LOS ANGELES, UCLA CAMPUS – March 4, 2010 – 1:00 pm PST - At least 200 Students marched into Murphy Hall in an attempt to deliver to UCLA chancellor Gene Block a list of demands. Instead they were greeted by UCPD offices who prevented access into the chancellor’s office. Undaunted, the Students then read their demands via megaphone outside in hopes that those inside would hear them. Still with no response the Students declared a sit-in until the chancellor would come to meet with them. Uploaded is video from the action.
The sit-in would last for the next 5 hours with no response or statement from chancellor Block. The only response from the office was from a vice chancellor who stated that there would be no statement or meeting.
Around 5:30 pm police blocked all doors to the building and were only allowing people to exit the building. It is believed that UCPD blocked the entrances to Murphy Hall to keep more supporters from joining the sit-in. Even staff and building workers are said to have had difficultly with police when trying to get to their jobs.
The sit-in ended without incident round 6:15 pm when the Students elected to join the crowd of supporters outside the building for a mass march on the campus. Many students stated that they were prepared and willing to engage in civil disobedience should in come to that. But when news came that the chancellor was not even in town, the students by consensus decided to join supporters outside and take part in the campus wide march in progress.