after taking one year or more to do so. Show me an exception. Since the recent refusal by the KPFA LSB, and our new glorious leader of an ED, to follow the bylaws on the recall election, firing the recall elections supervisor Sanchez (another competent individual); and the WPFW LSB refusal to acknowlege the PNB as a governing body, has demonstrated that the bylaws are merely voluntary, or for "other people," we need to stop being governed by them, period. Our PNB should have the ability to decide on a candidate they agree on, probably a PNB member, offer them the job and get on with it. In one meeting.

So we need to find a way to draft Joe Wanzala as Executive Director, quickly, and reverse the irresponsible and reckless selection of an ED whose only qualifications, it appears, was to host a third rate feminist radio program on some fouth rate local station in Florida; a program whose primary claim to fame was that she never had a man on as a guest. And, she's seventy or eighty years old at least, apparently nobody knows, without any leadership qualities at all. At least Grace Aaron wore her white hair proudly.

Let Joe Wanzala not be tarnished by my sarcastic wit, he has no knowlege of this message and we have not talked in some time; but he has demonstrated the judgement, character and leadership qualities that we need to have here right now.

And, judging from his ebony complexion, he ain't no white cracker either, a plus around here. But, I have been told in confidence, he is the wrong kind of black person. Oh... Being Irish, and only recently white, how could I ever understand this.

Will we do this? Of course not, the bylaws won't allow it. Can we amend the bylaws, of course not, the bylaws won't allow it. Can we save this network from collapse, probably not, the bylaws won't allow it.

Recall the ED, draft Joe Wanzala.

Or die, along with the rest of the progressive left, and the Republic for which it stands, a death of a thousand cuts.

Bayard Condon