by Robert Stuart Lowden
Saturday, Apr. 17, 2010 at 1:13 PM
On Deadline Day, A potpourri Of West L.A. Tax Revolters Railed Against Massive Deficits and the Cost of Social Welfare Programs as Possible Candidates Rally For November Elections / Photo Set 1 of 2

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April 15th saw a mixed group of "Tea Party" activists, protesters and political hopefuls stage a small but visible protest outside of California Senator Diane Feinstein's Los Angeles Offices.
It was one of many held throughout the southland on the American tax deadline date in response to the Obama administrations policies concerning healthcare, immigration and the growing federal deficit.
The protest was composed of libertarians, evangelicals, catholics, republicans, a percentage of democrats, LBGT republicans, Jewish, atheist, immigrant, wealthy and middle class conservatives.. This reporter spoke to at least a fourth of the crowd and found it to be surprisingly diverse and somewhat representative of the west side.
Generally the crowd was friendly with only a few openly hostile personalities. A warning went up at the beginning of the protest to be aware of left wing photographers that were simply there to take embarrassing shots of the participants. Of course that would seem to make this dreadlocked photographer who reports for IndyMedia an immediate center of attention, but happily that was not the case. The crowd was friendly and orderly.
The police presence was almost nonexistent ( one LAPD car was dispatched to cover the action ). This did seem rather disconcerting due to the presence of armed protesters at previous rallies around the US. and the recent threats that have been aimed at members of Congress following the passage of the health care bill. Also 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. is a heavy traffic area ( the protest was from 5:30 to 7:30... rush hour ) and the LAPD always has multiple units dispatched to protests for traffic / pedestrian safety issues alone. Yet there was only one unit for this protest.
The major media outlets were not in evidence either.
There were two political hopefuls working the crowd of perhaps 60 to 100 people, both republicans. Terry Rathbun is running for the State Assembly for the 41st district. and Ari David from the 30th district is running for Rep.Henry Waxman's seat.
Most of the crowd that I spoke to seemed to be of the entrepreneurial class and felt that they were losing control of their financial destinies. The complaints ran from President Obama being a Socialist antichrist to a few reasonable professional accountants who are deeply alarmed about a possible new state of "Stagflation", a jobless recovery, the national deficit, the cost of healthcare reform, and the untouchable bonus culture of Wall Street Bankers.
Quite a few of the activists were small business people who said that they felt crushed by regulations and taxation.
More than one person cited Ayn Rand.
For all of the suffering being cited the crowd was cheerful and friendly.