by A
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM
LOS ANGELES, Monday January 25, 2010 – Yesterday’s 2nd annual Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair was a huge success. Hundreds, at least 500+, gathered in the beautiful setting that is Barnsdale Park. The weather, the view and most of all the wonderful people all combined for a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon. Many had traveled from out of state (Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico to name a few) to come to the fair.

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More than a book fair the event included workshops, film screenings, bike repair, yoga, vegan cooking demonstrations, native plant gardening and much more. There were so many workshops and tables that is was impossible to see it all.
This reporter attended the Indigenous Resistance Panel comprised of a group that had traveled from Flagstaff, Arizona. It was inspiring to hear stories from this panel of the continuing resistance to a foreign occupation that is now over 500 years long. (audio from this panel to follow in separate post). The panel discussion touched on many issues including: the border wall, relations between the indigenous people’s right movement and the struggle for immigrants rights, the concept of settler privilege, and methods of resistance.
Uploaded are some photos from the fair. See you next year.