March 4th: Santa Barbara and UCSB stormed by large student-worker movement

by UCSB Campus Left Sunday, Mar. 07, 2010 at 4:01 PM

The growing student-worker movement in Santa Barbara and Goleta flexes its muscle.

March 4th: Santa Bar...
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Between 4 and 6pm of this last thursday, over one thousand people marched in downtown Santa Barbara. Prior to the large march taking place, a group of 250 students without permits marched to the beach shutting down Santa Barbara's state street.

Prior to the gathering downtown, at least 500 students gathered at the UCSB campus. Half a dozen speakers, from students orgs and unions, spoke. Megan White, vice president of UCSB Campus Left, gave a speech. Filipino activist Walden Bello,n on the UCSB campus that day, gave a rousing speech. Student activists also stormed into 2 different large theater halls and called for students to walk out of those classes that were stilling being held.

Here are flickr photos from one grad student at the protest:

Articles on the protest in local papers:

UCSB Daily Nexus: Students Manifest Dissent During Rally

The Daily Sound: Locals take to streets in protest of education cuts

SB Independent: Protesting the Plight of Public Education:
Hundreds of Students, Parents, Teachers March on Downtown and UCSB