by removed
Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2010 at 2:19 PM
removed at request of the author

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L.A. Anti-Nazi Demonstration Drowned Out NSM's "Reclaim the Southwest" Campaign
Photos were taken on April 17, 2010 in Los Angeles during an anti-Nazi demonstration, a counter-protest to the neo-Nazi’s rally, which brought together a largely diverse and boisterous crowd of over 500. The neo-Nazi’s organized under the name of “National Socialist Movement” and received a permit from Los Angeles officials to hold their rally at City Hall to commemorate Adolf Hitler's birthday and to pursue their "Reclaim the Southwest" campaign. While a full PA system was set up for the neo-Nazi’s, the voices of the anti-Nazi demonstrators, who stood on the other side of yellow tape and police barricades, overpowered their speakers and drowned out their rally. Although they planned for 150-strong, only about 30 neo-Nazi’s turned out for their event. Shortly after an hour, the neo-Nazi’s concluded their event and were hastily escorted back to their cars by the police as people showered them with rocks, bottles, and eggs.