It's Not About Health Care at All

by Fred Snider Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010 at 9:30 AM

There has to be more behind the proposal than simply taking care of Americans.

The "health care" bill that Obama keeps trying to push on the American public, is not truly about health at all. It is a criminal scheme that was concocted by the phony "union", SEIU, to steal billions from our citizens.

That is why he cannot just allow it to fail, no matter how unpopular it is with everybody who is not in on the con.

I personally believe that many who are taking stands against it, are secretly in on it, just to put up a facade.

I have had personal experience with their L.A. local, 434b, as evidenced by my other reports here, & this is just a National version of the fraud. Local politicians have been pretending to oppose them, but never stopping them from getting what they want.

I possess evidence & witness testimonies of their crimes, but cannot get any law enforcement agencies to do anything about them, nor any media source to report about it.

Media showmen, like Glenn Beck of Fox News, do present evidence, but no action is actually being taken to remedy the travesties. Like Rush Limbaugh, they present it in a goofy manner, but I've seen very serious reporters, such as Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes, do believable segments on such issues, with the same little or no noticable results.

Alex Jones runs websites about InfoWars, where he & others post many similar items, but with much the same results.

If people are often caught lying, then honest & concerned people have got to stop believing that anything that they say is ever true.