by Checkpoint response
Friday, Jun. 04, 2010 at 10:19 PM
Raza, una cosa que pueden hacer para enterarse de los retenes es leer a diario su periódico local, sobre todo si tiene la posibilidad de leer el diario publicado en inglés, ya que muchas veces las agencias del llamado "orden público" sólo avisan a ellos, y muchas veces ni siquiera les avisa a ellos. Otra táctica es buscar en los sitios de internet de sus departamentos locales de policía al igual que los sitios del alguacil de su condado. Muchas veces tienen una página dedicada a boletines de prensa, o a veces se anuncian en la parte de "asuntos públicos." Lamentablemente, éstos también suelen proporcionar información únicamente en inglés.
Fellow workers, one thing you can do to find out about the checkpoints is to read your local paper daily, especially if you can read the one published in English, since often law enforcement agencies only make advisories to English-language press, and often not even them. Another tactic is to check the websites of your local police departments and county sheriff. Often they will have a page just for press releases, or sometimes they are listed under "public affairs." Unfortunately, these sites also tend to provide information only in English.

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Viernes / Friday (4/jun)
COACHELLA (CA) - "The Coachella Police Department will be conducting a DUI/Drivers License checkpoint on Friday, 06/4/10, between the hours of 7:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M." (
LANCASTER (CA) - "Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Risk Management Bureau will be conducting a DUI/DL Checkpoint on Friday, June 04, 2010 from 6 PM until approximately 2 AM." (!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hLAwMDd3-nYCN3M19LA0_nEDPvMJMAQ39jA_2CbEdFAFVdgp4!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/lasd+content/lasd+site/home/news+room/news+crime+information/10-dui-lancaster-06-04-10)
LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP (OH) - "police departments will conduct a sobriety checkpoint Friday from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on state Route 21 southbound and northbound between the Stark-Wayne county line, and Marshallville Road within Lawrence Township." (
REDLANDS (CA) - "The Redlands roadblock is set for 10:30 p.m. Friday until 3 a.m. Saturday in the southbound lane of Ford Street just south of South Avenue." (
SACRAMENTO (CA) - "Sacramento Police Department officers will conduct a DUI/driver's license checkpoint on Friday in the north area of the city." (
SAN BERNARDINO (CA) - "The San Bernardino checkpoint is scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday until 2 p.m. Saturday near Lynwood and Del Rosa avenues." (
VISTA (CA) - "Vista Station will be conducting a DUI/Drivers License checkpoint on the evening of June 4, 2010, at an undisclosed location in the City of Vista." (
Sábado / Saturday (5/jun)
DARIEN (CT) - "the Darien police will hold the town’s first sobriety checkpoint this Saturday night, June 5, starting around 11. The checkpoint will continue into the early morning hours of June 6." (
LAKE ELSINORE (CA) - "Lake Elsinore Police Department announced today they will be holding a DUI/Driver’s License checkpoint on Saturday, June 5th, at an undisclosed location within the city." (
MENIFEE (CA) - "Between 6 p.m. Saturday and 2 a.m. Sunday, officers with the Menifee Police Department will patrol undisclosed locations within the city limits." (